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<br />DECREE
<br />In the Matter of the Estate )
<br />of DECREE
<br />Flora Roeder, Deceased.
<br />Now on this 5th day of March, 1935., this matter came on to be heard upon the pleadings and the
<br />evidence and was submitted to the court, on consideration whereof the court finds that due and 1
<br />notice of this proceedings has been given to all persons interested in said matter both creditor
<br />and heirs as required by law. That all of the statements and allegations set forth in said peti
<br />are true; that the said Theresa Roeder is the owner -of the real estate described in said petitio
<br />that she acquired title to the same by deed from - -Clyde A.Roeder, who is one of the heirs at law
<br />the above mentioned Flora Roeder, deceased. That said Clyde A.Roeder acquired title to said pre
<br />ises through various deeds of transfer from his father George Roeder, Widower of the above men-
<br />tioned Flora Roeder, deceased, and his sister LenoreL.Roeder; that the said George Roeder, Clyde
<br />A.Roeder and Lenore L.Roeder were the sole and only heirs at law of the said Flora Roeder,deoeas
<br />That the said Flora Roeder died intestate in Hall County, Nebraska on November 19th,19o3, seized
<br />and possessed at the time of her death of the following described real estate, to -wit; Lot No. 6
<br />in Block 61, in Original Town, Now City of Grand Island,Nebrask a• That no application has been
<br />made in the -State of Nebraska for the appointment of an administrator of the estate of said de-
<br />ceased. That the said Flora Roeder left as her sole and only heirs at law, George Rpeder, her
<br />husband, now deceased; Clyde A.Rceder, of Omaha, Nebraska, and Lenore L.Roeder of Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska at the time of her mother's death, more recently of Sacremento, California, and now de-
<br />ceased.
<br />It is therefore considered and adjudged by the court that the real estate above described be and
<br />the same hereby is assigned to Theresa Roeder. It is further considered and adjudged by the
<br />that all claims and demands against the estate of deceased, whether due or to become due, wheth
<br />absolute or contingent, be and the same hereby forever barred.
<br />Paul N.Kirk
<br />County Judge.
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) I, Paul N.Kirk, County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, do hereby oert
<br />ss
<br />HALL COUNTY i that I have compared the foregoing copy of Decree entered IN THE MATT
<br />OF THE ESTATE OF FLORA ROEDER, DECEASED, with the original record thereof, now remaining in said
<br />Court, that the same is a correct transcript thereof, and of the whole of such original record;
<br />that said Court is a Court of Record having a seal, which seal is hereto attached; that said Cou
<br />has no Clerk authorized to sign certificates in his own name, and that I am the legal custodian
<br />of said Seal and of the Records of said Court, and that the foregoing attestation is in due form
<br />of law.
<br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court, at
<br />Grand Island, this 5th day of March, 1935.
<br />(SEAL)
<br />Filed for record this 6th day of March, 1935, at 11;15 o'clock A.M.
<br />V\
<br />Paul N. Ki rk
<br />County Judge
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<br />Register o
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