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186 <br />I I I �1 \ I,l I,l I , \ l •\ I I i •\ I . � \•I l •\ I,� <br />:..._' U;AUgV$TINE CO._bt_`i <br />the County Court Room in Hastings on this 3rd day of October A.D. 1933, Present,W.Halsey Bohlke, <br />County Judge: <br />IN THE MATTER __OF THE _ESTATE OF ) <br />William H.Cushng, Deceased. <br />I, W.Halsey Bohlke, County Judge in and for said County, do hereby certify that on this 3rd day o <br />October, A.D. 1933, the instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of the said Willi <br />H.Cushing, deceased, which was filed in this Court on the llth day of September, A.D. 1933, and <br />being the instrument to which this is annexed, was duly proved, approved, probated and allowed, <br />as the last will and testament of the said William H.Cushing, deceased, and for the State of <br />fi Nebraska; and it was ordered to be recorded in the records of the County Court aforesaid. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand, and the Seal of said County,Court, at Hastings <br />this 3rd day of October, A.D. 1933. <br />(Seal) <br />W.HALSEY BOHLKE, County Judge. <br />That said Executrix has filed herein her Final Report of receipts and expenditures showing the <br />amounts received and paid out on account of said estate, which report is found to be true and <br />correct and should be allowed as such. The Court further finds that the item of expenditure <br />in the sum of $500.00 as attorney fee to R.M.Whelan as attorney for said estate is reasonable <br />and should be allowed as such. That the total amount of receipts shown in said report is the <br />sum of $41710.39 and the total expenditures, including balance of court costs and attorney fee <br />is the sum of $7031.25. That the Executrix is entitled to a credit on account of the excess of <br />expenditures over receipts in the sum of $3,220.87. <br />That all claims filed and allowed and expenses have been fully paid and satisfied and that there <br />are at this time no claims unpaid against said estate except fdderal estate tax which has not yet <br />been determined. <br />That the Court duly appointed as Inheritance Tax Appraiser herein on the 19th day of June, 1934, <br />James D.Conway of Hastings, Nebraska. That said James D.Conway has filed his report as Inheritar <br />Tax Appraiser herein showing that said estate is liable for and charged with a State Inheritance <br />Tax and that the court has by order duly entered on the 7th day of July, 1934 fixed the amount of <br />said inheritance tax against said estate of William H.Cushing, deceased in the sum of $990.02 ant <br />that said James D.Conway as appraiser has been allowed for his services as such including expenses <br />paid out by him the sum of $173.00. <br />That said deceased at the time of his death left surviving him as his heirs at law and next of kin <br />the following named persons, to -grit: Stacia A.Cushing, widow, Harry H.Cushing, Edmond Cushing d <br />Leo J.Cushing, sons, all residing in Hastings, Nebraska. That all of said persons are over leg <br />age and past their majority except Leo J.Cushing, who is over nineteen years of age. <br />That said deceased left no other son or daughter nor the child or children of any deceased son <br />or daughter, him surviving, and that the above named persons are the only persons interested in <br />his estate. <br />That said deceased at the time of his death was possessed of the following real estate,to -wit; <br />Lots 11 and 12, in Block 11, Johnson's Addition to Hastings, Nebraska. <br />An undivided 13/ � 0 of the Cushing Grocery Company block being the South 74J feet of Lots One (1) <br />Two(2), Three (3, Four (4),Five (5), of Lyman's Addition to Block Five (55) in Moore's Addition <br />to the original town of Hastings, and sub- division of Lots One (1), Five (5) Six (6),and Seven(7,' <br />in said Block Five (5). <br />An undivided 13/30 of the land in Franklin County, Nebraska, described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the East bank of the Republican River where the Township line running east <br />from the quarter section corner on the north side of Section Three (3), in Township One (1) Nort , <br />Range Thirteen (13) West of the 6th P.M., intersects the said bank, and running thence East Four <br />(4) chains_ and sixty -two (62) links to the fence on the west side of the main road, running scut <br />from river bridge; thence South Thirty -seven (37) chains and Fifty -nine (59) links; thence West <br />along the fence Three (3) chains and thirty -two (32) links; thence North Seven (7) degrees West, <br />Thirty -four (34) chains to the point where the line intersects the South bank of the Republican <br />River; thence along the South bank in a Northeasterly direction to the place of beginning, con- <br />taining 20.08 acres. <br />e <br />