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<br />IThe court finds that notice has been given to all persons interested as to the time allowed and
<br />lace appointed for filing claims against the estate of the said Clarinda Fuller, deceased, that
<br />he time allowed for filing claims has fully expired, and that all claims outstanding against said )
<br />deceased not so filed, if any such exist, are therefore forever barred and excluded; that all cla
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<br />filed and allowed against said estate have been paid and satisfied.
<br />The court finds that the said Clarinda Fuller departed this life on the 26th day of August, 1919,
<br />being at the time of her death a resident of Hall County, Nebraska, and that she died intestate,
<br />leaving surviving her as her heirs at law and her only heirs at law, the following named persons:
<br />Mary C.Denman, Monroe Fuller, Edward F.Fuller and Melvin C.Fuller, her children.
<br />The court finds that the said Clarinda Fuller died seized in fee of an undivided one fourth intere
<br />in following described bn the County Hall State Nebraska, to -wit
<br />the real estate situate of and of
<br />The Northwest quarter (N.#.�) of Section Thirteen (13), in Township Ten (10) in Range Eleven (11),
<br />and that under the law of descent of real estate in the State of Nebraska, all of the right, title
<br />and interest of the said Clarinda Fuller, deceased, in and to said real estate did pass and descen
<br />at her death to the said Mary C.Denman, Monroe Fuller, Edward F.Fuller and Melvin C.Fuller in equal
<br />shares as tenants in common.
<br />It isp therefore, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the interest of Clarinda Fuller in the above
<br />mentioned and described real estate did pass and descend at her death to the said Mary C.Denman,
<br />Monroe Fuller, Edward F.Fuller and Melvin C.Fuller, in equal shares and in absolute title, and the
<br />court awards it to them.
<br />It is further CONSIDERED AND ADJUDGED by the court that the report of the administrator of said
<br />estate be and the same is hereby approved and allowed as and for his final account and he is dis-
<br />charged of his trust and his bond is released.
<br />It is further considered and decreed that all persons are forever barred from filing or setting
<br />up any claims or demands against the estate of Clarinda Fuller, deceased, and that said estate is
<br />settled and closed.
<br />The court finds that the estate of Clarinda Fuller, deceased, is not subject to an inheritance tax
<br />J.H.Mullin
<br />County Judge.
<br />HALL COUNTY ) Is Paul N.Kirk, County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, do hereby certify
<br />that I have compared the foregoing copy of Final Decree entered IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF
<br />CLARINDA FULLER, DECEASED, with the original record thereof, now remaining in said Court, twat
<br />the same is a correct transcript thereof, and of the whole of such original record; that said
<br />Court is a Court of Record having a seal, which seal is hereto attached; that said Court has no
<br />Clerk authorized to sign certificates in his own name, and that I am the legal custodian of said
<br />Seal and of the Records of said Court, and that the foregoing attestation is in due form of law.
<br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court, at
<br />Grand Island, this 11th day of January, 1935.
<br />Paul N. Kirk
<br />(SEAL) County Judge
<br />Filed for,record this 11th day of January, 1935, at 11 :30 o'clock A.M.
<br />Register of Deeds
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