-�il . J«ify .i�. + e t � rl . . . -��jt �xv �- � � � .
<br /> . ) , . / V-f�lF4�}iS/ j 1'>�j � ' i�i�I 1 ���.��F4 . � 'F . �y�t���l �;:_.
<br /> ' /t J(r i,r{ � i ItVI . J . �,�,(L`,..a7.a.� }i
<br /> �1��� .3 i�s - e� � �!- ,f�� ,e uvss i<1 ...,t,�<.} . � . - _. . . . -
<br /> J _1i%fA�itaR�.u�<S.v%.iti.rl.A)AbLAi.�7-T..�hb.aL'C11335fs..).S..�OWiWYXY/�Y!•'.Au'sti.:3..:s.�-.r_ai-:�iuw+l4tWecr:ti�`:.=.'u_. ._.:__._�..._.. .
<br /> t..�41 i,{��� . ��0��747
<br /> _�_'w;:j - �
<br /> _ .J
<br /> -"'�" — ' S. Fi�racd oe FropeNy lnsurmce. Rormwcr shall kccp �hc Improvenxms row cxixiing nn c�rcaRcr crttycd on Ihc
<br />� -_..,,�..:,�
<br /> w.y.
<br /> --°
<br /> "� Propeny ifuured against loss by tirc, hata�ds iMluded wl�hin thc temi 'exicndcd mvcragc' anJ ony nihcr harards, nc u Ing _ __ _
<br /> „>� n�as o�n�ams,for wldch I.cndcr rcquircs Inscmncc.?hls Insurarmm shall be maimainN In ihc amoums and(nr�hu pcdals
<br />�.�>44cii; � that f.ender rcquircs. The Insurance cartier provlding the Insnranee nhall Iw chosen hy Itorroxer whJtci�o I.end:r'i npprovd
<br />'�'�`<L'y.:. whlch shnll not be unrca�onabty withhctd. If Rnrtowu fails�o maimaln corcr�gc dcscrihcA abnrc, t�ndcr may, ai I.cndcr's ��_,w.
<br /> ; ';.:' option,ob�ain coverage io protcct Lendar's dghu tn the Propeny In accoNance al�h paraSraph 7.
<br /> r �%• • Ail Insurance policles and rcnewais shall be accepta6le to Lcnder nnd shall inc�ude a s�andaM mnn�age duusa. l.ender �-;. ----
<br /> , �;�;� shell havc tht right to hotA Ihc ryolicia ar.d rcnonals. If 4endcr rcquimz,Dnrmwcr shail prompdy @irc to tsndcr ull rcccip�s ut "' - �-
<br /> ,t: .��;. paid prcminms and renewal noiias.fn�he even�of Inss,6ormwer shall gtve pmmpi nmice�o�ho insuronce carder and I.ender. �, ,.'
<br /> �t 71}, I.cndcr may makc proof of loss ff not madc pran:pily 6y Dorro«�cr. � ��-_
<br /> >r�� tc�; Unless Ler.der and 6orrowcr othanvlsc osne in writtng,insutantc prncttds shall bc npplicd�u rcsmr:�lian or rcpair uf thc y'' -� '""-
<br /> �a''x3� Ftopeny d.anuged,iFthe rarora�ton nr repair is tconomically ftasiEtt ard Iwr.dci s securi�y is no�Icssened.I(�h.rcstoeetion or �', �„ �
<br /> s,,,��yl tep�fr is not vconomicaliy feasible or Lender's ururity�vadd 0.Iessenecl,the insuranm praceSs shall be appliat ro tCe sunts h� � �
<br /> -.�Si ucurcd by�his Secnrity Instrumem, �vheiher or coe ihen dne, wi�h nny esau paid m l3urrower. If Burron�.r abnndons thc --'�
<br /> ;"����,�. Property, or does no�answer eithin 39 days.co�ice from Ler.Jer�hat the inmrancc canier lua oRcrcd�o se�tle.daim,thcn ��i�, nf;�ti -
<br /> - � .i Lender caay mllat �he insurance proceeds. Ler.der may uic t[x procecdx to repair or re.mre the Prnpeny or to p:�y sums �02-7t
<br /> }' �`"- ucurcd hy�his Secud�y Insuumtm, whe�her or not lhen due.The 30-day p:ri�d will hegin���hen the no�ice is given. }��'tf'(`�"�•-�
<br /> -�'����'�`.
<br /> Unlcss Lend.r and IIorro�cer mhmvise egrtc in wfiing, any applic,r.ion o(pnxceds lo principal shall nm ex�cnd or :{f�h.K_:^=�_
<br /> f �� �`
<br /> �'i> st �e the due d:se of the monehl a meNS refernd to in vra r hs 1 aml 2 or chan c�hc amoum af thc a mems. If ' S;f� '�--
<br /> �f�u� po po. Y P Y P S••P 8 P Y }� . .
<br /> �e'.�. under parngraph 21 �h.Propen� is,i:yulrcd by knder,6ortoxer's righ�to aap insnranm policia and prncecds rcsulting from �C� �z `-
<br /> � ���� damagr tc�tha Pro{+.qg P�m�n ihe acquisi�ion shall pazs to Lender m ihe ex�em of the sums securad by�his Securi�y Insuument -`4'7a,tf � .:
<br /> +;.;i p �� Immedia�cly prior to th:acquisition. ���}t.�
<br /> •_.�'��� 6.Oecupanq,6'�eservation,ilfalntenenman�l Protectlon of Ihe I'rnprnr;IIorro�rer's I.oan Appiicetlon;Leasehol&. j,sr�'{y'�?;��._
<br /> _.. r� [iorro�etr sh�ll acnp�,c��ablish,nr.d usc�he Yio7_�ry as Oormwcr's principa:rcsiJencc wi�hin sixq•Jai:aRer�hc cxcanion of �_���:y�� ;
<br /> �-{}l;!` �hix Scaurity Inx�mmem and:hall mmin::e m onupp the Propcny as Onrro�cer's principnl «sidenm fur at leaq onr prar n(Irr »'2�t`�y A '__
<br /> ,�,s�� the dx�e of aceupancy,i:nlecc l.ender o�hernise zgrees in writing, which consent shall nm 6e unrcamnabiy n�iihhaM. or ualrss ,�<3_�9: . -
<br /> y 4.�� �.�_{ tn:�:
<br /> �`�}j,f� cxtemiaiing circums�anres exis� which arc 6c�oxl itorrowcr's coNrnl. itorrowcr shall nof dcsiroy, damage or impair �hc f _ ,��t� .,
<br /> �r��-ti tf� Propeny, ellow�F.c Property in detcrinntc, or rommit waste un the ProF.rq. Borrowcr xhall bc in d.YaiJ� if nn}� forleitnre .� � �;
<br />,;,��, ri, acllon on fxeedin eAclher civil or criminnl.is be un�hat In Lender's m�!(ailh�ud mem cauld rcsul� in for(eimre n(ihe �''i*:`�a:�-
<br /> �xS4f.� P 8. B S 1 B ul,rT?:itt a .�
<br /> rizyF�.��':y Propny or othencise materially impair�he lien crcated b}•this S;curi�p lnc�runxm or Lender i stturity interes�.➢orrmes may sp ���� �. -_
<br /> . '.n.•�: eurc su:Yi a defaul�nnd reins�aic,n<provided in{aragnph I8,hy canxing the ac�fan nr proceeding m be Aismi�srA�ci�h�niling ����„�f 1 '-
<br /> i�l�t�� tha�, In Lender's g«�d fai�h detrm�ination, predudes fndcimrc nf Ihc Ourmuvr's intcrest in �hc Pro�ny or o�hrr ma�rnxi ,�,t��+'I;�r ;�.
<br /> -..Y;1 , -t' impairtncnt ot�hc licn rrcated 6y�hfs Securiq�Instrununt or LenJcr's xecurity intcres�. Dormwer shall alm be in de(aul� If .'�^ ;1�:� . _-
<br /> i!«'''� Dorroo•er,durin �he loan a Ilcation rocess, ave materiall falxe m inaccnrate infomiatlon or s�atemems tn I.ender(ur fziled x�` � '
<br /> I, � 8 PP P B Y ,,i�sy�i
<br /> ^�t i� to pro�iQe Lender wi�h any material infomialioa)in connec�ion with ihe loan evidenceJ by the Nn;e, including,hw nnt limited "�}��;,+ -
<br /> _ ,.,.n c, lo,rcpr4cemations coneerning Uurrower'.s occupaacy of�he Property as a principal ratJenee. If�hix Sewri�y Inswment is on a � 11.t r _�:
<br /> � r �i Icaschold, Oorrowcr shall comply wi�h all ihc provicinns of thc Icasc. If flarmwcr acyuires !ce �itic �u �hc r�a��n>•. �n� i-y.��
<br /> y� F� Ieauhold and �he(m�ide shall nm mcrgc unlcss Lendcr agrces m�hc mergcr in wri�ing. ' `t�' ''
<br />.��i ` t 7.Protection of I,enUer's RI hls In Ihe Pro H If fforrawer fails m rfomi�he cavcnams anJ a rccmzms contained in ` ' f�' -
<br /> •�,:r��>:� R Ik' Y• P� 8 .}c�-:"i.,;:o:
<br />-!raeqr�!,y� Ihis Security Insuumen6 or�here is u Icgal prnmeJin��ha1 may significamly affcet Ixnder's righu in the Propeny(such as a -.�},:;,:;;,..
<br /> � 4 pracecding in bankruptcy, probatq for condemnatinn or fodciturc or�u enfnnc Imvs or rcgulatioss), �hcn Lcndcr may do and —Y- :. '�r.-..
<br /> ��� �f,s
<br /> � .<,�f. pay for whaeevcr is ncn:ssary to procect thc vxiue nf the Propcny and I.unJcr't righ�s in �hc Propeny. LenJcr's ac�ions may S +#�-._� >,:.,:
<br /> i '�i.U ;`
<br /> );��r� Includc paying any sunu saurcd 6y a licn tvhich has priori�y ovcr ihis Sccuriiy Inurunkn6 appcaring in caurt, paping �r - :� j
<br /> 3 - � rcasonable xiwme}s' .`res and enlering ua Ihe Pu4+.ny ln makc repairs.Allhnugh I.endcr may mke aclioh under lhis paragraPh r - ' -:
<br /> �1t y�}.- 7. Lender docs r.a ha��e to do so. U� . ,� �5 :-�:
<br /> i -+ � Any zmnunts disFursed by Lcndcr undcr ihis paragraph 7 shall bcmmc :�JJiiinnal dcbi nf Uorrowcr xcurCd by Ihis ,� °�
<br /> z�� � Securilq 1nslrumrnl. Unlcss 6arrowcr anJ Lcr.da�aFrah�n oth.r�cmu a(pay�mem, thae amoums ihall iMar iN.res� (roin�he ��1�`�4
<br /> 3��i�' �` dale of disbnrun:ent zl lhc Notc ralc and shall hc pa)ahlc, xi�h in4rcat, cpm noli�t frnm Itndcr tu [3orrnx�cr rcqucsting p ��t�5,-�.
<br /> a /A{_,'
<br /> � �tt°a{��� paym8m11orlgxgc Luurenec.I(Lendcr rcyuirat mnngngc inwrancc a.n ronJf�ion nf m:�king Ihc Inan scenr.J Ay�his Sc[urity. ��i���;y j`� ..
<br /> � 4� nl
<br /> xe{�c . T, Ins�mment.Borro«•cr shall pay the pteiniuma rcyviicA in ma�nlam �hc manFage insuran.c m clkci. If, fur any rrasnn.Ihe ���s�� -
<br /> mongege insumnce cm�eregc rcquircJ 6��IAn�!cr l.�pscc nr n•a�r,lo Ix in e(&cl. Rorrm�.r.hall pay Il:c premiums reyuind lo --.�� ';�c
<br /> obiain covera e subsla�1ia11 e uiealenl In Ihe mnn n�e inwranre ttcinu.h in effa4 al a cutl wb.lantiall�e uivalent tn Ihe `'• '���'%'-_-`
<br /> � . : 8 Y 9 F'b P ) 4 a . . _..
<br /> '- cosl l0 6orrnw�cr nf�hr mongagc insuran.c prc��ou+ly in cffta. Gom an altrmatc mongagc in.urcr apprncN h�� I.endcr. If ,: '`:
<br /> .. -.t7 subslaminlly cqui•a�.m mongagc incuran.c rmcragc i+nnt:rcailxhlc.13nrtuw:r.hall pay lo IwnJ.r cadi munth a sum.yual lo -•`•-.'-..�;7��
<br /> �R���:7rt onr�uel(ih n(�hc}rarly mongagc imuranic prrn:fum hcing p�iJ h� Bnrrmc.t wh.n�hc imurana curc�ag.Iaps.d nr cra+td In ��j�A:,._:
<br />�;'�,;'�•:��.,y' be in tffecl.LenJer�cill aae t u�r+md relain tknc nrr.:m�:n .�In.. rrxica in G.0 uf mnn a c ineurancc. I.nss rcen�e ,-,'�.�:' .-:
<br />- r! ..�,k:::�, P' R. 6 F ;-
<br />�-:'�f.`:'"�' fam3028 li80 .
<br /> _ �'1�;"!s�� MCa019�NE13 •:,�<�e �4 .
<br /> �. �f.�t+�� �
<br />�`,t)..�rS.�"4� .
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