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<br />RE: ESTATE OF JAMES .RAUERT, DECEASED, with the original record thereof, now remaining in said Coin
<br />that the same is a correct transcript thereof, and of the whole of such original record; that said
<br />Court is a Court of Record having a seal, which seal is hereto attached; that said Court has no
<br />Clerk authorized to sign certificates in his own name, and that I am the legal custodian of said
<br />Seal and of the Records of said Court, and that the foregoing attestation is in due form of law.
<br />I further certify
<br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court, at
<br />Grand Island, this 29th day of May, 1934.
<br />Paul N.Kirk
<br />(SEAL) County Judge
<br />Filed for record this 29th day of May, 1934, at 2 :40 o'clock P.M. ue��
<br />Register of Dee&
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<br />NOW on 26th day of September, 1933, this cause came on for hearing upon the petition of Warren A.
<br />Jacobus, heretofore filed herein praying for a settlement of the Estate of Simon. Jacobus) Deceasel
<br />a determination of the heirs of said deceased, and degrees of kinship and the right of descent of
<br />his real estate, said petitioner being represented by Mayer, Kroger & Mayer, his attorneys, and
<br />it appearing from the proof on file that due and legal notice_ of publication in a The Grand Island
<br />Independent" a legal newspaper printed in Hall County, Nebraska, for three successive weeks as by
<br />law and the order of this Court required, has been given to all creditors, heirs -at -law and per-
<br />sons interested in said estate, of the filing of said petition and the time and place for hearing
<br />thereof, and there being no objections thereto, said cause was duly submitted to the Court on saii
<br />Oetition and the evidence of the petitioner in support thereof, and the Court being dul3r advised
<br />in the premises, finds that the allegations in said petition are true; that the said Simon Jacob
<br />died intestate in Hall County, Nebraska, on the 17th day of June, 1915, and at the time of his
<br />death, he was a'resident and inhabitant of said Hall County, Nebraska, that more than two years
<br />have elapsed since his death and no application has been filed in the state of Nebraska, or else-
<br />where for the appointment of an administrator of his estate, nor petition filed therefor and that
<br />no administration has been had upon his estate at any place.
<br />The Court finds that the said deceased left surviving him as his heirs -at -law and persons entitled
<br />to share in his estate, the following named persons : -
<br />Mary E.Jacobus, surviving widow, of the Village of Wood Rivers Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />Marren A.Jacobus, a son, of Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />Martha J.Miles, a daughter, of food River, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />Alice Haldeman, a daughter, of Grand Island,Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Laura Quisenberry, a daughter, of Emporia, Kansas, and
<br />Anna Jacobus Simpson, a daughter, of Hall County, Nebraska
<br />all being over the age of twenty -one years.
<br />That said deceased died seized as the owner of the following described real estate, situated in
<br />said County of Hall and State of Nebraska, to -wit:
<br />Lots Nine & Ten ( 9 & 10) in Block Ten (10) in the Village of Mood River, Nebraska, in accordance
<br />with the plat of said Village as recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Hall County, Ne-
<br />braska;
<br />That said real estates did on the death of the said Simon Jacobus, pass and descend by operation
<br />of law, under the laws of descent in force in the State of Nebraska, as follows : -
<br />To Mary E.Jacobus, surviving widow, an undivided one -third interest therein, and
<br />To Warren A.Jacobus, a son, Martha J.Miles, a daughter, Alice Haldeman, a daughter, Laura Quinsen-
<br />berry, a daughter and Anna Jacobus Simpson, a daughter, each an undivided two - fifteenths interest
<br />therein,
<br />