<br />I I IF 1. 1. W Im A 91
<br />THE AUGU^ATIHE co-_8427n5_33
<br />29th day of December, 1931, the instrument purporting to be the last vd it and testament of Elmer E.
<br />Bishop, deceased, was filed for probate in this Court. That on the 9th day of February 1932, said
<br />instrument to which this certificate is attached was: duly proved, probated and allowed as the last
<br />will and testament of the real and personal estate ©f said Elmer E.Bishop, deceased, and the same
<br />was ordered to be recorded in the records of the Court aforesaid.
<br />IN WITNESS WHERTOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court this 9th
<br />day of January 1932.
<br />(SEAL)
<br />Paul N. Kirk
<br />County Judge.
<br />NOW on this 6th day of March, 1934, this cause came on for hearing upon the final report, filed
<br />herein by Pearl Bishop, Executrix of the Estate of Elmer E.Bishop, deceased, and upon her petition
<br />for the settlement of said estate, and her discharge herein, and the Court having examined the
<br />records and files herein, including said final report, and the vouchers attached thereto, and beinj
<br />fully advised in the premises, finds as follows: -
<br />That Pearl Bishop filed her petition in this Court on the 29th day of December, 1931, alleging tha
<br />Elmer E.Bishop departed this life on the 23rd day of December, 1931, being at the time of his deat:
<br />a resident and inhabitant of Hall County, Nebraska, leaving a Last 'till and Testament, in which th
<br />petitionervas named as Executrix, and thereupon a hearing was held in this Court on said petition
<br />on the 9th day of February, 1931, and said instrument was duly admitted to probate as the Last Wil
<br />and Testament of said deceased, and Letters Testamentary issued to the said Pearl Bishop, named in
<br />said Will as Executrix;
<br />That due and legal notice has been given to all persons of the time and place fixed for filing
<br />claims against said estate, and that such time has fully expired, and all persons having claims
<br />against the estate of the said Elmer E:Bishop,if any such there be, and not filed herein, should b
<br />forever barred and excluded from setting up or asserting any such claims against said estate;
<br />That the said Elmer E.Bishop departed this life leaving as his heirs -at -law, devisees and legatees,
<br />and persons entitled to share in his estate, the following named persons, to -wit : -
<br />Pearl Bishop, surviving widow, Grand Island,Nebraska,
<br />Ralph Bishop, a son of Alliance, Nebraska,
<br />Vernon Bishop, a son, of Grand Island, - Nebraska,
<br />Vera Bishop, a daughter, of Grand Island, Nebraska, and
<br />Marvin Bishop, a son, of Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br />all of whom are of legal age except
<br />That the said Elmer E.Bishop departed this life leaving an estate situated in Hall County, Nebras a,
<br />consisting entirely of real estate, which is described as follows: -
<br />The Southwest Quarter of Section Twenty -two, Township Twelve Range Eleven, West of the 6th P.M.
<br />Hall County, Nebraska, and
<br />Lot Ten, Block Fourteen of Gilberts Addition to the city of Grand Island,Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />all of which was devised to Pearl Bishop, surviving widow of said deceased, under the terms and
<br />provisions of the Last Will and Testament of said deceased, subject, however, to the payment of
<br />legacies to Ralph Bishop, Vernon Bishop, Vera Bishop and Marvin Bishop, in the amount of $10.00 each;
<br />That the only personal property that said executrix received was the rents from the real estate,
<br />out of which she has paid all the claims allowed against said estate, the legacies hereinbefore
<br />mentioned, costs of administration, etc., more particular set-out in her final report filed herei�;
<br />That the estate of the said Elmer E.Bishop, deceased, is not subject to the payment of any inher-
<br />itance tax under the laws of the State of Nebraska, or under the laws of the United States; and
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