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� :' � .� . �{ ,. -. - <br /> .t��M�I�- ��y � ; �� .t.t_ . - - SY - o-E <`€ �i tc•.� <br /> t. :1 ��FtYS t�� 7 i s. & `r � - .f' a -ar _ {: 5 <br /> � � 7 r <br /> - ��} ��qY'�aF 4 f -} r 'dY�, a�,f1�� d-�.. -��. . .v �,�,s "d1.._. . A4;�i�r.� <br /> � r.SYL{ 'Yi..r.�u.iw'���G1:� L(.u�da4�.�ltlu.`1fJUW'utN1JL/.VU.n. -.. - aa.JKYXSi15I/Y�RJ•�� <br />-`=i�� � g2,�. s�o2.9s <br /> =--��`{�- <br /> E "�� <br /> ""-.4� TOQGTHER WITH all�hc(mprovemems now or hercaf�cr ercc�ed on the properry,nnd all eucmems,appuncnanccs, ___ <br /> ��+r[� and txmrcs now or herwfter a pan of ihe propeny. All replacemenre and addiiions shall ntso be corercd 6y�his Scenrny ---- --- - <br /> s Insimment Alloftheforegoingisrefcmdtofn�hisSccuritylnsirumrntas�he"Propcny." <br /> �,;�;�, UORROWER COVGNANTS that QoROwcr is IawPolly sciscd of thc aiatc hcrcby convcycd and has ihc righi io graat —. <br /> ���t and wmey ihe Pro(�cny and�hat the i'ropeny is unencumixrcd,except for encumbnnces of raord. Oorrower warnms nnd . . <br /> ,�'.'�f� will defend genemlly Ihe ti�le m the Proptny egainsl nll clnfms and demands,subJect m nny en�vmbrances of rccord. � <br /> - THIS SGCURI'fY INSTRUMBNT combines uNform covenants for nvtonal use and non•unifomi covenams wiih �C;i��y.___ _ <br /> � - �� IfmitcdvuiallonsbyJudsd(cllonrocons�imtaaunffomisccuri�yins�mmrntcovcringmalpropeny. ° � '�-- � -- <br />,..,�»�.�'�k,� UNIFORMCOVCNAN7'S. GorcowernndLenderwverantandagreeasfollorvs: �., <br /> --r �f� I. Aayment of Princlpal end Interesli Prepnymenl am1 Lats C�hargrs. Uorcower shall prompily pny wl:cn due vhe �y, __, <br /> ,: " 4r� princtpa1 of and in[eres�on�he deb�evidcnceJ 6y�he Note vA any pmp�ynxnt and low charges due under�he�Nae. '- <br /> :-- � �; 2, �lmdstor'�'nxesandlnsnrnnae. SuUjenioapplicablelawor�oa�vmienw,iverbylsnder,6wm��rrshaitpayro uz „ <br /> y _r; Lendcr on the day moaihly paymrnts arc due undcr�hc Nar,airtil�he hoie is paid in full,a sum("funds")for.(a)ycarly �`�rS1�� _:-- <br /> �ucs xnd uscssmcros wfiich may a:taln pdod�y ovcr�his S:nmty Instnimcm az a licn ca i�:Ftopeny;lb)��euly IcmcFoA - - <br /> ; '`ti� paynxms or gronnd remx on �tx Pmperly, if any; (c) �xJly huard a properiy insvr.encr prcmiums; (d) ycaily AooJ i ± - <br /> �'�`+f�Y�'l inmrance remiums, i(an (e1 �asl mon aee msurance remiums, if an and (q amr sums � ab.e b Dorracer w r --_ � <br /> n P Y: 3' Y 8. P )': PY Y - <br /> _(..•�•?±'�: Lencltr,in acmrda�ce viiih�he pmvisions of p:.r�zraph 8,in lieu of ihe pa�� oi nwngage insnnace pc•:miums. ihese " -` =- <br /> . �s;�, hems am called"fit.cco��Ittms:' Lender may.a any time,mllea xnd hoN Funds in an amount not Io ccca>t the n�.nximum �% — <br /> amoum a Iendcr fo:a ftderally related mortgage loan may require tor Rorto�rerS escrow attrount undes u:r:k:dcnl Rexl �ny�,�! � <br /> ���'f��"�� Cs�atz S�.alemcn:iProctd�rcs Ac�of 1974 ns amended Gom t:me to iime, 12 U.S.C.§2601 ei srq.("RGSN\"),unless amn3�cr ��c.r:_ <br /> -r--a.rr` ' �.'� - <br /> -r•:a_ ° Iaw nppfes aa the}unds se�s a Iesser amount. If so.Ler,�kr may,at nnq itmq collecl and hold�unds ia an amoum rn�7�o �q`�_•r.%�;=" <br /> � -- exceuf �hc lesvzr amoum. Lcnder may estimate the amor.^c �i Amd�d��r on �he basis o(cunent dxv. anJ rcasonabic F--:: -°" <br /> {�E.'� estimatex of ex{rrAi�uresof fiiwre Cserow Itemsoroihenvise in acmrd.vim oi�h epplinble law. 2 �*='. <br /> - <F� The ILnds shait be held in an ins�ilulion whose de�i:s are insured by a kderal agency, ins�mmemali�y, or emiiy ' "'�u-`� <br />`=�_y�.;fj t y"',,,.'---- <br /> iq (InNuAFng lander,if Lender is snch an ins�i�wion)or in anp PNc�al Home Loan Uank. Lendershall npply thc Fwids�o pay z�(,+�-'."""� <br /> �Ki'-set, tn, <br /> f3�.x;�L �he F�rrow l�ems. Lender may noc charge Oortower for hatc�ing and ,pplying �he I'vnds,annu�lly analyzing Ihe acrow n�J f�� � _ . <br /> 4 attuum, or�rritying �he Rscrow Items,uniess Lender pays �IIwtower interest on ihc Fim1c and npplicnblc law pemiiis '{$l�+i�k '� <br /> `��p'-�` I.rn:ier�o make such a char e Nowever, LenAer ma re mrt Uortower to n ona�(nm chu e for an inde ndenl real J'�(�+ ?fr+" <br /> + t°�. . 6 • Y � i`aY R P� h �� ._ <br /> �- es�ate tnx reporting service used by Lender in connec�ion wi;i ihis loan,unk?s applicnble lnw provides n.henvise. Unless an s,:�� . <br /> . " n �emem is made nr a Ilcablc law r uircs imcresi m be aiA,Lender shall no�hc r uire�io �•Bortmvcr xn intcrcs�or �� "'� ��' -� <br /> a F�' PP �9 P �I P•7 Y i i �,:�y ��-_,. <br />,_�rr<C,n�tr� � ca;ain@s on the iLnds. Uortowcr and Isnder may agrcc in urr,>.❑g,ho«�evcr,�hat inmrcsl sha11 M �id on thc Funds. Lender k,r.�f�s�,���. <br /> �'j'' shall ive�o Dononer,without char e,an annual accountin of tht Funds,showln crcdiis r,nd ebits lo Ihe Fnndt�he 't�:,� c'??. <br /> h -�'r,' B 6 d 8 � i ` y1; < . . <br /> purgo:e for�rh?:h eath deb(t Io the I•Lnds was made. The Wnds am plcdged az addiiionnl sauriry i'or ell suais seturc�i by ti �'y�;�F --� <br /> - °..?"� this Secufiv lnscrumeN. A -.k's .1�!<;.."� <br /> �}�,!-+�. If the�Tunds held by Lender excted the amoun�s peimitted io be heltl 6y applicable law, Lencltr shall account to (c±,4",;' r 'r__ <br /> .�Sa� Donower tor�he excess�unds in accorJance wi�h�he rcquintnems of npplicable law. If iha amoum ot�he Nnds held by ,�tr�j}Y'r..�t�,,Y_'- <br /> r i�'�t���� Lender Tt�ny�ima is no�su(fictrn��o pay ihe Gscron ftenu when due,Lender may so nntify IIorton�er in wri�ing,and,in �y����n� ., <br /> t��� such case DoRawer shall pay w Lender�he amoum io make up�he Bonourr shall make «? fie "�fj�S+$�i .��. <br /> _�,�i;e�1;y'�+ defieirn:y in no more than�welre momhly paymems,at I.en4r's sole discreiion. ?S}��G�i4`+� �.:. <br /> �;:(_,-;�:;"v Upon paymem in full of all sums secured by�his Secuiiy Insumnem,Lender shall pro:nptly ref:mA to�ovower any 'ri;,�}'=�:;a;,}'��i�•�� <br /> .� i ""t; ILnds held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21.Ler.der shall acquirc ar sell ihe Propeny,Lender,prim ro�hx acquisitlon or . >"7� {i�i�i., <br />"'""Sil`�;.' sale of the Propeny,shail apply any �unds held by Lender a� �he�ime o(acquisitiun or sole u n crcdi� agains�ihe sums �;•�1�':^y��;�r.:-- <br /> � < �' seeured by�his Securi�y Inswment. y�" �.;; y r =._ <br /> 5�`,?,'� 3. Appllcallon of Paymenis. Unless applicable law provides othenvise, nil payments rcceived by Lender under n�' �r -- <br /> -'i- paragraphs I and 2 shall be epplled: firs�,�o any prepaymemchargts due under�he Yo�e:xecoad,ro amounts payable under ="}-'y,�e ss< '"- <br /> "};�:':i�"= paragrzph 2;Ihird,m imercs�due;founh.�o principal due;ar.d las�,m any lale charges due undenhe No.e. ;i�'.; .;-..:5,1�.+,=�.:� <br /> -- '� � 4. Charges; Liens. Uortowcr shall pay all taxcs,assessmems, chuges, fines and irt�posi�ions auribmn6le �u thc -j- �, t��'-��� <br /> .' ,1S Ropetly which may attain priorily over ihis Sceurily InslmmenL and IenseholJ paymenls or ground rcnls,if eny. �oROwer � t,i% f � ,. <br /> y�'�y : shatl p:ry�hese obliga�ions fn�hc manncr provided in pamgnpfi 2,or if nn�paiA in ihai manner,Dortomcr shnll pay ihem on �,5,�Y�� � <br /> r�� _i• �inx di�eeUy lo�he person owed payment. Uortower shall premptly furnish�o Lrnder a.if noticasof nmoums ta 6e paid under -�+f},y�4R' � - <br /> '� '��'' this pangraph. If Oonower makes these payments dircc�ly,anrro���a shxll promp�ly fumi,h m Lender neeip�s evidmcing F!r�ti���}f' - : <br /> ���, . � �he payments. ' ,'d,_�iF f t..- <br /> � -.1� Oortowet shall pmmp�ly discharge any lien�ahirh bns prioriq•or.r�6is Srcnti�y Insuumem unleu 6.rrower.(a)agrces �t�q�_,t �7r i ��� <br /> � .f-0}1 in��Ti�ing to�he paymeN o(�he obligxlion securcd 6y�he licn in n manner a:cep;able to Lender,@)comrsis in good fai�h We -- <br /> �� r�^�� lie�e by,or Aefends against enforccmenl of�he lirn in,legal Fto:.rading.which in�he Lcnder�opinion opemte io prevcnt�he � `+�`y � _:-. <br /> - - ��� enForcement of ihe Ilen:or(c)secures from the hotder u(if:r licn aa agreemem sa�isfaaory to Lender subordina�inF�he licn � ,, >,.�;�:, <br /> .,�`�'�j,{ lo lhls Sccurily Insuumem. If Lender dctemiines tha�any p:n of iEc Propeny is subjeci�o a licn which may auain prioriry� < . ,s�'g.,-- <br /> � : ._-�y over tliis Securiq•lnstrvmem,Lender may give Qorto�rer a r.ntice idemil'yfng�he lien. Uortoxxr shall utisfy Ihe lien or Iale �-`- }"-:�. ,: <br /> � one or more of the aclions set forth alwve within 10 days of Ihe Fiving of nmica . '"� <br /> � 5. Hpzard or Properly Insuronte. Oarco���cr shall kerp ihe improvcmems nmv.xixiing or hereaftcr erecied un the ` � <br /> '' ;� - % 1'roperty insured againsl loss by firc,hazzrds included wilhin the�tmt°extenJed cocerage"and zny othrr hazards,inctnding '� - ���� r �, - <br /> ''.g};:_�.� Ooods or (looding, for which Lender rcyuires insurance. ihis irsurance�hall Ix maie;amaJ in the amoums anQ (n: the ' ,i1 ��: <br /> �_r�.� � <br /> %:'s), '" <br /> ,'')'"- fDrm Wttl 990 .ry:r:.9nryixn� - . �. <br /> C3i:'�""a j'4� '. . . <br /> _:..� ..� <br /> ;��,.' '_.• <br /> �,.:' �<;;� . <br /> :.:i:_ .'.4 ..... :avFL�Vn'-'�. ... . . . . . . . ... . . _ <br /> . . . • ::', r �_. , . <br /> - .:,2 - . , <br /> . ,'r` <br />.:�1i�n ' _L <br /> _ rJ=: <br /> - �-O e�: <br /> - ', .•."' <br /> :it�{)'i • '_ . .. . <br /> .`1�� . <br /> ,••1 i <br /> !.) . ,,,.1' <br />