Y ': .. .. ' 'i. _ �[:Y�
<br /> � _..� •
<br /> ' �� .� ..�. P..�a'. L �'���_ . -..�-.Sv
<br /> _' �' _ —L . "____ . .,.____ - — _._. _ _, -t --��-
<br /> _ . - � tY �i" ' ,x" . �. .._ ._..,-�.'--'—�- �C�.� ..J..�..:..sct. ._.�i.�:c,....._.�......L::,6=..'.� . .�- ` ;�( -
<br />� _ _.�ti, _..t-"z„— -�--� - �
<br /> _ . `r- t �i
<br /> . 4': :.SS�:'a,•.�"
<br /> �_F���— —Y.:....�:'.
<br /> —---- - - QA-2�-999y �1l1'I�l�l�lf{C D��0���T �r� Pa��2 of�S - ._.--�''Fa:-.,:,5,
<br /> �. - �; ' . I.aBn NSO 4Er719z � (Cor�ittu�d) ti.� _�<,c�'�`. .�<
<br /> . . ,,< � _ .
<br /> S Q _ _ `t•s
<br /> - {urlsdtctloa to eonsututo a uNtorm security msf�vmeM eovertng real DroFertY• ��� ��q�}��, � _ - �`
<br /> . .. � � , .r .�"�'
<br /> UNIFCRM GOVfrNA1VT8. Bartowarand Lendar eovartantanda�as tattow� • . ..�':: '
<br /> V
<br /> �`�j 1. CGyfftetl!Of PMCtptl att0la�te70sh,P[GIIy'7Ri►tTni ttn0 LditB l�tdfBES. Bartowec shaA P�mAaff R8Y when due th9 pantlpal at and h�terest _ `�
<br /> �n it�g dobt evlQerued bY the Nota and eeY preAaY�rd and tate o►�ar88s ducf under the Ncte. .,".�``
<br />" - , Z. Ft�tOD tCt Y�Gn0 ls�urm`xe. Subpect to appW�hte law or to a vnitten watver bY Lender.Barrower shad pay to LBrtQer cn ihe daY . t��;. :.
<br /> � < s� monthly paymants fir9 d�te under Ufe Nat9.ucd0 f!►e Hato ts pBtB In fldl.�sum(funds'�for: (�Ysarly�and assessme�wtdch may at�n �`°>�:
<br /> �.:�Y���� pdodty over 9NS S�urlt�t tnsbu�afent 8s a Ben an the Pcopmty; (b3 YOedY teasehotd D4Y���'��^d rerds on t�e PropeAy.a snv: cc)yearcy
<br /> - . homrd or proPedl►tasurance Premlums: (dI Year►U ftaod(ns�aance Oremtums.H arry: (e)Y�Y mflrt9aSe insurence premlums.B any:end (�enY � r,;^ < ..
<br /> • sums pay8bia hy 8artower to Lendsr,in flocardance wNtf the provistort4 of par�qr8pb 8.in ueu of tlx�paymertt of mortgage�nsurance premiurt�. . • , .�,'�, �
<br /> � ', These items ara eaited�scrow It�ms.^ LenQer may,at a�y time,eeffect and hotd Fnnds In an amow�t not to�d the maxtmum amo�mt a - .. -
<br /> �...-_---�� Iendee for a federaQy ae►ated moRgege taan may�equtro tor Bocraw�''s Esaow aoeounl under me teEerat Real Esfete Setllert�e�Prooedures Aet of - �� .
<br /> �_� t974 as amertded irom Ume to tUne.12 U.S.C.Sac4lon 2&01 et sa4•f R�A'.unfess ano#t�r iav�that eAP11es to ths Pon�seia e�amowd.
<br /> . . �.� r� It so.lertder msy,e!8ny flme.eaIlect and�etd Funds in an emowd not Oo�aoeed the lesser errwuni Lendsr may esdmate the amaunt of Fw�Qs ., -.
<br /> . due on ttm besis ot curtenl data end 2asonabts esttmates otexpondR�ot fuhue Esaow It2rtts orotitetvdse tn aocordanca wifhh aPPitcsbt�la+rc. ' ����' -•
<br />- ' The Funds shaA b9 hetd(n an tnstltutlan wtiose depasih era tnsured by a federat aSflru.Y.��trume+�SGty.or erffity Mduding LenQer,U Lender '' 1'' <
<br /> - .. '.. . b such an ins9d�tian)ar in em►Federai Hame Loan BBnk. LenQer t�hel!ePAtY trig Fwtds to pay thg Escrow Item� Lender may nat chasg9 5=_.`=``�.;a:�-• �.
<br /> . Barrower Por hofding and eA0�9 the Fun�.ennuaIlY�rfaryrin9 th9 esc�aw axowb or verfMR9 Urj Escrov items.�Lsnder Palis Borrovrsr .
<br /> . tr�ter�t an tAe Furtds and apPIlcabie taw Pemuls lertde.r to maka sueh a chet8a How6ve►.Lender maY BQ�e Borrourer!o psY e ana-tir� ,�, .,�
<br /> ... `-':'i: che�tor an indeA�rd r�i eslate t�c re�or5a9 servtoa used by Lertder tn connecHan v�fth tNa laan.uNass appB�abfs Ia�v pravlGes otherwLse. -
<br /> �
<br /> " � U�an agreement is made or epp0eabfe Iaw requtres intAiesl to 6e paid.LBnQer sh811 rtot 08 required to pay Borrower arry fntesest or edmtngs ' �. :V ;�..
<br /> - ' `�� on th9 Funds. @orrarrer and Lendsr mey agre9 in miting.howBVer.Umt hrtetest ShaU be paid on the Funds. Lend�shaU give to Borrowet. . ._- '
<br /> - , - w�oul ahaBe�en annuai accauntin9 af the Furtds.shovAng aedits and QebRs to the Funds and ihe P�P�tor which each debft to the Funds `` `•`°�u c._.�-".
<br /> ' ,,= was made.The W nds ere Ptedged as aCdtlonal sec�uit�f tor ell suras secuned by t#ds Se��uih►Irstrument ` ` '�z, ''.,;
<br /> V� '��•. Ii the FunQs hetd by Lender�roeed the amounb permitted to be hetd bY ePDGceb!s tavi.Lender shall aocourd to Borrawer for the exoass ��` .�=-
<br /> '� ro
<br /> � FL:,Qs in eaordance wdh the�ame�s ot appIIeabfe law. t!ttre arttount of the Fun6s AHd Qy�tender at asry itme is nat suftident to pay the �`'��;�';,�•-
<br /> .-t: �S.�E _„
<br /> � . '•,.
<br /> ' Es�..^-�v Iteirts wherr+�a.Lender i�Y so no�ty BcRauer in MrdHrtg�end In such caso Somovr�sl�i+l�Y M�enQer Lhe amouirt nece�l to maks ;�, .��, .,-
<br /> .-�n{ �s?'�t'eflcteru.Y,��'''aHershaU mske up ihe deRciertt,y tn no more tlmn tweiva ma�tY Payrt�'�s,�'�sdefs s�7z�on. .; Y , ,
<br /> . : �� � � z.°pon paY+�er3 i^:�ril1 atell surt�sec�ued by ttils SecurQy 1nsWme�Lertders.�aL•�Cro�'I:�,.�t�i?�.��uaQs hefd by LenQer. :'=. � � , - _.
<br /> :;.�� ,<< ..�.,---
<br /> `� r •+ �,�;�graph 21.LenBet shaRa«�'�re or seD the PrcPertY.lenCer.Ptior to fhe s��n ar��+�s�•s`�sOP►X a.'�l�'snds hetA try � � .,,�;. :�.,--
<br /> �•::;..-', ,;',:,; L.ecr.t�at the timme af acquts�on a�as a cred'it against tt+e sums sec�aed by Mts Szaaiiy t�a� ''`
<br /> 8
<br /> ,;. :}'�:a�tr.=� �' ' �.: r�' �,;._,'��,`_.
<br /> ' ,.z �y.�.s;.�. ;:�i��� � AODQ+�ton af Payma�n�. U�ss appitcabte taw pmvidf�s otAervrtse.all paymerds recei�.�efl C�4,ender cn�er paragra��s��.�d 2 shall 6e `1` ? �,,:. . ,
<br /> �s fi,. 4,� �first.to anY DreDaYmet��ges due tmder the Note:secartd.to amounts payabls unC�p�graph�L i�5",to tnte.�st��e:tourtl►.to �fE 'f,F: .'t�_�
<br /> - ,,�.�,. ,.,tr.� prr.apal du�and Faaf.to arry J a nc�argas dus urtder the Note. . ��:�`_r?`'• �;'�
<br /> . ;:, .:�,.s whiGtl m8y elhaSn .'F'`;:��
<br />"•:Y;`: i . .: '. J_ d, q�tuge�Lleeis. Bor�csv�shaA pay e0 taxes.assessmerAs.cha�.fm�.s and�+�DCSi6crs attr�uffib1a tc�e i�ap�► �..t s � �"-;F,
<br /> �c�F�;����4
<br />:c'�4,�a�Fi��..� . '`'�; �7F�et fhis S�x�ty►In44t��,t3nd�ehotd paymenis os�pDtsetd�e�s.if arr� Bmrawet�+¢I�aY these ohGgaHarts tn the�'.ner pravl�s� _l,,.+•, 1%
<br /> f�7si�•9 .� .:.- p � -��..
<br /> � , ir.s�h 2,or it not palS:rn�.ha�,manner,Bortovrer shall pa3��on Ume 6recu7/to th2�s awed Paymerd. Barra►Yr�u�l prors�'y i'�., ��i���,�t..�. ;
<br /> f��`;�:ni. ` ''� Crn�f�'b l,emisr a4 na�WS dc emnassls to be pafd andEr thts�►��'�, t}8�ra�luec tnatc��payments dfredly.Bartatv,ar s`s.�D��Y ���,
<br /> _,,<.��s; .•,: ' _.
<br /> `:;'< �� . .- (�mas11 ta Lender�L ett��i!�e paymert�. ` ,�� ,. .., `
<br /> _ _-.:;.. ."-�..
<br /> . . ;�S Borrawer sh-1!��:nD�Y�a.'�e�Y Uen rrotl�h has prtorihf over thte Securiy IrstrurtKf�uNass Bartower. (a)egrees in whiing to tt� _ �. , �
<br /> • .' � payment of th9 obagaUon see�J ts�tha fien cz a m$nner soceptabfe to Lender: (6)cantESG in good f8(th the Qen by,or Qefends agt31nst , � i �
<br /> ; 9 3 � � :'f:"�
<br /> 't . . � r enforoement of the Uen in,tegal p:�amr�gs whlch in th�Lendde opinfan operate to D�n��e�`�ment of the Qen;ot (c)secures hom ths • •,
<br /> hotQer ot�e Qen an a8reemeM saNsfade►l►to LenQer subarcGns6ng the Qen to this Sec�rity tnstrument (t lender determirras that arry part at the �.r� ; ,'�.-
<br /> � = p t o p e t t y b s u b j e c t t o a�e n ti v h t e h m a y a i t a i n p rf o r l t y O v e r t h i s S e c u r H Y(n 3 fr u m e�Len�m a 1►8�ve Bmrower a no9ce IdeatlMng the 09n. Bortower •. `��.,.k���,",_-
<br /> - . . ' sAall setlstyr the qen ar teke ons or more at the actlons set toM aEOVe arfthin t0 Gaya ot tho givtng of noHce. ' °—;�:
<br /> . «I 6. ttamrd or Properly tnsur�nao.Bcrrower stiall keep the lmp�ovemerds naw e�istlng or Aereafter ereeted on the PropeAy►Insured agahist +
<br /> , • � ; lass by Rr�,hamrds tnctudeA w(1Nn the term�xtenQed eoverage aad arry other ha�erds.tnctuding 8aods or ftaoding,tor whtctt Lender requtres � �
<br /> .. instuance. This insurar►�shaD be mahftatned tr�ihe amounts and for tho pertoQs that LenQer requUes. The insurano0 earrter provldtng th0 . c_.,:.
<br /> ;•• ,� :s
<br /> . . � . insuranoe shatl Ee cha5sn by Bortowsr subject to Len6efs appro�rol whtoh shatl�at be unreasonabry wltht►etd I!Barro►ver fai�to mainffiln .��.. .: �%` '�.
<br /> . ...�•,�..
<br /> eavaraga dssatbed abava.Lsnder may.at lenaels optlon, obtaln caverage b pra5eet Lsndefs Aghts in tha Pcoperhi in axarQanoa wit� -°��: ,.
<br /> . . . •. -:�
<br /> . . ' D�S�8h7. , � =--.-
<br />=- � ` � M tnsuraace policl�s and renewals st�afl ba accepfabte to Lender end shall Iru�uQe a stenCard mortg�qe deuse. Lender sheU have tRe right '��.;__•-:'°!��::
<br /> - � •• . to h�t0 the po�and renewa�. It LenQer requi�.8orrower 6ha1!Promp9yr gt+re to lender eU ceaeipts o}patd P�e�ums and ronewal no9ees. tn - . :y-2��
<br />- : � • the event of toss,Bortower shaU ghre P�ompf noHoe to the insurance cartier erta LenQer. Lendta►may maks proof of lass if not maEe PrompHy bY . . ,�.
<br /> . . Barrower. __,
<br /> • Urd�s Lender and 8orrow��a"PrervAS�egroci fn urtitl�Q.Irssurance praaeeds shaU C�app0e4 to cestoraUon er repatr af the PropeRy Qamege0. .;: �. �:s��.
<br /> -_ .. tf O�a r�tora�on or repa�r ts eccr.�.traUY teasiD�anQ lenders ser.ur(ty Ls nof tessenee. If tbe�estara9on or repatr is not ecanamiceAy feasibte oT • •,• .�-..
<br />;y.�.:•' landefs sec�rily a�d0 ba lessen�d the lnsurance proceeQ9 ShaU ba ep0�ied to tho sums secure0 by this SECUrity tnstrument,whefher or not then � ,— __
<br /> • dva,with aml exoess�td to 8omswer. It Bortav+er AbanQons tho Praperiy.or does not answer wttf�in 30 days a no8ce from Lsnder that the '
<br /> inet�anee cerder has oHareO to�e a delm,then I.ender nuty s.u9ct th9lnsurance proeeBQs. Lender may uss the proceeQs to repatr or r�tare • :.,�=�:;;:�,���.
<br /> = ,• • f- . � . uro[�iroperty or to pay sums sec�0 by tAis Secudty Instrumen�wh3tlier or not then duo. The 3aday perlod vn'�begin vfien the r.etice ts given. • . .
<br /> - .: ` Untess Lendar and Barawar athervASe a�in wrlHng,ttny epplicaUOn of proeeeds to pftndpal shsD nat e�dend or pa5lpar�e�e due data ot �_
<br /> -�'. � 3:e anontAry payment9 ceteaed to in paragrapts t and 2 or cAa�tho amount a1 fho PaYmerds. lt under paragnapb 21 the Property Is sequic�6 by � .,
<br /> . , ler.der.Borraxer's dgh2 to any irs�uance polides and praoeeds res�dOng irom damage to ths P4ropedyy pdor to fhe acqu�tion shaD pas9 to Lender -�;�
<br /> . . . � . ��'s extent of the sums secured�y Ws Secur(ty 1n3trument imfieClatety pflor to lhe acqaisitlorr. -� .�',;`'':
<br /> : ,1"� .. � Q. OCCI�tIl1.7Is PtQSEtValISt7,�Mt11ftE[1811C0 81t0 PtOtIC'�[�13!tt10 P[OpERy;BOffOlfl�J'SI:G1ni1 AQAIICLZ10tt;L�Ch01f�'A P,�tTOWBI Sh80 .),�1`(�S,• ' . '
<br /> ._' ':���i:f,�`, .:
<br /> .��t.',:rk,;:'.. .�' ",`s�r, p�a�y.estebOsh.and use 1h9 R".,'�'lyas Borcovrers pAaclpal�a�rtce witNn slny daysaftES�:►�a�ecWon o}tNs Security lnstrrur�d and shaD .:��yfi;;Z:.. •. • . .
<br /> conttwe to occupy thg PropeAy os Bocmweta prtneipal ra�lQertce for at feasl orte ysar after ine Qate ot oecupaney,untess Lert4�r otheiwLss '��"
<br /> � " ' ' ��� egn2es tn writlng,whicb conSeM shaD not be uttraasanabry wilhheld,rn unfess extenvaUng ctrcumstances�t which are beyond BoROwers , ,
<br /> : �i'
<br /> - •;),•�'. .`.; . •
<br /> • cantrd. Bormvrer SheD nol destroy.dam�+ge a�mpai�the Prapedy�allow th0�cr,�r'Y ta deteriorate,or cammit a�on the Property. eorra�am
<br /> � � shaU be in detault H erry forfeifure ecdan ar procseding,vfiather chrD rn criminal,is begun that in LendePS gaad taith Judgmant could r�Nf in �
<br /> -- � tortelture of the Property or otnerxrls�matertally impair tde�en created by 1Ns Securiy MstrumeM or Lender's security interest Borrower may cure .
<br /> � • such a defeutf and reinsffite,as provt6ed in para�8ph 18.by causing the aeUon or prooeeding to be dismissed with e rWing that,in Lendefs gaod ' � � •
<br /> - . . taith Qsterminafien,preCiude9 toKoiture af ti�e Barm�r2r's Intera�t in th�Property or other materiei Impairmenf o1 the Iien created by this Secud.y � , ' '
<br /> " ir�strumenf or 1,�4er's seaurfty inter�t Borrcaet shdll elso bo In dafautt B Bortov�er,dudng the loan appticavan pro�ss,gsve materially fatse ar :
<br /> Inaccwate Intar.v.aUon ar Slatemen�to lender(or taUod io Oravlda LendEr with any material InfottnaUOn)ln conn�fcrr witA tha taan evldencad by •
<br /> y ` � th9 Nots.inctuding.bu!nol amfted ta.repr�enmdons concerrs�ng Bortower's accupanayr of the aoperty es a R`r.dGe3 resldence. If this SeCUrKy
<br /> �� '. !r.ulsumeM is on e tEaSehald,Boim�rpr stail eampry with all the pr�+l5io�of the fease. If Banvx.u►acqu(res fe9 ti'9('o'.he Pm�mrly.tha leasghald ' - : ,.
<br /> - mn�th9 fe9 tiUe shall not merge uNsSS I.ender agre¢s to the me�g3 in wridng.
<br /> � ' 7. Vro2eetlon ot Lender's Rigttts in the RaropeRy. If Bortawer taits to parform the cC�•�^is anC e�r.e�-'s ec'r�`r.�d in this Seeurity • �
<br /> - ' ' � � Instrument,ar there is a tegel praCeeding that may Signiflanily at!ett lenders dghb tn the ProRerly(such as a p��.r-g in baNwptey,probatg. . .
<br /> °`'> tor eondemnatlon or to�feiture nr to enlarce laws or teguta8ons),1hen Lender may do end pay tor whatever is r.�y to ps�tect tha vatua of tAe ����
<br /> — , � Property end Lender's dgMs in the PrapeAy. Lenders aetlans rr��i:�ude paytng any sums secured by a tien which has prf�rj aver thts Secwity , � ' �
<br /> _ ; , • . �
<br /> :...c ::
<br /> �—. :,._._.� � ' _
<br /> i.t- - . :-� ;- ----
<br /> ' '. � 1 _.. .....� ,--.-- ___-�— — - . . ._-.. -.._..,-...... - � , . _ , .
<br /> < __- - _____...�,..�.__...,,,. ,_ „ - _. . "",—" ,._ . . ""_"._..T'"_' . . • ',.'L �� ,�'_. _ . _.�`t`_, - '+
<br />