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<br />in our presence and in the presence of each of us, and at the same time and in our presence
<br />;hearing declared said instrument to be his last Will and Testament, and we, at his request and
<br />'in his presence and in the presence of each other, have hereunto subscribed our-names as
<br />attesting witnesses:
<br />State of Nebraska,
<br />ss.
<br />I, Hall County,
<br />In the Matter of the Estate
<br />of
<br />,Rudolph Kay, deceased.
<br />A.J.Luebs, of Grand Island,Nebraska
<br />Margaret Haynie,of Grand Island,Nebras*.
<br />At a session of the County Court held in the County Court Room
<br />Grand Island, in said County,on the 10th day of May A.D.,1932.
<br />Present Paul N.Kirk County Judge
<br />I, Paul N.Kirk, Judge of the County-Court in and for said County,do hereby certify that on the
<br />18th day of April 1932, the instrument purporting to be the,last will and testament of Rudolph
<br />Kay,deceased, was filed for probate in this Court.That on the 10th day of May 1932, said ins
<br />t to which this certificate is attached was duly proved,probated and allowed as the last wi
<br />and testament of the real and personal estate of said Rudolph Kay,deceased, and the same was
<br />ordered to be recorded in the records of the Court aforesaid.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court this
<br />10th day of May 1932.
<br />(SEAL)
<br />Paul N.Kirk
<br />County Judge
<br />Now on this 6th day of December,1932, this cause came on for hearing upon the final report of
<br />Alvin Kay,Executrix of the Estate of Rudolph Kay, deceased, and upon the petition of the said
<br />Executrix for the allowance and approval of said report, the settlement of said estate, and
<br />discharge herein, and being fully advised in the premises, finds that due and legal notice has
<br />been given to all persons of the time and place fixed by the Court for the hearing upon said
<br />final report, and there being no objections to said report, and the Court having examined the
<br />same, together with the vouchers on file, finds that said report is true and correct in all
<br />things and that the same ought to be approved and allowed as and for the final report of said
<br />Executrix, said estate settled and closed and said Executrix discharged.
<br />The Court further finds that the said Rudolph Kay departed this life on the 5th day of April,
<br />1932, and that at the time of his death he was a resident and inhabitant of Hall County,
<br />Nebraska, and left a last Will and Testament which was by the consideration of this Court,duly
<br />proven, allowed and admitted to probate on the 10th day of May,1932; that Alvina Kay,the widow
<br />of the deceased, was named as Executrix in his said last Will and Testament and letters of Ad-
<br />ministration were duly issued by this Court to the said Alvina Kay, of the estate of Rudolph
<br />Kay,deceased.
<br />The Court further finds that due and legal notice has been given to all persons of the time a
<br />place fixed by the Court for filing claims against the estate of said deceased, and that the
<br />time so fixed has fully expired, and that all persons having claims against said estate, and
<br />filed within the time limited by the Court are forever barred and excluded from setting up or
<br />asserting any such claim against said estate.
<br />The Court further finds that the said Executrix has paid the funeral expenses of said estate,
<br />all debts against said estate, and the costs of this proceeding, and that said Executrix has
<br />