. � s.-___ . . : .
<br /> �:.y � ..-Yt. �. .— ' - �_..._ .-�.. _ _:. •
<br /> . m7 ._ • _ .
<br /> I� J ' -- � . . , '°`
<br /> � . . _ _ _ �..4-�
<br /> "} 'f};r` ' _ � . . _ . . . ... . . . - �.�..`r�'..
<br /> . .i`�a. . �... , ._ _ �� � ' .' : . .i.,_
<br /> :c - \ ,-r- < . ' - i. 3 �tr�C�:
<br /> '� r��+`�'• � _.` - � � � - v ,.,, i'� _ .,��f' t '�
<br /> � `� �.S• L• � __.._.�..�...._...--•• 1��_� �
<br /> • � T-W`�` G� t _ rx�: .
<br />. . - _,�Mf� _ . .
<br /> .. '.ii` S � ��� • Or ; � .
<br /> ` .��. . ����_� • a .:: �.
<br /> : �.� a 5,. .
<br /> , .:� .. ._ �:. -
<br /> , . !t. 7.Ertim�t Domein.Lender�s hereby assigned all eompmwetion.arvards.damages end other paymente or reliat lhereinr►ttw'Procaods') '��•�`,`�•,';t,�( (,
<br /> � "�:� a�cpnaectio�witl►eondemnatian or othar tafvng ot the Properhr or part theraof,or tor mnveyance in liau of wndvmrtction.Lcadar eAeRt .•_, ,
<br /> - "` }��f takan or damagod,lendor shatl hava the option in its soto end ebsolute discretion.to eppty e0 aucta Proeaede,efter deduatis►q t1►arat�em '''��.< .. ; %
<br /> i� � �'` i . .. .
<br /> �° ell coate and expense9�r►curted by it m cvnnection with such Pracesde.upon any indabtodneisa$ecured hareby and in such ordar ae ,� .
<br /> s
<br /> K � Lendor may 8etertnine,or to applY eA suah�cceeds,aiter sucA deduction9,to the restoration of 1Ae Property uvon aueh eanditiana ae
<br /> � Lender may detems6►e.My appGcetien of Procee69 to indobtedness sha!1 not axtend or postpone the dua date of eny payment�under
<br /> �i �� ' the Note.or cuco eny defautt ther�der o►hareunder.My una�ptied fund�ehaU bo paId to Tnistor. ,.
<br /> � 8.i+edorrnsaee bY Landet• UPon the ocwnence of en Event ot Qetault haeemdm,or if any act is taken or teQa!proe�dm0 s _ �` .
<br /> commencad which materielty efteets Lender's mterest in the Property,Lende►may�its ovra disuetion,but withaut obiigation to da eo. �
<br /> �- end withaut aotioe to or d�nand upon Tnuto:and without releesinp Trustot firam any obtiyation,do enY 8��hich Trustor ftee eqracd �r' _
<br /> IS/ �..'-�' ' but f8iL9 to do e�ld mey elso do sny othet eet it deertte neceRSeN to proteCt the 88cuti[y hOreOf.TtWiD►8l9811,immedintoty upon demand �
<br /> �3'�-- ..�.,�:.: _ ...-—
<br /> - ;,...; 7, tAerefot by Lender,pay to tander aIl costs a�d enpenses incu+red m�d sui+p►e�rtdea bY�ende►°��°nneation with the exetaso by ��.�
<br /> ' '�-�'•; .� Lender of the foregaing righte,togeshet with ir►torest thereon et the dafauft rate Orovidad in the Note, whieh aholl�e addod to the
<br /> � ��� ,indebteMcss seeuted hereby.Lendet ehell not mcur eny tieb�ity becausa o!enythirte it may do or omit to do hereunder. . � .
<br /> �. t�� 9.Hasasdoua Meteriats.Trustot shslt keep tho Proporhr o�compl'ienes with all epplicebto lawa.otd'moncas end�eBuletione►olating to
<br /> __•;._..: .:,;. o�Qustrisl hyglono or env'uonmentel protection Icotlectively relerred to haieu�as'Environmm►tal Lawe'I-Truato�ehell O�cop tfio PropoRy - - -
<br /> � �`- � � �' � tree ttom all substMees deamar!to be hoZerdous ar toxia uridar mry Environmentat tewa(eollactiveh►�ertad to herau�es�itBmrQm+c - --r
<br /> • - � . .� Matariala'l.Trustor here6y wartmnts end representa to Landei that thora are no Hazerdoue Meteriat an or undar tho PropeRy.Ttusto� •s��:��,: -.:_ � .
<br /> ',' hereby agree9 to indcmnity and hold harm(ess L�dor, ita d'ueators,officare,amptoyeas end agents, and anY auccoasow to Lander's
<br /> •'�- interost.iwm end e¢eaLSt enY and e0 ctauna, daertm�as.losses end Iia6ititiea erisirt9 in conneceioa with tha ptesanca.uQa dispo:w)or -
<br /> • 'j;; _ =,':z trensport of env Haaardva�Metarials on.under.hcrr ar about the Property.THEEOREGOING WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATtONS. i� '.�.� ..'.�-_
<br /> . fi: �'`. YHll�4. �:. .[F:�--`-:~.`�.
<br /> . . • .fl - ' .R��at�ment of Rento.T�usior herebY essi�ne to Lender,anA grante Lsnder a seeurity interest m,eU prosent.futuro ans eftet �..;y.�:
<br /> rismg rerte.issue9 end profite of tha Praperty:pravided that Tcustor afialt.until the occurtence of en Cwm�t of Oelesik h�der.haw ` �; �'....::,=Y--_
<br /> " . ?i:, ': the riyht to coUBCt ertd rete�sush rente,isseees�nd profite as thay becomo due and payabfe.Upon tlie oeaurrer�ea af c�Evarit o!
<br /> r��r' :
<br /> � ` ,•� ' . Oefauft.Len6er may.either u�peisoa or by agent, viith m without 6rmgmg enll aetion cr psocead'mg,or by a recai+rer appointed by e ' �- '.� �
<br /> ±' eaurt end without regard to the edequaey ot its security, enter upon end taico possession ot the?roperty,or eny part thereo4.tn ita own :.�'':�"..:���%
<br /> I;. �:. .. � .� � .
<br /> '' ' =��` name or b�the namo af tho TnistBe,.eqd do eny aets vrhieh it deema nacessary os desimhtQ to presarve the vatue,mct[wfebTity or
<br /> ---��- . �. ..: , :.��r.3,r;;':, s'}�,
<br />. --(,-�.. . rentab�iiy►ot tha Proyerty.o�any pecg tl'mtreof or inteteat tharein.or W b�crease tfia inaome ths�cEicm or protect tha aeCUtlfY ttaseof and, s . .
<br /> - , v.. .
<br /> �c, witA or without teking possesston of r3eis?roperty.sue for or otherwtse caRact the�er►te,i�.uta wcd prafrte thereof,inatudit�4�3tosa peat , :L:�,: -
<br />- ! . . .
<br /> , � �., °-,'< rente.issuo9 end profite.leses eosta end tncDenses . _�`'.;:.
<br /> � E dus and unpotd,by notityin0 tenants to meka�.ns:ents to Lender. landet may epAM , � �
<br /> oi oparation end coUactton indud'usp ettarrts��fem,to any indebteQnesa aecured hereby,e0 in such order ea Lender may�etsrmine.The
<br /> tr entering upon m�td tekFng posaessiare cf tS'.a irR+�a[�'tY. the co4eatton of such rente, issuea end pmfite.and tha eppUaatian thereof ae ��,�
<br /> � ���� � aforesaid,ahe11 rtot cure or waive�sy,c(rd`,�t�C�rr.ctico of dofault hareunder m bwafideto eny aai dona c�casPonse w su�detautt or > f'?=��
<br /> :. � pursuent to auch notica ot deieulL atssrk.r.vi�av�st�dinp the continuanae in possession of the Property or tho aoReatian,vecetpt end ���, y �':
<br /> t
<br /> F: ' � epptication ot rents, issaes or p�U'ss.4n:snee�3 lendet ehall be w�tiifad to exaraise evety ri0ht provlded ior in any of the I.aen : .:�'t`
<br /> ttnatrumente or by law upon oewrrenae ot ensy£�nt ot Detauk,inehid'mg wit�eue t6nitetion the�fgfit to axere�e tho powar of seto. `.``.�a��t: ::�
<br /> ' � +�7i- ;..;; iurther.Landor's rtghts end ramadiea undet thie W�apraph shs0 ba cumutotiv¢�ai�s„end'm ao way e I h nitntian on,l,cnmdare ri g hW and " ' ��:��
<br />_ .�`x�,;�-� • �' rernedies unCe�eny eseignment af leaeoe end rmYta recorded epainat tho Prca�.►:tsndct.Tn�atea end d►�roaotver at�l ba tiabts to _ ��'�-�
<br /> : . �: ":+�
<br /> � :`i:. eccountontyforthosarenteacwalty�:received. .�•' `�,rn, .
<br /> ` � • '��`s 1 t.Evnnts o1 Drtavtt.Tha fof:aning sha0 conatitute an Event ot Oetauft under thia Dood cf Truar ,•%
<br /> .'� ' ''•,'`;�i::�' (el Fai[ure to pey eny instaQr.:ent of principal or intereat of anY other eum aecured herctry,r whon dae; '��j:���'� -�
<br /> . s'u,:�;� �'•..'�. ;•� :.
<br />_ . y�,•. � (b)A broeeh of or Qefautt undar eny prqvsion aonteined ln the Note,�sa Doed of Trust,eny of tfise Lean tnaWmants.or enY t`-,. .. .._7�,
<br /> -���` other lien or enambranw upon tha ProD6nr: �:�.�
<br /> , . .
<br /> �hp.. ",� (o!A wrrt o!exoeution or ettaohmant or•msy eimilpr procesa ahell be<mtered agamst Truator whtch�tstt 6aaome e(fen on ths -3 n,
<br /> - -- Propmty or any Dortion theroo}or intereet tharein; :�;�.
<br /> � ..-�f�, • (d1 There shatl bo�ted by ar agoinat Tnrstor or Borsower an action undar any present ot future fedaral,state or othar ateluo.tatr
<br /> o�regufation rolatinp to bantcruptcy, insolvancy of othar reliaf tor deEtors;or there shatl 6o apyointed any truata9. rt�aiver or �' �`
<br /> ., : , 5-.,�.y' .:•rY,-ha-.__,.
<br /> � liqufdator oi Trustor or Bortower or oi all ar any paR of the Proparty,or the ronts.iasuea o�profite thareof,or Tntstor or �rrowm �,j, �:
<br />`! � :��4 sheU mak�eny penaral asei�nment tor the benafit of aasitore;
<br /> � 'P� (o!The eele,trensfat,lease,asstgnment,conveyanca or furthar m�e�airtrrtixLco o!ep oi eny Dert o!ot eny Interast in th0 Prapmrty.. � � ---.�-.��`��'�
<br /> • •��"?' a'rthor voluntorily or invotunterity,without the axprose w�aen cortaen4 of Larder,provided that T�uotor sfioll bo parmitted to exocuta , • •r:•;
<br /> .�S$��j,,, ` e leese of tho PropartV thet Qooa rot eontein en option to purct+aso and the tarm ot whinfi Qoea not exeaed ono yoar, t��p + ~�
<br /> `j `�, ' (fl Abm�Qonmant of the�tr.gmty:or tis��'�
<br /> .f{•if5 -� .f�� .'.,
<br /> ��rf� �,{•:, , (g) If Tnrstor ia not an intl.�riQuel,the issuanco. sala,transier, assignmonl, eonve�unco or cncumbtanco oi moro tfian CA a ' ' '� __
<br /> ' t�{�y� corporotion)e toml ot N/A parcm►t o1 ita isausd and outstending atock,or Crt e partnership)a total of W/A paro�t cf Y f' �
<br /> .t�j :�L ' -'
<br />_ •.ti!•„�•: paRnewfiip intoroste,or i u anitad J'iab�ity compeny)a tota l o f a p pesoon t o f t he l i m i ta d U a b T tt y c o m p a n y t e:e a t e o r v o t 1 n� __
<br /> . . .;•", `. d p hto Q ur i np t fio pedo d t hW Qe e d o f T a s t r a m a i n e a l i e n o n t h e P r� ;#�-, `s�.;,_,
<br /> •�� ' • _'•; 1�.Rame�oe:Aceateration Upon Oeteult.ln the event of any Event of 0atau(t 4ender may,without notica mwept a�reqa�rea by faw, ����t,� -_
<br /> ' {�' ' dectera a11 indobloCncso secured fieroby to be duo end payabte end tho eome ahall thoreupen bucame Que and payahf¢p{lhout any
<br /> i ,�:,1,`j':. :'I'..r• r•.i � .��--. -
<br /> � � ... : prmsantrnant,dammd,protost or notiae oi eny kin0.Thareaiter I;A-�r may:
<br /> d� (N Oomt�v►d that Truatae esorci�o ffia PQI�YEA OF S61LE,p�:tar5 har�n,. anA Truatoo shefl thareaftor oauso Ttustor'e intorast
<br /> ci
<br /> 'rl r in the OtopoRy to bo eold and the proaaede tr Q;ta diatributod.aD in�.':�mr�mor provtdod in tho Nabrnnkn Truot Oooda Ilat; � �
<br /> . �= i� (b)Raceralse any end atl dghte provid�d: fcr in any cA r,�o Loan [r.�:uments or by faw upan aacurtance of ony Event of .
<br /> r�,
<br /> �;) _•�'_•_' Octauk:enA � " '•
<br /> �,+L t��w{f c •;.;; . (o)Commanco an natian tm forocloae this Qeod of Trcc_cr eo o mortqopo, appoint a roealvor,or ep�ciilcatly antc�eo any ot tAe
<br /> � ,g�:�j, ; -� eovenonte horeol. -.
<br /> �: �, No remedy horotn conforred upon or raserve�d ta Tvuatoo o�Lendor is intendod to bo exchtatvo 01 cny othor rcmedy horoin,in tho Loon
<br /> �'"!��T`fi' tnatrumonts or by few provldod or pormittad,tiut�ofioll be aumutotiva ahffi be in additlan to svary otAmr�tr»ady¢iven horaundor,bi
<br /> � • �!r`•':��'�t th e L o a n tnatrumonte o+now or horeeftor auiscing;cr 1a�a or In oquity or by a�atxrso,and may bo exorattsod aortcuncrttly.fndoponAantly or " . .
<br />-c�: �.: },��. :
<br /> , .,;.;+,�:r, aucce�stvety. • .
<br />- .!!`.:' ,.
<br /> .:.�1>•::'�;;:i'"•" •� 18.T�wt�a 7'ha Truatoo may resfgn at eny timo without c�mo,and Londet may et tny tima ana without oauao appofeit a oueauasor ,
<br />- . '':��'�'-��� or sarb�stituto Tastou.Tnmtaa nhalf nr,t be liabia to any porty,in�.,ding without Iimitatlon t�det.6onowm,Trueto�ar sc�p��yurchaaar a! ��` �
<br /> _ � the 6toporty, tot ony(oss ar dr�apo untasra dua ta recktesa or w��H�d misconduaf, ond oho0 not be+eqeirad ta toke am!aatton in •
<br />_;,'. `;''Sj�.� connaotlan nrith tR�un}areommft o}this Deed ci Trust unlos9 indomnifiad,in writlnp,for e0 ooste,companaotion or exponaos whlefi mery . •� .
<br /> , ,.. ;;�.�s bo asaoototod therenith.tn additian,7wateo tr.a�becomo a purch8eor at any sate of tho Froparty(ptdioial or undur tho powet of ooln
<br /> - flrantod herein):poatpono tho sate o!00 or any portion of tho Proporty,oa providad by taws or eoll tho Property ea s v�hoto,or tn aeperate , .
<br />_- .,' pusab ar taw ot Truatoo's Eiacretion. „ .
<br /> . � 14.Feoo and Eapanaos.tn the went Truateo so11�tho Proporty Dy mcorciso of powor of eato,Tmatoe ahall be m�ttifed to appty eny eala . •
<br />-- � praceedo titat to poymont of att coate anA expenaos of oxoreising power ot satn,Inafudinp all Trustoe'o faoa,an0 t,cnQer'e and Teuatede _
<br /> , . � attomoy'e toa.►,aetualty Incurced to extant permitto4 by oppGeeblo law.tn tho want Bortowm or Truotor mcarelsas cny tlpht provided by � _
<br /> � law to eure an Event of Dofau(t.LonQe�ahnll bo entitfod to racover irom Ttustar a0 eosts and expottaos 9otuoUy lneurrod a�o tesutt ot ' • •
<br /> �. • Tn�toe's dotauR.lnc.uding without limitation oll Trustae'e and ottomoy's faea,to tho oxtcnt pormittod by oppUcnblo lov�. � ' �
<br /> '- ' � 1 S.Fut�n�Qdvmcee.Upon roque9t of Borrowor,Lendar may,m ite option,meka eQditionol onA tuturo advanca3 and roaEvancas to .
<br />- ' � � � Bonower.Sucfi advaneoa onA roadveneos,wkh intarost thocaon,shall bo so�vrod by thi9 Qoed ot Truet.At ao t6no�ail tho prineipal - .
<br /> - � . omount of tho indoOtaQncea eucurad by this Oaad of Tnist,not inotudinp oums edvcncod to protaot tho oocurity of thia Qaod o!Truat. • .
<br /> � excaed tho arigirtal princiAul omoun!atatod horain,o►9 s0.p0 ,whichovor ia qrooter. .
<br /> , '
<br /> _��, .
<br /> ,.__. ._.,,..�....._.--
<br /> —--
<br /> �_ ' -` -
<br /> � aecs�sse ao.,��-�m,.�om�vr..eroe ,�
<br /> - ' � � 1p80 NmonO 8rs ef Cmmm�n Tnaf trd 3�.up�Aqaowon,urcm4 N�C.ot� _ ' �
<br />