.� i.f: .. r r a�ut. Jr t� � � . . }�tt�yT��r� t?7���� �i���
<br /> '� ; � } �-`H�-�4,�; , ,, �„'.
<br /> �' . .. �3},� ;�1 `y t:}s�r�� . i- - !Ld-�i�+.c{ei tb..,y.�.,,n.,�.... .___ _'___--' - .. . rs
<br /> d.. w__..,,..wbt�:.u�3 J�v.A�.t...�..c✓.i:_�_..��w........�..✓_ _..
<br /> <.r�,,, ' 92.�. �.02�2
<br /> .<�:�
<br />`�',�°"'i""� � The �w�ds shall Iw hcld In an Insil�wiun whox depushs arc insund hy a fcderai agency, insimmentnlii , or cntl�y
<br />_.)._�lP�.:t� y
<br /> � p ,i-�j (Including l.cndcr,If lsnJet is such nn insihWlon)or fn any PeJeral Ilnme l.oan Oank.I.cndcr s6a11 npply�hc PonJs m p,ry thc —.
<br /> �r���'t�t�.y P.scro:e Ucnu. l.cr.Jer may not charge Onrroxrr for Irolding�nJ npplying iho�unds.nnm!ally enalyiing tlic ec¢row nttv�unt,or _: ._.
<br /> , �=.!ry.� vedfying the Escrow I�ems,unless t.c�xler pays purrower intercsi on ihe�unJs anJ appllenblC Intv pennlls I.endet In make suth
<br /> �"�r �',�5� a charge. Ilowever. I.enJer may n�yuire Dormwer tn pay a one•timu eLarge fnr nn independem rc+il es�ate�ax rcpon(ng service _ "'
<br /> - ti ��1� us�d 6y I.ender im m�nceiion wilh U�Is Inan, unless applica6le Imv provides od:en�ise. Unle+s an �+gununi ix mndo nr -- _
<br />�}.`'-''�+•�i�� �f n liu�lile law rc ulros imcrcst m Ac ald, Lcnd�r shall no1 hc rcc uind to i �ormw'cr an intcrcsi or camin s on thc funds. i-
<br /> � PP 9 P 1 P•Y Y � ��t„" -
<br />�'�+_'{%'�,�°�` fiorrmcer nnA Lc�dcr mn n n�e in wri�in IIOH'CVCL�I181 IOlCR51 SII.III I>C dd nn�he funJs. l.endcr shall vc In pnrniwcr, -..
<br /> rr, {jt t,"_i�' wlihmii cLnr�0. nn annn:ll almunting nf ihc�unJs, sho�e�in¢ crttlits nnd dc i�s to�hc �unds:md thc purpocc for which ench �.i;;_ -
<br /> 6 'nr° debil lo Ihe hunds wns maJc.Thc Punda nrc I�v1�al ns uJJiuunal.ecurit (nt�dl sume xcareJ 6 Ihia Sauril hnlnmtcnL � .-' s�-�:
<br /> '�'++ 3il � r P D r 3' Y ;Ef�s�i -�
<br />,;�_:.'::nt.„��� If�he I unds held hy Lender exeettl tlm mixmnlx�mil�lni w be helJ liy appIfrahie I;nv.IxnJer shall accmm��0 6nrrower S.;,� .;..,.
<br />�"�""i.�:%'�i";"L` fnr�I�c caccxs�unds in nccordancc wfd�ihc rcqntrcmcros nf applicahlc law. If�lic amonm of�hc Fnnds hcld hy I.endtr m nny i.=..",€in�:=_.
<br />="�'-�r���^• : ttmc is nnl suflicicnl lo �•�hc Escrmv Ilcinc�vlicn Juc, Lendcr m�� sn no�if fiorrowcr in��ritin �nJ,in snch casc Rnrrnwcr �i'i1F>;%=-�,
<br /> - �.sl Yz �'> Y� Y 8.. g�y..,.«sn:
<br />�'"`-`ir-,,:y''. ; slmll pny�o I.ender A�e mm�nnt n�eexsary �n make up�he deficlency. 6nrrawer+6a11 make up�he Jeficiency in no marc Uian -�j2n;_�_..
<br /> t t j H5�'r�<� t�vdce monthly paymcnts.a1 IAndci s solc Jiscrc�inn. r'sdf dti :
<br /> � � �_y���?� Upnn paymem Ll full uf nil sunGS secnrarl by �his Sttarity Irovument. LenJcr shall prompdy refunJ to Onrm+cer nny "����ul '-
<br /> ..r,, K,�,�,�y�' funds hclJ M1y I.cndcr. If,undcr paragraph 21.Lcader ahall aa}uirc o�xll�h.Ara�xnY.I.cnucr. rinr to thr aa;aisition uc u!c ,,n ' ..
<br /> •:.'tinF;;���.�' of ihe Pmreny, shall npply nny FuMls held by Ixnler at the tinw of a.yuisition or v�te m n cndr agairo�thc wm+sccvrad by i�x��'-�yzf".-
<br />�:'�`%':''='`'-'�+.. �hfsSCan� 6uvumem. �z2..,:.:-
<br />'.:t`'c%�}4iF;^ z Y
<br /> ;;._:ii!;fF�� 3.Applientimi of Pny�menis.Unle�s applia�bte law�pmcidr5 othen�ix,all pa7�mems rc�tiiral by�I.emler ueJer p:magiaphs '�,✓t.?:;:;�;'
<br /> - ,.- ;�t I and 2 shall be npplfcJ: firsl, lo any prcpay�mcm chargcs Juc unJcr�he hntr,savnd.W;�moums p;q�ablc nndtr parn_�apS 2: J;� ..
<br /> x,.,� �7='��f�+� �hird,m intcrc>t du.:foarth,w principal duc:and i:u�.to any la�c chargu Juc und.r thc Note. '�"` ��•'`.-
<br /> ��_ q.Charges:I.Ie�u, tlorto�<er�hall pa�•all taKCS,assessn:entx, charges, fine>anJ imposiiionc aurihmaF!t�o�he Prn�ny rt'�Y-v`.�
<br /> -,�: F which ma��a�win prioriiy nnr this Security Inanm�rnL anJ Ieacehold paymrnt, ur ground rems. if any Durm�rcr shnll pay Lhn>' } ..
<br /> -�� -�-� thesc ubli �tiuns in the tnar.nr roxiA.d in tn ra h 2,ur i(nm �iJ in ihat manr.cr. @rtroacr.haii q iLom un�ime Jirecll "q-:'.. •:-.
<br /> g P � F P P• F�. 1' E t}�+
<br /> .;:_.�;jF��u.��: Io Ihc pcnon ow�d p�vn�cnt.13ovoucr shal pmmpdp(urnish tn Lendcr ail nmiccs ol';nnounr,to bc pvd m�dcr Ihis pamFraph. i.tf_�.7,?�.
<br /> � � - If�orron�rr nw'tkes�ha+e paqmem>d�rrr0}•.Dorrn��er shall pmm�tly(umish In Lendcr rc.riFa.c�-�deneing�he paymeNs. ?�J i
<br /> -��� f3arrou�cr shall rom��I� di.eh.vgc anp Lcn ahiih has nortl m'cr Ihi+S��iurit hnlrumrm unlcss Rnrroucr.lcU�'rtY+in r' ss:
<br /> ,�'i� S;�i#`i: P 1 P Y. Y b •ff.;7 ,
<br /> F�,.x{If�''��?}; wriling la ihe paymcnl�»t6e aUligmion,auri�i b� ihe lien in o manncr acecp�abk�o IAnder.Ib)camesu in gad L•iith�h.licn �y ,....-.
<br />- -tv:_.e ;�� 6y, or defends again.� enforeemem nf�he licn in. Irgal pnxc.dings �ehich in �he l.ender's opinion opera�c to pre��em U�c �"�.���:i'.,..
<br />.;;�.';�?.•'•�ii3 enforcenxm of�h.lien:or lcl xecurex from ihe huldrr nf�he licn:m agrecmcnt,aiisfnclory tn Lender+uhnrdinaling ILC licn tn �Gyr;;;j':-.
<br /> �:.: f. r
<br />'Stf�'t'n.,i!? �Ins Securi�y Insuwncnt. If IcnJcr dc�cnnina iha� .�y�,n�r a,� rr�,�,nY ��,��i,;��<<„:� r.�«�i���i����,y���,������,��n�,,•�•� ,>:S i:�,.,;.
<br /> �:_;t.°•44_.tACx,• �his Serurity Immunem. Lender may gire Iiorrmcer a nntice iJentifying�he lien. I3nrrm��er.hall.:nisfy�he lirn nr�:�k.or.e nr ��{ev�:;�,,._�;
<br /> t;� �'y-�) morc ohhc aciions set fnnh alwrc�viihin 10 Jaya nf�hc giving nf no�icc. ?:'�,o f�`,:
<br /> x:.:,,v„A�•. 5. IlarnrJ or Prnperl�� 6isurnnce, finrmw�e� shall keep �hc iir�prmrm.ma nmr esiuing on c�rcaficr.rcetcd an �hc l'��� .,�.
<br />:.:'S•4,t;,t�': Propeny imurcd agains,loss by firc, hanrd. in:ludrJ wiihin�hc tcrm'cx�ecded mcer:i2e'anJ any other h:varJ.. incluJing uJ:.l.;,_,;:
<br /> y,r.::.;:.:,_.��
<br />�.�L,,.t��Ei�.,3_ OooJs or Oaxling,for��hi:h l.endrr rcquires imurar.:r. Thi.insnr;mcc tih�dl hr nuimnincd in�hc;unnunu:md fnr Uic�xri�xlc (i,�t;,�.�£;_�
<br />.� eF'}$y';'��S'�+� lhal I.CnJer rcquirtx. Tht inxur;mcc.arnr�prcmdmg�hc �n.ur.mtt tiliaii iu enn.tn iiy 6orr.���rr+nnjcu w [.cnu�r',app�u•�i ��; '._
<br />-ru••�>i;`�t.��{ which +hall not F. unrcasonably �enhhrld. If 13nrrm�tr f�IL.to maimain cuvcr,�gc descrihcd ahwc. L.nder ma��. :u Lcndcr: :n..<;y;:';-:
<br />-� .SV't:1�ni' a).��Y}i,`:-
<br />�i,t{s�x5 :.Y, �,�r���.�,hc�in roc.ng.In prolecl Lrr.d:r'x righis lu�hc 1'm}tm in areordan.c wilh pnragnpn 7. .5�..-., :,
<br />..y�,,i:,.., �3e All in.ur.m.r��lirirc�nd rene��'al+ .h�Jl Ir ac:rpixhle �o Lrnder.md .h:ill inclnJe a .ianJarJ inari�a�e riamz. Ixndrr !.'�:'.%:-
<br /> � � hall have 16c�i hl In hold 16c nlicic+anJ rtnt�qJ.. if l.cnJcr m uirt..Bnrrmccr sh;dl rom 11 icc lo IxnJtr all rcni I�af '� ���t};.;_.
<br /> .::>r':,•�>S•:"\• s
<br />- � rv-.k� - 6 P I P P >"4 P� .,•.r:.t.,:_
<br />� n_�-; d:,� ,.�.;.',^.,._�:
<br /> � i h��_ -. paiJ premiums�md renrnal naiice..In ihc c�tm ul lo..+. 13nrrnucr.6:JI giec prnmpl nuticc tn thc inwramti r,uritr anJ lxnJcr. .:,.
<br /> � `r .`� I.cndcr may makc pronf of In.c if nni inaJc proinp�ly by Ilnrro�acr. y
<br /> : .,o�E.r� Unlcss Lendcr.�nJ ISorrmccr uthcrw�ix agnw m wriling.in.uran.r prnccad.,hall hc applinl ta rc�d�ralion or np:�ir nf�hr ;� �
<br /> i.5'-,'.+'��.i.., Propctiq Jam:�geJ.if Ihc rn�or,niun or rcpair i..onnnmir,dly feni6le and Lender'�.trurily i.no�IcsuneJ. If d:e mslura�iun ur :--.ti;,�:._�.'
<br />�t;.. e�.L�._ �� �.-.�
<br /> ,�,:;:2�f t�•:;:; rcpai�is nol c�annnticalic fca.i6lc nr LcnJcr'+xaviq•�couiJ b.k»cmd. Iht insnranm pnxeeJ>.h:Jl bc appliitl ln ihc+um.
<br /> -;._L•;;;x;�`; secureJ by ihi� Securil) 6uimmem. �chelh.r or n.+t ihtn due. ��ith any e�ar� paid lo Rnrrnwee If Ilurro�rer ah:mdnn, ihr -:",?i�:-,V�
<br />'y?.j;'y':�:{!.:�: Pfo�fc�l}',of d�MS�loi mn.act wilhin 30 Ja}'+a noliie ffnln L¢ndC�Ih:�l III¢ in.ur.m:r.arricr I�a.a11inJ lu xldr a rlaim.Ihcn ' :`�:
<br /> t- r �'''.' � Lxnder ma)� collav:� Ihr fnwmnce pruceed.. IwnJer m:q u+e the pnx•aed, to rt�air or re.lnre ihe Prn�n) or tn p:ry• sum. �:�`� ' .
<br />_.?�!y��r.f�:y�<f'',�` cccund b� thi.Sccnrit} Insimmcni.��hc�h.r nr nnt Ihui Juc.Thc 30-Ja��xnml i�ll hgin�chan Ihe nolice i}�iccn. n�I.P�•..`
<br /> '��f�_�c�:f l'niuc Lc�ulcr anJ 13ortnwer n�hcnri..agrc¢ m �viling. anc .�ppliration a!pn+rrrd. �a priniipal .hall nol r�trnJ or t.'�`� ;
<br /> -'� Si �§,� postpnnc �hr Juc J.nr ol �ht monthl� pnymcm.rcicrrcJ lu in p:ir.�gr.�pa. I and 2 nr.hangc Ihc cunown uf Iht p.qment.. II �2 -
<br /> -�'-�:".� under par.igraph?I the Pro�ny�f.acqmnd M1y Lender. Ilorrmc.r', rigln m.up mwrdnce pah.ic.;mJ pro:�ZJ.re.uhmg liom �..';;
<br /> - �:.rt7�ii",f_ .l::-.
<br />- ' _;_;fs,.>:_, Jamagc In Ihc Prnperp prfor�o thc:iryui.iiinn.hall pa..m LcnJrr w tl�r cvcm ut�hr.wn.xa�reJ by ihi.Sccuriir In.Irumcnl c; , .:��- .
<br /> r - - -,_� imm.din�rly prinno�hc acyui.i�ion �
<br /> y �� ,�bii 6. (1cr+�pdnc}'.PrescnntlmL Alaintcnnncc nnd Prnicctlnn af Ihc Praprrq: Hnrrnwcr'.Ln:m Appllcullun: I.cn�rhn7th. _��?
<br />- .:`«_( Dorroucnhall�wiupy.c.�ahli.h.m:d u.c�he Prn�n�a.13ortoner\prfndp.J r..iJrn.c�cilhfn.nly d:q.aflcr ihr.�.cuu�,n�d ; i,`.;��.
<br /> � . �s_ Ihis Security ln.lnm:rnt nnd.I�ail rmiuuue�a�xaup� �h� I ru�nm :n Bn�ro�i.r'>prin:ip:d rt.idence fnr:n Iraq onr �rar:dter '-.�,.. •
<br />�`Y `iri'°LSj�: IhC Ja�e ��(�wal m � unin�LatJer mhcnmc,r,�rr:.m xnun^ ��hidt cor=cnt .h:dl nnt bc unrca�onahl� wfiLhrld. ��r milo�. ':q. :• -..
<br />_ ,�-�.. . ,�� .�� . f' !�-���..�.
<br /> -��r.`-...:r''-' eslrnuaiir.g circnmian:r.. csi.l ��hid� :m br)und &rtro�car. mnuol. {iorrmcer .6:JI noi Je.lro�. J:mugt ar impai� Ihr
<br /> '._:?ri�.. -... :
<br />?i,�`t];l;:l:;:.�. Pfo�\17�. a1Lnc IIL` �'lo�kll\ lu dClCtinf.�ld. nf C�U111ID1 x:�qt Pn Iht 1'f�+fCfl�. linlfnxtf .I�ell I�t �Il ddl:Nll if a�ll (�•IIt11uR _ . .
<br /> - ��':, . aclion:r p::i•edmg. ��hclher ri�'il ur:nminaL i+hegm�Ih:n ir.I.i n.Li.}.���I I:mh I�:�lyntrm.unW rr.uh in G+Aeilure��1 ILt .
<br />';`bI'ttiJ�-i�f;^. Pro�n. .�:o�hrn.i..uxncri:Jh in:p.�inl:c If:n rrcrtcJ h� ilu.S:cuni� Inqrumrm�rt Lcudrr..rairn� mi.r..t.Bnrtoucr ma� ..
<br /> : -,•; ". cun.u:h a J:faull and�dmcnr..n p�ntiJ.•J m p.iragnph I%.h�r.m.mg Ihr.�:I�onnr pro:rrdmg in M1:dnuu..eJ�qlh a rnling .
<br />�'i;',rr`:"::iv: �hal, in LrrJ:r'.g�rJ i:wh detrnmu:ninn. prrduJr. f�rl���mr:�d tl�e Bnri„nrr: mirre,t w ihr Pru�etn nr uthrr iruerr.d .
<br /> +,,;:�:•:. .
<br /> --. i`.-�ii+.'`.=- impainucnl �,f IF.t hiu :::::rcd I+c Ilu.ticcurm In.Irumcni �n Lend.r'..r.wn� nn�rc.i. Bmnn�rr .h.Jl al.n h m dcLm11 f( �
<br />='a'�� --.��:lf f3orrm�cr..luring�h: lraue�plit.�It,mpraic...g:nrmalincdhl.i6.a� w.ir.ucn: ml�.nnauonr:.lalcn::nnmLcnJ.r�.•rLultd
<br /> •z:N.:..� ,. .
<br /> :ti.- .�h�'i:i lopro��.!:Ir�Jvnu�n:m� cnn.:�:_�C•nu.nmm::�.•�nuaunuvuhl!ri,..wn�.I:n:tdh. IL.\�nr.u:i6.:m�.bw �.-ihnul:J
<br /> '�"_� .���q: to.reprccr.WC�a:.mc::na:;�Brrroa::'.n.a�p.,n:� �•IlhcPnq•:r- apn�xip:drc.�dnxa ild:i.\i.nnt� In.Inn:or:�n.m.�
<br /> --'"Jc:'.�.ti la:nchold. Bntm��t• •'-.L- -�.nph u:h .JI ihr pi..�ni.�m .�l C:: ;�i_: 1: Itotn.a:: ...pun. �:r ut: b. :.: Pru�c_. W: �
<br /> .. ' ti ir:ntholJ and Iht G:a:.:��.iil n.•�mapc unlr•.I.rnJt�.icrc:.1��ih:nrctia r ��rnn:.• � .
<br />" , .. . 7. f'rnlirUun ot 1.rnJcr'.Righl.iu Ihr Prnperl�. i i 14.m..�..� Lnl,b.�c�...�:.�i::...�a:.nm.na!.i��::- n�n o�nt:::s2 :-
<br /> �. . •Y
<br /> - . �hf�Secunl� Im�mnx:.. at �htrc n.�i:i•.J j.n..cniwt�l.n m.n .c•ml�,.im!� :i':.' I::.:n-, r.:t.n m tl.: Pnq�'in �....- -�- .. '
<br /> ' „ Prtt'�tidmg m banAmp�:�. p�ab.n:. I..i u,u,i.mn.m.�r.n I.�tlnun..•i �..ad..�.. :.�... _. ::r.._�,n.�. ihrn I:nJn'....: .. '
<br /> _ _ p:n f..r ��h:nc�ct n ueCf�•en lo��inl:.l Ihc�.du: ��I �hr IY.q..tl� .ai,i 1:r.J:(. . _: i:r�.rm 1 rndn'. .�.' � �.. .
<br /> mdud< na�inc am � ..n enu.d i.� .i hrn .JuJ� b.�. pn.�un .n:r �y:. �.. ..1�.::�.�;r.t. .�p�y�.n�rc i.. .... ..me
<br />.�� . ,� . .... . �
<br /> _-_ `—_" a`. � -�-� " '
<br /> -. -- - rc:n�mabla alinni.:� _. .md:nt:nne�.n�L:P�.q�:�n �.�m.�Aa t:p.rn \-r ::nuo uvn �.�Aa.nb�•. .. -- 4:u.�tieph -
<br /> 7. Lindc�J�x.�un ir.r . .•da.0
<br />- ' " _ ,-i� �\m an:uuu�_.L.nuncJ h. La�dcr uudr� Ihi. ��.negt.�; ' .� .. . .n:.hh�.na' d.bi .•I 14....... _... ' b� Ih�.
<br /> Sctunn (n.�rum��nL Udt.. lin.r....:r.�nd lindir .�grcc ��. , �. _r -.� p.-r_ia q.:-; , :�um. .l.n • � ,-_ .n.�n �L:
<br /> da�.�•I JnM1nnan:nl .A Iln' Snit Ln:.w.l .L.ill ht pd�nPit� �: cr?:.� _ . �. �.. .: Lni.kr .. FL �n�wrt ic.pK�uut
<br /> ' - . ."�._j pa�mtN. _ .. . ; . .. ..
<br /> � �.i- N. \Inrl�;agchi.urancc. IlLrnJ.r�.ynnnimon..��cm.w.in.r.�..�.._.�-�..u„I :n.iC�qc�h.l.�e -. .:Jln �ln.�nmm
<br /> .� luymmcm. Burruacr .6.JI pa) Iht prnnmm. iayuu:.l i�, m.nm.uu tlrc m�.�L••aca unmau::w r1ic.� I�- 1..� am �..r�.u. �I�.
<br /> - � mongagc m.unn.e o+�er:igr rrynunl M Ladet lap...��� . . �.�n b.w d1:.1. 14etnma .h.ill p.n �L.p�.nuonn i:.pw:d tr
<br /> ��I.IA�n cmtr�Ff.uh.C�1111:�11� 8�un.dinl W�hC n4ql}.�i. Ip.1�Ltmt�IIf�wp.l� m f11i:1.at .1....1.t�In1.tl�ILdh ..pu�.d:n� 1.� Ip.
<br /> _ nnl lo limr..o.rr ol ilrc mnngagc m.ur.um prr��nu.l� w ALCL I�rw.m .Jicm.nr ni..n_.c•:m.u�i� .q•pn•�:.1 I.� I anJn II
<br /> � •.:t l.''e
<br /> C.� . .: . .� io�m 3028 9 90 •
<br /> � I.
<br />