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AM 6 EA-11 UDWRITT <br />1 County, Nebraska. <br />11he Court further finds that on the 23rd day of March, 1971, Sarah Mullen, widow: of _John Mul <br />�Ifiled in this Court her duly verified petition praying that letters of administration may be <br />anted to the said Sarah Mullen, widow of deceased, in the estate of John Mullen, deceased; <br />that the Court thereupon fixed the 15th day of April, 1931', as the date for hearing upon said <br />petition, and that due and legal notice of the filing of said petition and the time and place <br />fixed for hearing thereof was given by the Court in the manner provided by law, and that on th <br />15th day of April, 1931, a hearing was had and letters of administration issued to Sarah Mulle <br />and she duly qualified as such administratrix. <br />The Court further finds that due and legal notice has been given to all persons of the time an <br />place fixed by the Court for the presentation of claims against said estate; and that the time <br />so fixed by the Court has fully expired, and that all persons having claims against said.estat <br />if any such there be, are forever barred and excluded from setting up or'gseerting any such <br />claims against said estate. <br />The Court further finds that there is no inheritance tax due the state of Nebraska, upon the <br />inheritance going to Sarah Mullen, widow of the deceased, and that the inheritance tax due on <br />the eh&re going to William P.Mullen has been paid, and that there is no federal estate tax due <br />under the laws of the United States. <br />The Court further finds that the said John Mullen deceased, left surviving him as his heirs <br />and only heirs at law, the following names persons: Sarah Mullen, widow, and William P.Mullen <br />son, and that the said William P.Mullen is of legal age. <br />The Court further finds that the said John Mullen deceased, died seized in fee simple of the <br />following described real estate, to -wit: <br />The Westerly Sixteen (16) feet of Lot three (3) and the Easterly Thirty -four (34) feet of <br />Fractional Lot Four (4), all in Block One (1), Elm Place, addition to the City of Grand Island <br />I <br />as surveyed, platted and recorded, said tract being a rectangular piece of ground having a <br />ifrontage of fifty feet on First Street in said City and One thirty two feet in depth. <br />j!The North Half of the North -east quarter (N4NEJ) (less five acres on the west side) of Section <br />(Six (6), Township Nine (9) North, Range Twelve (12) West, containing seventy -five (75) acres. <br />East Half of the Northeast Quarter (*NEJ) of Section Ten (10) and-the NorthWest Quarter of th <br />Northwest Quarter (N* NWi) and the North Forty acres of Lot One (1) on Mainland of Section <br />Eleven (11)(being also described as the West Half of the Northwest Quarter (Wj N*) of Section <br />REleven ) all in Township Nine (9) North Range Twelve (12) West. <br />The West Half of the Southwest quarter (WJSWJ) and the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest <br />}Quarter (NEJSWJ) and Lot Two (2) on Mainland, all in Section Ten (10), Township Nine North <br />lRange , Twelve (12) West, containing 147.8 acres more or less. <br />;Lot Number Seven (7), Block Number Twenty -six (26), original Town of Wood River, Hall County, <br />j Nebraska. <br />Lots One and Two in the Southeast Quarter (SEJ) (On Island) of Section Ten (10), Township Nine <br />�(9) North, Range Twelve (12) West, containing ninety -three (93) acres more or less,.and Lots <br />Three and Four in the Southeast Quarter (S *) of Section Ten (10),Township Nine North (9N), <br />I Range Twelve West (12W) containing according to the Government survey, sixty -eight and thirty- <br />11 eight hundredths (69.39) acres. <br />All of the above real estate is located in Hall County. <br />An undivided one -half interest in Section Nineteen (19),Township Eleven (11) North,Range Fift <br />eight West (58W) of the Sixth P.M,, in Weld County, Colorado. <br />and that under and by virtue of the i.ww, f non ^er4 - -.o +U- a;. <br />