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N J., 5 G ALL � � LINTY <br />S.R.Benton, Executor under the last will and testament of the said Charles A.Wickham, deceased, <br />and it appearing to the Court from the proofs on file that notice has been given to all interested <br />persons in said estate of the filing of said report, as required by law and by the order of thi <br />Court, and it further appearing to the Court after full examination, that the account exhibit <br />by the said Executor is correct in all things and ought to be approved and allowed, and it furt <br />appearing that said Executor has accounted for all of the estate which has come into his hands, <br />it is <br />THEREFORE, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the report of the said S.R.Benton, Executor of tB <br />last will and testament of the said Charles A.Wickham, deceased, be, and the same is approved <br />and for his final report. <br />The Court further finds that notice was given to allcreditors of said estate in the manner pr <br />vided by law of the date and place fixed for presenting claims against the estate of said de- <br />ceased; that the time allowed for filing claims has fully a #red; that all claims filed and <br />allowed against said estate have been fully paid and satisfied; that the funeral expenses of <br />said deceased and the costs of administering said estate he.ue been fully paid and that all ou <br />standing claims against said estate, not filed, if any such there be, are forever barred and <br />excluded. <br />IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that all persons are forever barred fz c <br />filing or setting up any claims or demands. against the estate of the said Charles A.Wickham, d <br />ceased, and that such estate is fully settled and closed. <br />The Court finds that the said Executor has received in cash from all sources the sum of $874.5 ; <br />that he has expended in cash in the payment of court costs, charges of probating said will,andj <br />administering the estate, state inheritance tax, executor's fees, and other expenses incurred <br />in the administration of said estate, and bills owing by the deceased at the time of his death <br />the sun of $1962.07. That he has paid on account of bequests to Allen Wickham and Eugene Wicklis <br />each the sum of $10.00, as provided in said will, included in said $1962.07; that the said Ex <br />tutor has paid out in excess of receipts the sum of $1087.52, but that said amount has been <br />advanced by Mr. Roy Hutton, residuary legatee under the last will and testament, and that ther - <br />fore the Executor makes no claim for his disbursements in excess of receipts. <br />The Court finds that the bequest of $10.00 to Ida Wickham, sister -in -law of said deceased, has <br />not been paid, for the reason that the said Ida Wickham preceded testator in death and said 11 <br />bequest thereby lapsed. <br />IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the payments of said Executor as herein - <br />before set out and as listed in his final report, be approved, and that receipts therefor be j <br />' I <br />filed in this Court. <br />The Court finds that said estate has been appraised for the purposes of state inheritance tax <br />and that the sum of $1011.47 has been found due on account thereof; that said amount has been j <br />paid and receipt therefor issued by the county treasurer of Hall County, Nebraska. <br />The Court finds that the said Charles A.Wickham departed this life on the 19th day of June, 19 0, <br />and at the time of his death the said Charles A.Wickham was a resident and inhabitant of Hall <br />County, Nebraska; that he left an estate therein consisting of both real and personal property <br />that the said Charles Wickham left a last will and testament, which last will and testament wa <br />admitted to probate in the County Court of Hall County, Nebraska, on the 30th day of August, <br />1930. <br />The Court finds that an appeal to the District Court of Hall County, Nebraska, from the order <br />admitting said will to probate, was taken, and said appeal was lodged in said District Court o <br />N <br />r <br />