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J <br />7 111 A-A D D S - IV M, 3 2 213 1 - _'�, DO - M. D <br />_ 77672 -6T,Tm JjaURNAL .GOMPANY.UNCOIN.._NS4___ <br />expenses as soon after my decease as conveniently may be. <br />SECOND, After the payment of such funeral expenses and debts, I_give, devise and bequeath to MT <br />ii <br />brothers, Allen Wickham of Lake Como, New Jersey, and Eugene Wickham of Sehenevus,' New York, <br />each Ten Dollars in cash, and to my sister -in -law, Ida Wickham of Davenport, New York, Ten D014 <br />lars in cash. <br />After payment of the above, I give, devise and bequeath all of the balance of my personal <br />property, consisting of cash on hand or-in banks, Government Liberty Bonds, live stock, farminf <br />implements, furniture and household goods, and any and all of any other personal property of 1 <br />which I may be possessed; and also all of my real estate consisting of the North -east Quarter i+ <br />of the North -west Quarter (N*NWJ), the South -half of the North -west Quarter (SJNWJ) and the 4 <br />r, <br />North -half of the Southwest Quarter (NjSWj) of Section Seven (7) in Township Eleven (11) North <br />Range Eleven (11) West of the Sixth P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, to ROY HUTTON, Wood River, j <br />Nebraska, as appreciation for the kindness, association and help he has given me for a great `; <br />many years. <br />LASTLY, I make, constitute and appoint S.R.Benton, of Cairo, Nebraska, to be Executor of this <br />my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former Wills by me made, and request that no <br />bond be required. <br />IN-WITNESS WHERTOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal, the eleventh day <br />May in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred twenty -six. <br />Charles A.Wickham (SEAL) <br />This instrument, was on the date of the date thereof, signed, published and declared by the <br />said test.a,tor, Charles A.Wickham, to be his last Will and Testament, in the presence of us <br />at his request, have subscribed our names thereto as witnesses, in his presence, and in the <br />presence of each other. <br />William Stoeger <br />M.F.Thompson <br />CERTIFICATE OF PROBATE OF WILL <br />State of Nebraska At a session of the County Court held in the County Court Room in <br />ss. <br />Hall County, Grand Island, in said County, on the 30th day -of August, A.D.,1930. <br />Present Paul N.Kirk, County Judge. <br />In the Matter of the Estate <br />of <br />Charles A.Wickham, deceased. <br />I, Paul N.Kirk, Judge of the County Court in and for said County, do hereby certify that on t1ie <br />24th day o f June ; 93 1 0, the instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Charle� <br />A.Wickham, deceased, was filed for probate in this Court. That on the 30th day of August,l*p <br />said instrument to which this certificate is attached was duly proved, probated and allowed a� <br />(I'' <br />the last will and testament of the real and personal estate of said Charles A.Wickham,decease4, <br />and the same was ordered to be recorded in the records of the Court aforesaid. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court this <br />30th day of August, 1930. <br />In the matter of the estate <br />of <br />Charles A.Wickham, Deceased. <br />(SEAL) <br />Paul N.Kirk <br />County Judge <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />1. FINAL DECREE. <br />Now, on this 22nd day of October, 1931, this cause came on for hearing on the final report of <br />