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IN& 6 EA11 VID9139M <br />;;The Court further finds that the inheritance tax has been paid to the treasurer of Hall County, <br />'Nebraska, in the sum of $32.56. - <br />j!The Court further finds that among the assets of said estate is a certain real estate mortgage <br />,executed by Fred H.Harder and Mary Harder to John Derganz and Elizabeth Derganz, under date of <br />;March 28, 1929, in the sum of $12,004.00, with interest coupons thereto attached, due-March 29, <br />!I <br />1939, said mortgage covering the northwest quarter of Section 188 in Township 12, North, Range' <br />,'11 West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, and recorded in Book 66 at page 455. <br />!;The Court further finds that the said Elizabeth Derganz was the owner of an undivided one -half <br />,interest_in and to the aforesaid real estate mortgage. <br />'!The Court further finds that under and by virtue of an agreement of settlement made and entire. <br />i <br />;!into and executed by John Derganz, Harry G.Madden, Sue Madden, Estelle Layeook, and Z.L.Laycock <br />:under date of May 1, 1931, all of the interested parties in said mortgage stipulated and agreee <br />;that a one -half interest in said mortgage belonged to Elizabeth Dergans and the other undivided <br />,one -half interest in said mortgage and the notes secured thereby belonged to John Derganz, and <br />'it was further agreed by said parties that the said John Derganz, should have the income from tx <br />,entire mortgage se long as he shall live, and that at his death the said one -half interest fora <br />lerly belonging to Elizabeth Der'Wnz shall pass and descend in accordance with the terms of the <br />'last will and testament of said Elizabeth Derganz. <br />i <br />!The Court further finds that the executor has performed the duties imposed upon him by laws an4 <br />has made distribution of said estate in accordance with the last will and testament of said <br />Elizabeth Derganz, deceased, and that said Executor is entitled to be discharged and said estat <br />closed. <br />IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that the final report of Grover <br />0-Raven, Executor of the last will and testament of Elizabeth Derganz, deceased, be, and the <br />same is hereby approved and allowed as and for his final report, and said estate is hereby <br />settled and closed, and said Executor discharged and his bond as such released. <br />IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that under and by virtue of the last will and test <br />ment of Elizabeth Derganz, deceased, the absolute title to the following described real estate <br />passed and descended as follows,* <br />To Harry G.Madden, the undivided one -half interest in Lot Number 13 in Block 10 of the Origin <br />Town of Cairo, as shown by the recorded plat thereof, subject to the life estate of John Derga ; <br />To Harry G.Madden the north half of the southwest quarter, except the west 25 acres heretofore <br />deeded to John E.Cox; also the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter and also the south- <br />west quarter of the southwest quarter ( except that op.rt which has been laid out and platted ae <br />Robinson's Addition to Cairo, and also excepting that part described in warranty deed recorded <br />in Book g on page 634 of the records of Hall County, Nebraska, given by Caleb M.Robinson and <br />wife to A.L.Omer); also the east 70 acres of the south half of the southeast quarter, all in <br />Section lg, in Township 12 North, Range 11 West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Paul N. Kirk <br />County Judge. <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />CERTIFICATE. <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, Is Paul N.Kirk, County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, do hereby per <br />ss. <br />HALL COUNTY , tify that I have compared the foregoing copy of Last Will and Testa- <br />went, Confirmation of Ante - nuptial Agreement and two Warranty Deeds.dated March 29th,1929, and <br />March 26th, 1930, attached thereto, CERTIFICATE OF PROBATE THEREOF and FINAL DECREE IN THE YA <br />TER OF THE ESTATE OF ELIZABETH DERGANZ, DECEASED, with the originaI.record thereof, now <br />