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438 <br />7111 A B-1 D D 2VM —,�1a 2IjVVMD <br />warranty deed dated March 29, 1928, whereby the following real estate is conveyed to Harry <br />11G. Madden: <br />The north half of the southwest quarter, except the west twenty -five (25) acres <br />heretofore deeded to John E. Cox, <br />also, the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, <br />also,the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter, <br />except that part'that has been laid out and platted as Robinson's Addition to <br />Cairo and also exceptipg thz.t part described in warranty deed recorded in book <br />8 on page 634 of the records of Hall County, given by Caleb M.Robinson and wife <br />to A.L.Omer, <br />'I also, the east seventy (70) acres of the south half of the southeast quarter, <br />all in Section number eighteen (19) in township twelve north,range eleven west <br />!`. <br />of the sixth P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, <br />�a warranty deed dated March 26, 1930, whereby the following described real estate is conveyed <br />!!to Harry a.Madden: { <br />"My undivided one half interest in Lot number thirteen (13) in block number <br />Ten (10) of the original town of Cairo, as shown by the recorded plat there - <br />of, subject to the life estate of John Derganz," <br />and that all of said documents constitute the last will and testament of Elizabeth Derganz, <br />;a <br />deceased. <br />The Court further finds that the claims and expenses of administration amount to #506. ?7, in <br />;excess of the amount of cash in the hands of the executor, and that, to avoid the sale of any <br />of the property or sacrificing the same, one Harry G.Madden, one of the legatees and devisees <br />lunder said last will and testament, has paid the sum of $506.27 to make up he deficiency. <br />';The Court further finds from the vouchers and receipts on file that all of the claims filed <br />.against said estate have been paid, and that all persons having claims, and not filed herein, <br />,`if any such there be, are forever barred and excluded from setting up or asserting any such <br />claims against said estate. <br />The Court further finds that said Elizabeth Derganz, deceased, died seised of the following <br />described real estate, to -wit: <br />The north half of the southwest quarter, except the west 25 acres of the <br />northwest quarter of the southwest quarter, heretofore deeded to John E.Cox <br />The southeast quarter of the southwest quarter; <br />The southwest quarter of the southwest quarter,except that part that has been <br />laid out and platted as Robinson's Addition to Cairo, and also excepting that <br />part described in warranty deed recorded in Book 8 on page 634 of the records <br />of Hall County, given by Caleb M.Robinson and wife to A.L.Omer; <br />The east 70 acres of the south half of the southeast quarter; <br />all in Section Eighteen (18),Township Twelve (12),Range Eleven(ll) West of <br />the 6th P.M.,in Hall County,Nebraska, <br />An undivided one -half interest in Last Thirteen (13) in Block Ten (10) of <br />the Original Town of C3airo, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />The Court further finde.that under said last will and testament the real estat <br />passed and descended as follows: To Harry a.Madden the undivided <br />"s <br />1' one -half interest in Lot Number 13 in Block 10 of the Original Town of Cairo, as shown by the s! <br />6. <br />i' recorded plat thereof, subject to the life estate of John Derganz; to Harry G.Madden the nort* <br />half of the southwest quarter (except the west 25 acres heretofore deeded to John E.Cox; also <br />the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter and also the southwest quarter of the southwest <br />quarter, except that part which has been laid out and platted as Robinson's Addition to Cairo, <br />anti also except that part described in warranty deed recorded in Book 8 on page 634 of the r <br />cords of Hall County, Nebraska, given by Caleb M.Robinson and wife to A.L.Omer; also the east" <br />70 acres of the south half of the southeast quarter, all in Section At in Township 12,North,` <br />Range 11 West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska.. <br />The Court further finds that all of the personal property remaining after the payment �i <br />of debt <br />and expenses of administration passed and descended, share and share alike, to Estelle Laycoc�, <br />hter of said deceased, and Harry G.Madden,grandson of said deceased. <br />