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J <br />downed individually at that time, and which agreement was subsequently on the 29" day of July, <br />�1909j confirmed by us in writing. It is my desire and will that the conditions of that ante - <br />Puptial agreement shall stand and be observed at the time of my death, relative to all property <br />Awned by me at the time the said agreement was made, and that this will shall not in any manner <br />johange nor modify the said ante - nuptial agreement, which is hereby reaffirmed. <br />':On March 25" 1925, I executed a certain warranty deed conveying certain pieces of real estate <br />�o Harry G.Madden, and on March 260 1930 I also executed another certain warranty deed to other <br />,real estate to Harry G.Madden, both of which deeds are deposited with this will. I hereby ratio <br />each of these deeds and hereby make them a part of this last will and testament. <br />1 of my personal property remaining after.the payment of my debts and funeral expenses are <br />Id shall be divided, share and share alike, between my daughter, Estelle Laycook of Briggs- <br />, Colorado, and my grandson, Harry G.Madden of Briggsdale, Colo. <br />rLY, I make, constitute and appoint Grover C.Raven to be Executor of this, my last Will and <br />stament, hereby revoking all former wills by me made. <br />';IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hove hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal the 20" day of Janr- <br />jpary, in the year of our Lord# one thousand nine hundred thirty. <br />Elizabeth Derganz Seal <br />s instrument was on the day of the date thereof, signed, published and declared by the said <br />estator Elizabeth Derganz to be her last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at her <br />equest have subscribed our names thereto as witnesses in her presence and in the presence of <br />other. <br />E. W. Dove <br />W.E.Sorensen <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />FILED <br />MARCH 19 1931 <br />.+. <br />PAUL N.KIRK <br />COUNTY JUDGE <br />firmation of Anti- Nuptual Agreement. <br />s agreement made and entered into on this 29" day of July, A.D. 1909s by and between John <br />Derganz and Elizabeth Derganz husband and wife of Hall County, Nebraska,witnesseth: <br />That whereas the above named parties did, on or about October 15 ",1901, and prior to their in- <br />termarriage, make and execute and anti- riuptual agreement between each other, realtive to the <br />property and estate which each of said parties had and owned in his own separate right at that <br />ime, and <br />Whereas said agreement had been lost or destroyed without the knowledge or consent of either <br />;party thereto, and the said parties being desirous o? at this time reaffiring said ant -nupt <br />!agreement and continuing same in force do hereby and by these presents make and reduce same t0 <br />I <br />writing as follows: <br />In consideration of the foregoing and of the execution of said contract as above stated and of <br />the marriage consumated between them thereafter, the said parties do hereby mutally agree''thati <br />the property and real estate owned by the said John Derganz prior to his marriage with the sat <br />lizabeth Derganz, and which stood in his name at said time shall be and remain his sole and <br />eparate estate and property and upon his death shall pass, descend or be devised by him to hi <br />eirs free and clear of any and all claims of the said Elizabeth Derganz of every kind and nat <br />y reason of her relations to him as his wife. And the said Elizabeth Derganz hereby and by <br />these presents and for the consideration herein set forth, hereby agrees that vhe will and do <br />elease the said property land and estate which the said John Derganz owned as his separate <br />