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, <br />r <br />42 <br />yff V 4 6 E, A 11 V V vi Al 7 T_ <br />29th day of January, 1931, the instrument purporting to be the last will and testament -of- Joseph <br />ii <br />Buchfinck, deceased, was filed for probate in this.Court. That on the '24th day of February,1931, <br />11 said instrument to which this certificate is attached was duly proved, probated and allowed as <br />4 <br />the last will and testament of the real and personal estate of said Joseph Buchfinck,deceased, <br />�I <br />and the same was ordered to be.recorded in the records of the Court aforesaid. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court this <br />24th day of Februa.ry,1931. Paul.N.Kirk <br />(SEAL) County Judge. <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. II <br />In the Matter of the Estate of ) <br />F I N A L D E C R E E <br />Joseph Buchfinck,Deceased. ) <br />INow on this 5th day of January, 1932, this matter came on for hearing on the final report of this <br />s <br />!executrix heretofore filed, after due notice by publication as by law -and the order of this. Court <br />,required, had been given to all persons interested, as to the time fixed and place appointed fo <br />Jhearing said report, and there being no objections on file and no one appearing in person to ob <br />jject, the Court examined said report, and being fully advised in the premises, finds that the <br />ii same is in all respects correct, and that the same should be allowed. <br />'IT°IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the final report of Lena Buchfinck,executrix,11 <br />be and the same is hereby,approved and allowed as and for her final account. it <br />j;THE COURT FURTHER'FINDS THAT due notice by publication as by law and the order of this court <br />+!required, has been given to all creditors as to the time fixed. and place appointed for filing <br />;claims against said estate, and that said time has fully elapsed and expired, and that all clai s <br />!!filed against said estate, including expense of administration, have been paid and fully satis <br />fied, and that any claims not so filed, if any such there be, should be forever barred and pre -il <br />cluded. <br />11IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED, that all claims filed against said. estate have <br />een paid and fully satisfied, and that any claims not so filed, if any such there be, should <br />be and the same are here ty forever barred and rrecluded. <br />THE COURT FURTHER FINDS that Joseph Buchfinck departed this life on the 16th day cf January, <br />1931, while a resident and an inhabitant of Hall County, Nebraska, leaving a last will a,nd tes <br />tament, which was duly admitted to probate in this court on the 24th day of February,1931, and <br />is now on file in said court; that said deceased left surviving him as his heirs at law, legatoles <br />and devisees, the following named persons, to -wit; <br />Lena Buchfinck, who is also known as Lina Buchfinck, his widow, and Ernest Buchfinck, <br />Theodore Buchfinck, Armin Buchfinck and Helen Buchfinck, his children, <br />that at the time of his d.eaI'h he was possessed of real and personal property as shown by the <br />inventory filed in this court, and that according to the last will and testament of said. Josepr <br />Buchfinck, all of the personal property was bequeathed. to Lena Buchfinck, the widow, to be hers <br />absolute, and in addition thereto, the said Lena Buchfinck was even the life use of <br />The Southwest Quarter (SW4)a.nd.the West Half of the Northeast Quarter (W-51- � NEi) of <br />Section Twelve (12), and the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter NEJ NE�) <br />of Section Three (3), all in Township Twelve (12) North, Range Nine (9),West of the <br />6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and <br />The East Half of the Northeast Quarter (E2NE) of Section Eighteen (l) and the <br />Southwest Quarter (SW4)of the Northwest Quarter (NWJ) and the West Half of the <br />Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (W2 SWJ NW t8), ) in Section Twenty -one <br />(21), all in township Twelve (12) North, ��ange Eight West of the 6th P.M. <br />Merrick County, Nebraska, and <br />Lot Eight (9) in Block Four (4) of H.G.Clark's Addition to the City of Grand Island, <br />Hall County,Nebraska, according to the recorded plat thereof. <br />That the West Half of the Northeast Quarter (Wz NE�) of Section Twelve (12),Township <br />Twelve (12) North Range Nine (9) ,West of the 6th P. 11I. ,Hall County, Nebraska, was devised <br />