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JOURNAL <br />($2800.00) in favor of my daughter Helen, which charge is to be a first lien on the property <br />therein devised to my said son Theodore, until paid.., -and is to be paid to my said daughter wit <br />in one year after the death of the survivor of my wife and myself. <br />t` <br />,5. Unto my beloved. son Armin Buchfinck, I give and. devise, subject to the life estate herein <br />given my wife, the South West Quarter (SWJ) of Section Twelve (12), Township Twelve (12) North <br />Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, to have and to hold. to him and hi <br />heirs forever, subject, hover, to a charge of Four Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($4200.00) in <br />';favor <br />of my daughter Helen <br />Buchfinck, which <br />charge <br />is to be <br />a first lien on <br />said property unti <br />paid., <br />and is to be paid. to <br />my said daughter <br />within <br />one year <br />after the death <br />of the survivor of <br />my wife and myself. <br />6. To my beloved sons Ernest Buchfinck, Theodore Buchfinck and Armine Buchfinck, I give and <br />y: <br />devise in equal shares, subject to the life estate in favor of my wife, the South West Quarter's <br />9 <br />of the North West Quarter (SW-4L NW4) and the West Half of the South East Quarter of the North <br />- r <br />West Quarter (WG SE4NW4) of Section Twenty -one (21), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Eight (8 <br />3 <br />`West of the 6th P.111., Merrick County, Nebraska, to have and to hold to them and their heirs <br />r <br />forever. <br />7. To my beloved daughter Helen Buchfinck, I give and devise) subject to the life estate here] <br />given my wife, Lot Eight (8) in Block Four (4) of H.G.Clark's Addition to the City of Grand <br />i <br />Island, Nebraska, to have and to hold to her and her heirs forever. I also give and bequeath <br />unto my said daughter Helen, all of the household furniture and furnishings, subject to the <br />_n <br />life use thereof in favor of my wife, the same to be hers absolute. <br />9. All of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate of every kind and nature, and whereso - ?1 <br />ever situated, subject to the life estate herein given my --rife, I give, devise and bequeath <br />unto my four children, share and share alike, to have and to hold to them and their heirs for <br />ever. I have in this my last will and testament tried to divide my property among my children' <br />in as nearly <br />equal <br />proportions as <br />possible, taking <br />into consideration such advancements as I <br />have made to <br />said <br />children during <br />my lifetime, and <br />it has been my object not to give any one <br />of my children any preference, as they are equally dear to me. <br />I hereby nominate my beloved wife Lena Buchfinck, as executrix of this my last will and testa -! <br />k <br />meat, and request that she be permitted to qualify without giving bond. <br />�' 1I <br />I hereby revoke any and all former wills by me made. <br />Dated at Grand ISland,Nebraska, this 20th day of May, 1930. <br />Joseph Buchfinck,Testator_ <br />f <br />Wei whose names are hereunto subscribed, do hereby certify that this instrument consisting of i1 <br />three pages, was signed by Joseph Buchfinck, the testator, in our presence and in the presence; <br />'- of each of us, and at the same time in our presence and hearing he declared the same to be hisl <br />last will and testament, and we at his request and in his presence and in the presence of ea.cY <br />1; other sign our names hereto as witnesses. <br />Paul Ruff ) <br />J.E.Beckmann. ) <br />Albert J. C. Moeller.) <br />Dated May 20th, 1930. <br />CERTIFICATE OF PROBATE OF WILL <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) At a session of the County Court held in the County Court Room in <br />)ss• <br />HALL COUNTY, ) Grand Island, in said County, on the 24th day of Februa.ry,A.D.,1931. <br />In the Matter of the Estate Present Paul N.Kirk,County Judge. <br />of <br />Joseph Buchfinck,deceased. <br />I. Paul N.Kirk, Judge of the County Court in and for said County, do hereby certify that or <br />Y <br />_ I <br />, <br />11 <br />