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N <br />NMI <br />77672-STkTZ_J.OVF!NAL_S214PANY, LINCOLN, NEB <br />pproved as and for his final report. <br />he Court further finds that notice was given to all creditors of said estate in the manner <br />rovided by law of the date and place fixed for presenting claims against the estate of said <br />eceased; that the time allowed -or filing claims has fully expired; that all claims filed and <br />allowed against said estate have been fully paid and satisfied; that the funeral expenses of <br />said deceased and the costs of administering said estate have been fully paid and that all out -' <br />standing claims against said estate, not filed., if any such there be, are-forever barred and i1 <br />excluded: <br />ii <br />IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that all persons are forever barred <br />from filing or setting up any claims or demands against the estate of the said Hannah L. DeSoe,'; <br />deceased, and that such estate is fully settled and closed. <br />The Court finds that the said Executor has received in cash from all sources the sum of $4434.61; <br />that he has paid all bills filed against said estate and the expenses and costs incident to the! <br />closing of said estate; that he has paid all specific bequests under said last will and testame�t, <br />said bdauests being paid to the legatees personally with the exception of that to Wilber Cole j <br />and that to Alice Woolier. That the bequest to Wilber Cole, in the sum of $100.00, and the I <br />i <br />bequest to Alice Woolier in the sum of $50.00 have both been paid to the County Judge for the �. <br />use and benefit of said. Wilber Cole and Alice Woolier, legatees. That after the payment of billIs <br />t <br />filed against the estate, costs and expenses incident to the closing of said estate and the be-,, <br />ii;;__ <br />quests mentioned., there remained the sum of $160.37, which has been paid to James DeSoe,one <br />and to George DeSoe, one -half, said James DeSoe and George DeSoe being the residuary legatees <br />the personal property remaining after the payment of debts, expenses and specific bequests. <br />The Court finds that the above and. foregoing disbursements account for all of the cash coming <br />into the hands of said Executor and that he has accounted for and paid out all of said sums. <br />IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED that the payments of said Executor as hereinbefore set out and as <br />shown in his final report be approved and that the receipts therefor be filed. in this court. <br />e Court finds that the said Hannah L. DeSoe departed this life at her home in Hall County, <br />ebraska, on the 30th day of April, 1930, leaving a last will and testament which was admitted . <br />to probate on the 5th day of June, 1930. <br />he Court finds that the said Hannah L. DeSoe died seized as the ov,ner in fee simple bf the fo <br />lowing describedreal e state, to- wit :- <br />Lots 4, 5, and 6 in Block 12, Original Town of Cairo, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />'Lots 1, 2 and 3 in Block 12, Original Town of Cairo, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />]Westerly 2/3 of the Southwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 12, Range 11, containing 106 2/3 <br />Ha County, ;acres, 11 C y, Nebraska. <br />i <br />'That said above real :estate was devised and disposed of by the terms of said last will and tes <br />tament. <br />IT IS, THEREFORE, CONSIDERED BY THE COURT that the said real estate: - <br />Lots 4,,5, and 6 in Block 12, Original Town of Cairo, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Lots 1, 2, and 3, in Block 12, Original Town of Cairo, Hall County, Nebraska, <br />Westerly 213 of the Southwest Quarter of Section 28, Township 12, Range 11, containing 106 2/3 <br />acres, Hall County, Nebraska, <br />on the death of the sr�.id Hannah L. DeSoe passed and. descended as by the terms of said last will <br />and testament provided. <br />The Court finds that the said estate is not subject to inheritance tax under the laws of the <br />',State of Nebraska. <br />