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VIL 6 BA-11 VOW177- <br />William Davison, Executor of the estate of Mary Jane Swinyer,deceased, following due notice of <br />the filing of said report and of the time and place appointed for the hearing thereon, as by <br />law and the order of this court required,-and no one having appeared to object or protest agairst <br />the allowance of said report, <br />And after a full examination of said report, the court being duly advised in the premises, finds <br />that the same is correct in every respect and ou,ht to be allowed; that the executor has ac- <br />counted for all property of said deceased coming into his hands or under his control and that <br />there remains no money or other personal property in his possession for distribution. <br />The Court finds that due notice was given to all creditors of said deceased, as to the time <br />allowed and place appointed for filing •claims against said estate; that the time so allowed fo <br />filing claims has fully expired; that all claims filed and allowed against said estate have beEn <br />paid and satisfied and that all claims outstanding against said deceased, or her estate not <br />filed in this office within the time allowed for filing claims, if any such exist, are there- <br />fore forever barred and excluded. <br />It is therefore considered by the Court that the report of the said William Davison, executor <br />of said estate, be and the same is approved and allowed as for his final account, and he is <br />discharged of his trust and his bond released. <br />I <br />IT IS FURTHER CONSIDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that all persons are forever barred from filing <br />or setting up any claims or demands against the estate of Mary Jane Swinyer,deceased. <br />THE COURT FINDS that the said Mary Jane Swinyer departed this life on the 20th day of February <br />1927; that she was at the time of her death, a resident and inhabitant of Hall County, Ne- <br />braska, and that she left a last will and testament, which instrument was duly proved, allowed <br />and admitted to probate in this court on the 12th day of April, 1927 and recorded in this offi e. <br />THE COURT FINDS that the said Mary Jane Swinyer was, at the time of her death, the owner in fe <br />'N <br />simple title of the following described real estate situated in Hall County, Nebraska; <br />An undivided one - fourth interest in Lots Six 6 and Eight in Block Five ( ) � ( ) (5), College � <br />Addition to West Lawn in Grand Island,Nebraska. <br />and thq.t under the terms and provisions of the last will of the said Mary Jane Swinyer, the <br />said real estate above described did pass and descend to William Davison in absolute title. <br />THE COURT FURTH77R FINDS that all claims filed against said estate and allowed by the court hav <br />been fully paid; that all legacies provided under said will have been paid by the executor and <br />that said estate was not subject to inheritance tax and that all costs of said estate have bee <br />paid by said executor. <br />IT IS THEREFORE CONSIDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the court that all of the right, title, <br />and interest of Mary Jane Swinyer in and to the undivided one - fourth interest in and to Lots <br />Six (6) and Eight (8) in Block Five (5), College Addition to West Lawn in Grand Island,Nebrask <br />on the death of the said Mary Jane Swinyer to William Davison in absolute title and that all <br />personal Property belonging to said estate, remaining after the payment of the legacies and <br />debts, did pass and descend to William Davison and that the same has been paid. to him as pro- <br />vided by the terms of the last will and testament of Mary Jane Swinyer,deceased. <br />Paul N.Kirk <br />County Judge. <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />CERTIFICATE. <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA iss. I, Paul N.Kirk County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, do hereby cer- <br />HALL COUNTY <br />tify that I have compared the foregoing copy of LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT) CERTIFICATE OF PROBAT , <br />AND FINAL DECREE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARY JANE SWINYER,DECEASED with the original <br />record thereof, now remaining in said Court, that the same is a correct transcript thereof, an <br />of the whole of sunr nrirrinm'1 <br />