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0 <br />711-11 A AW D-vaul-22 2-1-1-MVIOMM <br />)f said _petition and the time and place fixed for hearing thereon was given by the Court in the�l <br />;tanner provided by law, and that on the 7th day of April, 1931, a'-hearing was had and Letters of <br />;Administration issued to Carl B.Dahms, and he duly qualified as such administrator. <br />i <br />;The Court further finds that due and legal notice has been given to all persons of the time and <br />;;place fixed by the Court for the presentation of claims against said estate; and that the time, <br />so fixed by the Court has fully expired, and that all persons having claims against said estatO,, <br />'if such there be, are forever barred and excluded from setting up or asserting any such claim <br />+against said estate. <br />''The Court further finds that the said administrator has received from all sources the sum of <br />f, <br />$9,743.54 and after paying the funeral expenses of said deceased, the costs of this proceeding; <br />and the other debts against said estate, there remains a balance of $7,1�3.90 for distribution': <br />jto the heirs, which has been paid and receipts therefor on file with this Court. <br />"The Court further finds that there is due this estate from the Occidental Building & Loan Asso- <br />+.ciation of Omaha, Nebraska, the sum of $599.69, which amount is uncollectible, and that by order <br />Ifof the Court the above account has been assigned to Carl B.Dahms as Trustee. <br />;The Court further finds that the said Josie L.Dahms,deceased, left surviving her as her heirs <br />Tat law the following named persons: Herman Dahms, Carl B.Dahms, Magdalena Meyer, Fred Dahms, <br />Edward Dahms, brothers and sisters of deceased, Pearl Brown, niece, daughter of deceased sisteV <br />'Anna Damron, and Herman Krall,Frances Krall, Edward Krall, Gertrude Krall, Margaret Krall and <br />'Robert Krall, nieces and Nephews,childre n of a deceased sister Caroline Krall, all being of <br />legal age. <br />,i <br />'The Court further finds that the said Josie L.Dahms, deceased, died seized in fee simple of the <br />following described real estate, towit: <br />Lot Three (3) in Block seventy -four (74) Original Torn, now City <br />of Grand Island,Nebraska. <br />rand that under and by virtue of the Laws of Descent of the State of Nebraska, said real estate; <br />,passed and descends in absolute title to <br />Herman Dahms, an undivided 1 /7th interest therein <br />Carl B.Dahms, an undivided 1 /7th interest therein <br />Magdalena Meyer, an undivided 1 /7th interest therein <br />Fred Dahms, an undivided 1 /7th interest therein <br />Edward Dahms, an undivided 1 /7th interest therein <br />Pearl Brown, an undivided 1 /7th interest therein <br />Herman Krall, an undivided 1 /42th interest therein <br />Frances Krall, an undivided 1 /42th interest therein <br />Edward Krall, an undivided 1 /42th - interest therein <br />Gertrude Krall, an undivided 1 /42th interest therein <br />Margaret Krall, an undivided 1 /42th interest therein <br />Robert Krall, an undivided 1 /42th interest therein.. <br />,,The court further finds that there is no inheritance tax due the State of Nebraska, upon any <br />inheritance hereunder, nor is there any Federal Estate Tax due under the laws of the United j <br />States. <br />IT IS THEREFORE, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that the final report of the said <br />=Carl B.Dahms, administrator of the Estate of Josie L.Dahms, deceased, be and the same hereby io, <br />in all things, approved and allowed as and for the final report of the said administrator, sai <br />estate is hereby settled and closed and said administrator discharged. <br />i f <br />If IT IS FURTHF...R ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that all claims against said estate <br />have been paid, and that any persons having claims against said estate, not filed and allowed <br />within the time fixed by the Court, if any such there be, are forever barred, enjoined and <br />excluded from setting up or asserting any such claims against said estate. <br />IT Is FURTHTR ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that an assignment be made of the <br />amount due this estate from the Occidental Building & Loan Association of Omaha, Nebraska, to <br />t: <br />