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= <br />WILL AND DECREE. <br />711-11 A AD DID 33 A-MiVID M-M <br />LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF JOHN F.WEINRICH. <br />I, John F.Weinrich, of Aida, Nebraska, being of sound mind and disposing memory, do make, and <br />publish this, my last will and. testament, in the manner and form following, that is to say: fi <br />FIRST. it <br />I direct that my just debts, if any, and the expenses attending my burial, be first paid. <br />SECOND. <br />I give, devise and bequeath to my beloved wife, Della B.Weinrich, all my household goods and <br />personal property. <br />THIRD. <br />I give, devise and bequeath to my beloved wife, Della B.Weinrich, the East Half of the South <br />west Quarter (E2 -SWj) of Section Thirty -one (31), in Township Eleven (11) North, of Range Ten; <br />(10) West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, to have the same absolutely. <br />FOURTH. <br />I give, devise and bequeath all the rest, residue and remainder of my property, both real and, <br />j per: =onal, and whether now held by me or hereafter acquired, to my beloved children, George E <br />i' <br />Weinrich, Loren F.Weinrich and Mary E.Rouse, share and share alike, subject to the provision !` <br />that the share of my daughter, Merry E.Rouse, shall be held in trust for her use and benefit <br />until she shall attain the age of thirty -five years, as hereinafter provided. <br />FIFTH. <br />I direct that the share of my daughter Mary E.Rouse, shall be held in trust by Della B.Weinri;bh <br />Trustee, for the use and benefit of my said daughter until she shall attain the age of thirty' <br />five years, at wrath time this trusteeship shall terminate and the property in the hands of <br />the Trustee shall be assigned and delivered over to my said daughter absolutely. During the <br />interval which shall intervene, if any, the Trustee shall pay to any daughter all income which; <br />shall be derived from the principal of this Trust, as the same shall be received. In the <br />event of the sale of the real estate in which my said daughter shall share, the proceeds of <br />such sale, as shall accrue to the share of my said daughter shall be invested by the said <br />Trustee in First Mortgages, secured by Hall County Real Estate having an appraised valuation <br />of at leapt two and one /half times the amount of such Mortgage Loan; and the income derived <br />from such investments shall be paid to my said daughter for her use, as the same shall be re, <br />!i ceived by the said Trustee. In the event of a special emergency or contingency in the affails <br />or circumstances of my said daughter or her children, the Trustee is hereby authorized to mare <br />a partial distribution of the principal of this Trust to my said daughter, if in the discreai' <br />ion <br />of the Trustee the emergency exists, and the money so distrubuted is to be used for the spec3! i al <br />relief my said daughter or her children. <br />In the event of the death of my daughter Mary E.Rouse prior to the time when she would attain <br />the age of thirty -five years, then in the event, the proceeds of this Trust shall be payable <br />to the children of my daughter when the youngest of said children shall attain the age of <br />i <br />twenty -one years. During the interval which shall intervene, between the time of the death <br />i <br />of my daughter and the termination of this Trust by the payment of the principal of same to <br />j <br />her children, who shall share equally; the Trustee herein named shall continue to act, and <br />shall make payment of the income from this Trust as received for the use and benefit my saidl <br />daughter's children. <br />SIXTH. <br />ii <br />I nominate and appoint my said wife, Della B.Weinrinh, as Executrix and Trustee of $his Willi. <br />