1�. ..i t�-f t r c .
<br /> F ry�� rr.` .l y-+�� _ . , _`' �t. '- . ,",=.x . i y .� . i,�:�;
<br /> t � s� i i ir i _ .
<br /> _"�� ��[l.���.+.�at�.:fN....I..��<:.t�..Si�...c-iv`�::."vvJi:YlSi2a'ktL:Si::Yt.�Mi3. . __.._�..u..,.i..c.-zc:±i_.._..__._--:.__ �,..
<br /> ' �2w, 2�.U�.90 =. _
<br /> eondemnallonwaherinY.tngotanypanofdiePropeny,orformnvcyanccinllcuofcondemna�lon.areheredyassigned,nd ---
<br /> shail bc pald to I.endtr. ��
<br /> In Ihe evrnt oi a iolal taleing of Ihe Prvp:ny,ihe ptocttds shali Ge. applRd ta tht xums uroumt dy this Szcuriry :�._.r.�._.
<br /> Ins�mnxN.wheiher or not�hen due,wl�h any excess paid m Rorco��er. In dm cvcnt of a pu�lal�aking of�he Propcny in ��;.�v
<br /> which the falr marknt vaiva o[the fiop:rty immccfiaicly Ixforc�he takfng is eqnal w nr grcaicr�han�ho amnum of�he sums f,.,,.
<br /> securcd by�his Sccurily Instrument immedia[.ly beforo the taAing.unlcxc Onrmu�er,nd I.endcr mhenvin agrcc in wd�ing. .ti'�;,+;'-�:-_.
<br /> tho sums secured by tdk Stturity Insm�mcro shall Uc rcdnad by thc,monm of ihc prceccJs nuiliipllcA 6y ihc folto�ving [tx{,{si;,,:-
<br /> fractlon: (a)�he Imnl mm�uN of tlx snms sccurcd immcdlamty Ix:foro�6e�aking,AlviAed hy(b)dw fair markct vaine ot the !;��i;r.'.: -
<br /> (kop:rly immcdlalcly beforc ihc �nting. Any halonm xhall 1�pafd io Rorcow•cr. In�hc crem of a pariinl iakfng o(�he ;r:�'.e'_::
<br /> Propeny In which the fnir marka vatno of the I'ropeny immedia�ely lxforo the�aking is las�han�6e nmoimi oi�he sums =_y�y,.;�;:;
<br /> secun:d Immedia�ely befort the�aktng, �mless Ilorrower and I.ender oihenvise.grce In wri�ing or unless npplicable law C{y:�`•�!;.
<br /> othenviso provides.tLo proceeds shall iw;+pplicd w�he sums sttured 6y this Securi�y Instmmenl whether or no��he sums arc ??:%-+.=
<br /> then dnc. Y�':���-.
<br /> i,,�{i��?.�.
<br /> If�he Propetq is abindoned by IloROwer,or if,a(�er nmice by I.ender to portaw�er�ha�the eondemnor offers to make ,,,,t;,,f...
<br /> an awud or ssttle a claim for darnages.IIorrower faih to n:spn.^.d to 4ender within 30 Aays attrr�he date d�e no�icc is givrn, :s-.-.,
<br /> 4cnCet is authorizut to collect anQ=ppty the proceeds,at iis ap�ton,ciihcr to ros�onnion or repafr of the Propetly or to iL•c -�'�y�;';_
<br /> sumsseeuredbythisSecuri�y[nrtnu��ent.whe�herornoe[F.endce. '�`t;�;_-
<br /> Untess Lender and IIonuo'er c:hemise agree in wriimg,any applicatton of pmcceds to principal s6a11 nm exmttd a `;�;__'�--_
<br /> postpexwtheAuedoteof�l�emon�hlypaymentsrefertedtoinpuagmphsla�2achangrthsamounmfs:dapayments. ���.�_.•::::
<br /> ll. Norror�;r tirt Rdeued: For6eaPtm+t IIy Lor.cer Not a \5'att�er. &xrension of �he time for paymcnt c� .`� �:�i-.
<br /> moditic:�ton of amonlutlon ot�Sr,sums secund by this Securiiy Insttument granted b��l.er.dtr to any successw in intercst 'i;:�t';;,_-_
<br /> of A.�n:s�ei shall not opere�e ro ee:r.ise the liabili�y of the aiginal Dortow�er or Qortoweri successors in imerts�.Lender ',�'F;,;,:__
<br /> slealt m,r,{���utrcd ro contmeree pcocecdings againsl nny aurcessor in iNercst or refi�x�o extrnd time (or payment or ;}{��,__.
<br /> othtr:+ist nwdi( amonizn�ion of�he sums sccurcd b this Secum Inswmrn�b•rtason of an�dtms:d madt b �he ori i.^.el '�?'`°"
<br /> Y Y Y 1 S Y 6 '�rr.fr,�__t
<br />_ r_.:
<br /> llc�vioi�er er Rorzau�er§successors in imemst. Any foduarance by Lender in exesising any righ�or mrruviy shall not Ue a , e -
<br /> wai�ec o!a pk ta.k�he exercisc of any dght or remedy. 't::`';l�
<br /> C°.�Successo�x end Assigns Bound;Jolnt ond Severnl Llabflily;Co�signers. The covenams arrd a�:rrnumc of tEis .'�+��ti��-=
<br /> c.•_-
<br /> Secarity Insuument shall bind and bcnePo�he sucttsson,r.eR asignc of Lender and Oorto�eer,su6jec��o th..pmci�iom ot 'n,l�`,.:�`.
<br />:= pnrr.�rn7S 17.Bortox�er� covenams and agreemems shall b y>im and several. Any Uorro�rer x�ho co-signs this Srcur,ry t�'� -
<br /> Insnum.nt 6u�ctr..uo�exew�e ihe Nom: (.M i,co-:igning ihis Seeurity Ins�mment only lo mongage,grant and comey eF.a� ,�x� � �-
<br />' Oorrower4 tmerc.a ia ehe Propeny undcr�he�ean>of�his Securiry Insm�mcn�: �b)is not peROnally abligared to pay ihe sums Y'1P.s!Y E';'�_-.:
<br /> secured by�his Saucaiy Insuumenr,and(c)ngrees�ha�Lender and nny oth.,•Senrzmver may agrce m ex�end,madity.fortxzr �F�f"r":"==�-
<br />= or mnke eny atcommoda�ions ui�h �egard �o�he iemis of�his Securiry Insuument or thc Notc �vithom �ha� Oortouxr's �}�6"-L-�
<br />= con�^a�. AA'-is�±�
<br />� Yi. Loan Chnr es. If ihr b.m secarcA b this Secnrit 6iswmen! is sub'ec� �o a law which serc maximun tvn �f�:��
<br /> - 6 Y Y 1 i.:,-
<br />` ehmeee,and�hai lau is finally inie retad xo ch:t�he imerca oro�her loan char es collected or to Ix coll:cted In con�ertion ��"°
<br /> m s r .:;-_?-:
<br />-' w0h�F.e lo:m excerct the pemilued limils,t}an: �a)nny xuch Iwn charge shall he reUUCCO Uy Iue ammm�nr.rcviry w rcdua
<br />-' the chvge to ihe permiued limfr,and(b)an�su-nc alrcady collec�ed from Oortower whid�ecceeded pr,:rnic<eA Iimits will 6t �;s2'3t;: .
<br /> = mfivxied to Qortower. Lender may choose�o make�6is refun:lby rcdecing�he princlpal oweA undenhr�o�e or by m�k+nga ,jF`�p�.-.,;
<br /> � .,..
<br />-= direc�p�yment�a Ilortower. I(a rrfund rcdares principal,km rrduc�ion will be uea�ed a�a panial prcpaymem��ici�ec iry s - � �
<br />_ pnpaymemchargeunderthcho�e. �if�f�^
<br />' 14. Noliees. Any notice to Oortox�er �xo�•idcd for in thfs Securi�y Inxtrumem shall ba 6i�'en h� d:livering i� or 6y '"":
<br />� malling it by�rs�cl:us mnfl unlexs applicnble la«require+use of nnother mcd�nA.77ie nai.e shall Ik dirccmd lo�he 1'ro�nny �t�y.���._�
<br />- Address or eny oiher nddress Dorm���r d:s+gnstes 6y nolice io Lender. An� no�ice�o Lrnder shall be giren by fin� ctass ; � �
<br />- mail�o Lender2 addrcss suncd h.�c:n or aay o:�er addmxs Lender designates by noticc w�l:+:mwcr. Any no�ice provided(or ' ,�r --
<br />_ In thts Seturi�y Ins�mmem shall t:Jecmrd tn ha��e Incn gi�en �o Oorto�ccr or Lcn+lc� �chen giren as provided in this r _.r
<br />:° paragraPh. '. :-"'.
<br />�- I5. Coreming Lnw�; Serera61111y. 7his Securily Irouumenl sh:Jl be goremeJ by fedeml law aad �hc law of�he ' r`;;:
<br />= jurisdic�ton In which�he Pro�ny is Icea�eJ. In�he erem Uiat aa��pmri.ton ur elause uf�hix Securi�y lnstrument or�he Note _ I�+:-.-
<br />= conNc�s wi�h applicablc Imv,such con0ict ahall nm affcc�oihcrprovicions nf�hi.5ccurity Inz�nunm�or�hc Na�c which can ��n�jr�_�-
<br />-_ 2k_i+en cflctl�rilhom thc canlliain@ provision. Tu�his cr.A ihc pmvisiuns of Ihis S.curity Inslrumrm anJ Iht Nolc xrc - �`�
<br />= dslar.d Io bc scvernblc. `8%'� -
<br />= 36. Dorrox�er's Copy. dortmvcr.hall be ghen onc ronfenned mpy uf tF.c hotc and oi�hi.Scruriq IrewmeN. ��,�J!L"'._��
<br />- 17. 7Yansteroithe Properl��or n�eneTirinl)nteresl ln Qurrun�er. ti.dt or any pan of ihc Pmpem or any imercs�in ;ir�"��_r-`
<br />�- il is sold or Imnsferrrd(or i(a bene6cial inrcrr.�in Qurra�cer i+sold«�a����Iemd and Oorro�cer is not a natural rson) ��� ���%`�-
<br /> a ��..�„
<br />�- withow Lenders prior�rriucn eonsent.Lender map,a�iu op�ion, rcyuirc imm.dia�e payment in full of all sunu xecured by 3_fiei;�:::
<br />` �his Seeurit Insuumem. Hon�evrr,�hic o �ion shali not 6e excaiseJ b�L.nder if exenise ie rohibited h federal Ime ns of k�':^�'�::
<br /> y P ) P Y IC!.'lr..,
<br />_ �he da!e of Ihfs Securiry Inswment. tiihltjj5y�,_
<br />°- If l.ender ezercises Ihis oplion,LenJer>holl¢ire Uunu�ccr nulice of acccleralion. The nolice shall provide a period of - .. _
<br />= no1 Icss�6an 30 days from ihc datc thc no�icr i,d:lircrcJ or mai!.d�ciihin�chich Uormwcr mu+t pay a!l.:�ms.ecurcd by this �7�t.;�,���.�.
<br /> Securiq• Insltumem. It Dorrox�cr faih lo pay ta_¢.unx prior to the.apiratiun o(�hi, prriuJ. Lcoirr may inrokc any < �
<br />- rcmediespemtiuedbylhisSecurilyinsRUment�•f�Mol(unhernoliccardcm�ndonllortuwer. `�•1����-�
<br /> 38. Om•rower's Rlghl lo Reinslale. If➢ortuwrr nacn ccnain rnnJi�inn.. Ilortnw.r .hall harc �hc righ� io hacc -
<br />= enforcrmem nf ihis Suuriq� Instrua:cnt di..omiimrd ai any iinx prinr�a ihe cadicr nL ail S da��.�on�����•nihcr�xriud a� " :. .
<br /> �-r: _
<br />- Siagi<1'anA}-Fann'.r�laaq}eddle\IorCSIFOHNICCTkff1l:\T-lmhmnCo�enxn 9.90 �NCN,4n�wem •r�R+����" .
<br />!V
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