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<br /> i . F �`' � r . t ��� ; .F��� S -� �. ;�.
<br /> �i' .' ' - —' ..:.. _,- � ...� � _�...,.� q�-� 4 . <
<br /> ' I ,=t�`�. � y `v�._�`___.��,...��.,=._.:��_�,..._._,._.._..�'.._.�_='�'_-_:�.'- . _ .c ,�
<br /> '.L��-- - .,���-� w .... ` _ ;,�<f c ��£f ,r�
<br /> _ . . - wi l° ���� s �-
<br /> i F .li.`
<br /> r 5-�..
<br /> � ' ' .• i� Bus�+a�ees PIa3 Itetet�Ed:FosOesruame BY Leader Not s V��dv� B�ea�ion af the tt�fo�psymeai or modificatt�a � r� : �r��.<<�;:
<br /> '_-�y, �
<br /> � tbf3 DCCd Of�1�ltL4t$T811IEd b}i�1�r tO AIIy SUOOC�I$1 IIItBI�St O�BOAdV7Ef S� {.� �;., .,.,..:; ,".?*j�.
<br /> � of amottt�doa of the sums sec�uod by : .
<br /> • IIpi Op6T8tE t0 IC2eaSe.iII 8IIY mBnIIBT�thS�9 a��BoitOWEf Sfld�Or[O4YCf'S Su00�S02s iII�RtetESt- LEIIdet �` h�,�.,•.`; :_ �,<r
<br /> OT Ol�4VESS ` '' '�-`-"
<br /> . shaII aot bz requi�ed t�ocmmenae Pmo��e�t sash su�ssor or�to����Boria�sar a�d •+ �"'=�`:'�".._.. .,-.:`u�
<br /> �udify amnrt�oa of the sums se�ured bY this D�A of Ttust Ey ressoa of aay demaad r�hereundcr.or otIIemdse � ���y'-
<br /> fazbe�rance bY Lender in escs�sia8 a�� : ,s.; �
<br /> Ba�rawe�a s¢co�s5ois in interest A�► � ;� � `
<br /> or i-;: ,'..''�.
<br /> � afforCed Dy app�ab2e lasv.sLall aot be a waiv�r of ar prechWs tt�eaetdse oY azry s��and e��� �:`:- �^: `�:
<br /> �' !l. Snooes�ie aad AssSgps 8onn��oint nad g e v e�r�!Ida6QI4Yi� '�
<br /> . ;`� contained shari bind,and th���shaII im�ne to.the�P�suaocs�o�s and essiSss of I.ender and Bonower. !,<, :
<br /> �. $n .,
<br /> subjea to the pmvisicas oY pa�aSraFh 16 heieaL AII envenants and a�oY Boaower aba0 be jaint ea�s�yeral �nY ,,f�.;. . `-�_
<br /> � ' �' Bett+ower who co-sig�s t�s Deed af Tnast,but does not e�cute t�e Note.(a)is oo�t�a�g tl�Deed of Tru.st oniy w grant �� :; . >;
<br /> r'��:. .. .. .
<br /> !}. 8IId t7DII11C�1�lSt B[1TIQ9VCY'S�DIEICSL�11�1C pIOj1CI�LO��•UIIdCI 1�SC LBlaL4 Of�S D8�Ot�US�r��t4 110t�� .
<br /> J� �9 ��aad any other Barrower hereun�er maY a�ee t° .__ .. ._..��'��
<br /> .�:�:u._
<br /> - -- "� - Bable oa the Note ar uader tWs Ue�i of'hust,aa�{c)a$r� �=
<br /> estend.mndify,forbear.or mage anY other aaoo���8�w the term3 of d�i4 Deed of Trust ar tQs Note, �';:- -f�;
<br /> `' without t�at�ormwer's oaasent sud�ut re�g�Barrower or modii�dng this Deed of'nn�st as m tl�at 8oacv�'s ;.r. : ,,�;:.
<br /> °;;� . . �<. :����
<br /> .�,.� inte�t�t ti�Ptoperc9• in eno3her manaer.(a)aaY��t0 : �
<br /> � uadca appHsable iaw to be g'cvea
<br /> 1B. l�Tattc� ���7►��� it or�r ma�a8 suchnctIw by oert��� �f, - . ::°�;:
<br /> ;i gorcower prpvidedfar ia8bfs IIeed af'1]tust slraDUe givenb9��ver�g .,. ` ,
<br /> m a�xer az t�e Pta��d�'ar ai stu�otIIes addtess es Hnttrnver�9 d�at�bY no�to Lead�c es pmvtd�d :,_o_.�, �`
<br /> . the <�.r
<br />'�r:�; . � ��, 6CTC�Jl.8 II S 1(�1�8II911D i I�t D I r E A d C i S�B S t�E t e�i C�b 9 C��N3iL mIBD�Ef'88ddtC�4S 8lStE�hCiC�riOT to 6uC$at$Ef 8ddt� . . .:,`- r, •
<br /> `r.`c , 8S��l '�.'j/��STC bj/IIDtTCC t0�"ed 8S f�iCit�� ���'pinV�fD!{II t�S��..�° Of�5�18,�� . . �
<br /> �`-�� to Bormv�or Lender gtvea in�e waansr aesignated hec�e�
<br /> 5a � 1
<br /> ' � - deetaed m have been givea � ti�s Deed of 1lrust shaD 6e tfle laws of t� , �,�'-
<br /> �� 13 Gav�roin�Ia�i S��% '�state atr�I�l taws applirable w of Fed�ial Ia4v w t'� : �� :;�.:�>
<br /> :y�";: p�sdtctiva in whfc�the PraFertY Ls Wcated. 'i'I�t�S Se�shaII nat Ha�it tt�z app�a�5! .
<br /> s' Dee�afTius� In We event tt�at aag pravfsbon or danr�af tt�Deed of ZYusc or the Note oanfltsts with agpE�te taw,su�fi , ',�-%�s
<br /> �.��� of ttris Deed r,�T'rust ar tt�Note whicb can�e�effiea withcu&cl�tot�fLa�B <,_ .:'.�;"
<br /> ooa8��11 aut affect othet�� of tWs Deed o4lYust ead the Note ate de�ared w be severabl� As used hec+e�, � �
<br />. ;� gmvisn¢��d W tMs end tbe pravtsioas le lsw ar Ha�itet!IsereUa-
<br />_ . . ...- �,�•end�ttcme9�f�°��sII sums ta ttte e�rtent nnt�bY aPP�� � � �;� :;
<br /> � ;� s Bormwer si�all be fiu� of EE�t�ate arm of thfs Deea uf'�inrst at We tim� �:_�,. .,c� ��°_
<br /> 14. Bormw� CoP9• a ounftumed mPY ,;; 3�;-
<br /> ;; '.,, �e�cn�after:eonrdation hereoL q � _{ '
<br /> ' � Bormwer sLBII f�1frIl all of BOaawer's ohl�ti0trs uu�ei aa9l�a�a'�c�bititatIaa, , , �r R:
<br /> . !�? -. 1� �habili�tian Iaaa� W�Banocaer enteas into�r3th L�eade� I�at Lea�s's option,� � ; � . ? �X 1
<br /> - ,��,;. {�p�t,t e pai�or athes lnaa�e� t a b k w l�e n d e r.a n a s s i�e n t o f a n 9 s�,��� �,. - ..�•w...:q.�a,
<br /> ._ .:.,�:?�; �w�ute aad de�¢to I+cnder.ia a fora�aa�ep , .� �.`..._.,� -
<br />: - ��hich Bonawer ma9 bave a�st who sapplq la6or m a t e r l a 1 s or s e n r f c e s i a w�n��P� ,;�=_-.:-z�»...,,s=.�
<br /> , �7'. � ' if ,i�F i_ %��a'r
<br /> �L8 S�S�E PIO� Of�}tC PtfO ¢S ��
<br /> . ar a Bene'8dnl�In B�:rawes. Ii a11 or afly part P�9 �N � �f _ .. �°:1;-
<br />• ;��r ';�s: Il6�. '�roithe Peoperiy �er�st in Borrawet is so10 or ua�n+o0 and Bflnawer is aot a aattaal pe�3 <;: .!,;,�.��7E,°.
<br /> � ... , ��`f a is-s¢idE s�i�angfen�d(or if a beneBdal ������II of ea sams s�(� �� '.. {i F,.'�;
<br /> � :�'" li�3er'e prior wdtceII aonsent,I.ender ma9�et its oplion,raluire �11aw as a�ci� �i : 's •4��x
<br /> wIst�`� IRader if esen�se is Pmhibited by � � .��
<br /> : . � L�t s D e e d o f T i u s t H a w e v e�1 h�s o p t i on sl�all nat be e�sdsed bY �,�. �,<;t'_
<br /> ' date oY ths Deed of Tiusk � �#�
<br /> ,''� It 3�end�s eser�sss t�option,I�er s���nottae of aooe�n. 1lie nottCe shall ge��a PerIod oY �.i:•... , y, ,i.;
<br /> •��.?.� nni less t�aa 30days fcam the date t�t.otioe is d�.�"..�or mailedv�ithiawhfirbBoAOwer mugt pay all su�s�euredb3►t� ,s>�i. :'.'`:;�`�`�
<br /> inv�'�atry Tem�s �'" � �;�``
<br /> . .._ Deed c�'FeusL 1f Bortow�r faifs w�these sums prior to the espi�atioa o�thfs pesiad.�ffi'��t °.,�.° ,t
<br /> - ! P�'�9�DeeA of Tiust wtthout tiuthcr noti.oe or demaad oa Bosmwer �<r:'s:: ..:,;,�,f�
<br /> `?; ��;
<br /> '����',t NON•UNIFORM OOVENANTS- Borrau+er aud Lender futtber aavenant and a�ee aa foIIaws: ,'.,; � 4
<br /> 1� Aoo�n;ltem�tes. F�cept as pro��dl ia Pata�raPh 16 hereo�upon Borrawer's brear3��f a��t ar �'.�;' .,�,�,��
<br /> . agreemeat of Bortower ia this Deed ot'hust,incla�.ug Bormwer'a fa�ure to Fal►.bl►the end af 10��n'c�qs �9 ,,"��;'::�'_::,.r?=
<br /> .�. ::
<br /> r� ,,.
<br /> ' are dr.�,�Y sums�bY tt�s Deed of Tiust,Leader IMor w aaxletation shaII give no�oe to Bona�+�es pravlded in ,� . ,�°�:
<br /> ,: Patag�2 ttawf sp�(1)the breach;(2}tde actton teqf�ced to cure aucb breasb:(3)a dat�.not k�tt�an��"si F='
<br /> .�` `1 fram itic�'ate the nnttoe is mailed to Bortosver.�jY�ehtch xuch breach must be cu�sed:aad(A)tUat fattute to au�e sucb w� `��' :: _'��:
<br /> r; �' ' ',% ' oa or befora the date�edSed ia the notice map ce�1s#a aoce2e�adon of the sums saa�se�b�►th�s Deea�TYust ans!�Ie ;n .� �:
<br /> ce
<br /> �;,• �� : 'i�e�sbaD fluWer infar�D�er of tha rlght to�te atte�c ameIeiation aa�s1�nigbt to bslag , ;_
<br /> � - of the Ptopen9: - —
<br /> ' :,'ti�;���f�; 8c�0u1RflctIO�t08SSBrtth8II0IIe��,�71�:mf8dea`32CdI8IIyoth:t(S�A5�0�1�WertOSL1�1C18tfoA8lld£3.:6.�YtlfP.UTCBCD r�,.,� '. �5"��
<br />- � � � ''�'•�;+-:i. is not a u e d on or b e f ore t h e d a t e�d i n t�a o d c a.I x ri d�,_t u B�n d e i°a a p S u 4�i►��sil oithe s�s seGaged EtY '.,,..,j;:.i��,'�x,�.,
<br /> tAis Deed of Ttust to be itnmediateP/c�and paysblewithout�.:cr�demandaad may lmroke the paw�rof sa�ea�:a�3� , ;s;;,,:�.�, .,�:Y.,�.�
<br /> _ =emediespezmittedts�rapplicablelaw Leadere�.Il.�xcndiledwon3le�taIIreasoaableaostsandeapenses���'.�S �r. ={{""'
<br /> . � the remedIes pmvlQed in this F�B�Ph 17,�but a�t limitea to.reasanable attomeys'fcea. ' "'-
<br /> t �.
<br /> IY the pawer oisate is iavoked.Tnistea aha�aa�r1 a nodoe oidefault in eath aounty inwhicb the Pca�cq►or eam�e pari ..'-
<br /> , ,;: �
<br /> . ttteteof is lacaud sndahall ma�ooples oYaucd►noit�ia tLe mzau�r pzescrtbed by appllcab2e taw to Bono�sand w the other r,.�: ,. ��
<br />_ ,. �•�; petsons prescribed by app}icable 1aw After the lapse of such t�as may be required bY ePPliwble law,Trustee sbaU gtve . �•.�;_.'; : : �,.
<br /> ' '� llcabls law Trustee�without delnand on Borrawer. . 3;,:., . �: ; , .
<br /> �. ' public aotiee ot sale to the petsons aad ia tbe manner pmscr�t�by app �;-:,�� . � �
<br /> , ' sLall sell the Ptopeny at pubUc sucdon to the hi�st�bidder at th$time and plaoe ar�unQer the terms desigpated in the �;�'=t.• .:..; .
<br /> nufl�of sate in one as mnra paraels and ia suc��r as Trustee may dctPS�ae. Trustee maY Postpo�sate oY aD or aa9 ��•'.,� . ` ' `
<br />_ � �: �y� ��A����p**es a�e ttme as�p?aae oY any pre�daUSly ache�u�d sale. �nder or I�eaOe�'s ���.; .:. ,
<br /> ,�,�.;,,..{- paroel oi t�e Pmperc9 bS►P � �� ': ;. ;.,;
<br />_ � :f,`'s``'.� desi�ee maY Pnrcbase the Proges�ax u.�y► ,i�<; �,��2„ ..
<br />- . ;:�.rr::': ��n reoeipt of payment of tCe gr4o��id.7Crastee sLall deT{c�er to the purchaser Truste�t�de�oomieying the F�eaP�nS► r'�,:,,:!'r i�t(�{�:'•;,. .
<br /> ,.... ,.,,,l,�,s,i,
<br /> � '' sold. 'Ihe recitaLg ia tbe Truatee's deed shaU tse�ba�de evfdcnce of the truth of the atat�menrs wa�ie thereju. Tn�.s'.ee �..._,•.�...,l,,.,�...,
<br /> ; •, �; sbaD appty the pmoeeds of the sate in the foDawta�arder:(a�w aU reasflnable aagts end expenses of t]te�.inctud�ng,but � �.:
<br /> en �'>
<br /> , _ not�tmi �and oagts o �videeno� (b)to aD sums secured by tbig Dee4 of Trust;and(c)�the ex�s.�,if su9,r�We :�
<br /> ...;
<br /> attoraeys' �d .� ,.�,:
<br /> . petson or persoas le�Ity ent(tJed thereto. .
<br /> � i�l. Borra�re�e Rig�!to Reinsffita NotwIWsmnNng I�nQer's aoaeletation of the sumg secuted bY tI�is Deed of'IYnst,
<br /> � '`• Que to BorrowePs breach.Borrower shall bave the rlght to trave a�r pmceedffi8a be8ua bY Lead..pr to�+rae this Dee�oY .
<br /> - Ttust dlsQOattaued et aay time prlor te the cariier to aocur of(�the fifth dap before sate of the PraP�9 Pursnant to ti�s , .
<br /> .. � powes of sate oontained in thi9 IIeed of Trust ot(i�eatry of a judgmeat enfordng this Deed of Trust ifi (a)8orrowci pays <i�;.
<br /> Leader all sums ahich wouW be tben due uader thls Deed of'Prust and the Note bad no aooeleratina aaaure,�(b)Botmwer ,
<br /> cutes sU breaches of any other oavenants or e�eements of Eo the aavenaats aaG�af Trus Sor�e�es ml�ia
<br /> � reasanable espenses inairred bY Lender and TrusteE ia enfardt� �n� ,
<br /> 6
<br /> _ � this Deed oi'1�as sad in enfo�ing LenQer'a an0'huste�'a temedies as pmvIded in paza�aph 17 heien��acluQiag,but not i .
<br /> ' limited tu.reasonable attorneys'fees:aad(�Bormwer ta&es such action as l.ender maY reasonab2y t�equire to assure Wat ,
<br /> }�. j the lien of thi9 Deed of'hust,Len�er'a interest in tha Ptoperty aad Bonower's obllgatton to pay tHe sums s�auerl by thi9 I .
<br /> J � •�, .
<br /> - : ___-�,- -- -- ' '�
<br /> • . I�SECOND M02t7'GA(iE-1I80-Fta�UFiD�C l3NIP�M4 IIVSIRUNII�d�JP Page 3 of 4 Farm 3� �-,� -
<br /> �
<br /> ;
<br /> � , � , . ,
<br /> ' _'^'��"=7......��•-.w-rn—«J"' - -�-+r•�:��M.r«-i^_^'^�':'i"'rT"'•�-'�, , . -:��.-..-.., A�'.�'.7 ,1,nai i=
<br /> - _ __ _�....,..-.-.--.-.,,...�---•--•_-•— -a� • . f . . . - . _ ._ . .. ... . . .� _ . .. .. . . .. � __ . .. . a. - .
<br />