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323 <br />AM YJ E-A-11 VD9 V1 7 <br />Ito object to said report, and the Court having examined said report, together with the vouchersiI <br />ion file, finds that said report is true and correct, in all things, and said report ought to be <br />approved and allowed as and for the final report of said administratrix, said estate settled and <br />l and said administratrix discharged. !� <br />!The Court further finds that due and legal notice has been given to all persona of the time an� <br />Tplace fixed by the Court for filing claims against the estate of said deceased, as by law l <br />I <br />Irequired, and that all persons having claims against said estate, not having been filed and I' <br />� i <br />!allowed within the time fixed by the Court, if any such there be, are forever barred, excluded <br />and enjoined from setting up or asserting any such claims against said estate. �I <br />IThe Court further finds that said administratrix has received from all sources the sum of <br />,'$1,000.00, and after paying the funeral expenses of said deceased, the costs of this proceeding <br />and the other debts against said estate, there is a deficit of $994.461which amount said admin <br />istratrix has made up out of her own funds, and she has waived payment therefor from the estat , <br />by withdrawing her claim which she has previously filed herein. �I <br />The Court further finds that the said Louis D.Lepp departed this life on the 7th day of Deeernb�r <br />1929, being at the time of his death a resident and inhabitant of Hall Oounty,Nebraska, and that <br />he died intestate, and left surviving him as his heirs -at -law, and only heirs- at- law,his widow <br />Fleeta F.Lepp, Wilbur L.Leppp a son, Eldon W.Lepp, a son, and Calvin C.Lepp, a son. <br />The Court further finds that the said Louis D.Lepp died seized the owner of real estate, situated <br />in the State of Nebraska, described as follows : - The North Half (N4) of the Southeast Quarter <br />SEJ) and the. Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SEJ SZJ) of Section Thirteen (13), <br />Township Eleven (11), North, Range Eleven (11),West of the 6th P.M.,Hall County, Nebraska. <br />As well as an undivided one - seventh (1/?) interest in Lots One (1) and Two (2), in Block Fort <br />seven (47),Schell Town Company's 2nd Addition to the Town of Schell City, Missouri, and <br />The Northwest Quarter (NWJ) of Section Twelve (12),Township Thirty -seven (37),Rangs Twenty -n <br />(29),00ntaining 160 acres more or less, Vernon County, Missouri, <br />that the real estate, situated in the State of Missouri, has been sold for the payment of <br />claims, and that no money has been realized thereon for the estate of Louis D.Lepp, deceased. <br />The Court further finds that under and by virtue of the Laws of descent of the State of Ne- <br />braska, the above described real estate did pass and descend in absolute fee simple title at <br />death of the said Louis D.Lepp, in the manner following,to -wit:- <br />To Fleeta F.Lepp, widow of said deceased, an undivided one -third interest therein, and <br />To Wilbur L.Lepp, Eldon W.Lepp and Calvin C.Lepp, children of said deceased, each an undivi <br />two - ninths interest therein, <br />subject,however, to the homestead rights of the said Fleeta F.Lepp, in and to the above descri <br />real estate, situated in Hall County, Nebraska. <br />The Court further finds that said estate is not subject to the payment of any Inheritance Tax <br />under the Laws of the State of Nebraska, nor is there any Federal Estate Tax due under the <br />Laws of the United States. <br />IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that the Final Repprt of the sai <br />Fleeta F.Lepp, administratrix of the Estate of Louis D.Lepp deceased, be and the same hereby <br />,is, in all things, approved and allowed as and for the final report of said administratrix, <br />estate,is hereby settled and closed and said administratrix discharged. <br />IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that all persons having claims <br />against the estate of said deceased, not filed and allowed within the time fixed by the Court <br />if any such there be, are forever barred, enjoined and excluded from setting up or asserting <br />rl <br />