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HIM <br />Grand Island, In said County, on the 6th day of November A.D.,1930. <br />r: <br />In the Natter of the Estate. Present Paul N. Birk, County Judge <br />of <br />Lucy Garrison, deceased. <br />I, Paul N. Kirk, Judge of the County Court in and for said County, do hereby certify that on the <br />14th day of October 1930, the instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Lucy <br />Garrison, deceased, was filed for probate in this Court. That on the 6th day of November 1930, <br />said instrument to which this certificate is attached was duly proved, probated and allowed <br />as the last will and testament of the real-'and personal estate of said Lucy Garrison, deceased, <br />and the same was ordered to be recorded in the records of the Court aforesaid. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court this <br />6th day of Novembbr 1930. <br />( SEAL) Paul N. Kirk <br />County Judge <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />In the Matter of the Estate of Lucy Garrison, <br />deceased, FINAL DECREE. <br />Now on this 16th day of April 19319 this cause came on to be heard upon the final-report of <br />the executor under the Last Will and Testament of Lucy Garrison, deceased, and upon his petit!, <br />ion for settlement of said duties and his discharge therein, and the court, after having exam' <br />fined the report and the records and files in said estate and being duly advised in the promisee, <br />finds that due and legal notice has been given to all persons interested in said estate of the. <br />time and place fixed for hearing upon saidfinal report as heretofore ordered by the court and <br />no one appearing and objecting thereto and the court having examined the same together with <br />all vouchers and papers on file and the testimony in support thereof and being fully advised <br />in the premises, finds that said report is true and correct in all things and ought to be <br />approved and allowed as and for the final report of said executor. <br />The court further finds that the said Lucy Garrison, deceased, died at her residence in Hall <br />County, Nebraska, on October 5,1930, and at the time of her death she was an inhabitant of Hale <br />County, Nebraska. <br />;i <br />The court further finds that on the 14th day of October 1930, Charles K. Garrison filed in thief <br />court his duly verified petition praying for the probate of an instrument purported to be the 't <br />Last Will and Testament of said Lucy Garrison, deceased; that the court thereupon fixed the <br />6th day of November 1930 as the time for making proof of said Last Will and Testament and due ? <br />notice of the filing of said petition and of the time and place fixed for the hearing thereon !j <br />was given by the court in the manner provided by law and on the said date of November 6,1930 <br />said instrument was duly proven, allowed and admitted to probate in this court as the Last Wi <br />and Testament, of the said Lucy Garrison, deceased, and letters testamentary were duly issued <br />thereon to Charles K. Garrison as named in said Last Will and Testament and he thereupon duly <br />qualified as such. <br />The court further finds that due and legal notice has been given to all persons of the time <br />and place fixed for filing claims against said estate and all claims filed have been paid and <br />satisfied by said executor and the time fixed for filing of claims has fully expired and all <br />., persons having claims against said estate and not filed herein, if any such there be, are <br />forever barred and precluded from setting up or asserting any such claim against said estate. <br />SIT IS THEREFORE, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that all - claims not said <br />estate be and are hereby forever barred and precluded. <br />The court further finds that the said Lucy Garrison, deceased, was seized as the owner in fee <br />