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295 <br />INJ.,S GALL ���UN'liY <br />Court is a Court of Record having a seal,which seal is hereto attached; that said Court has <br />no Clerk authorized to sign certificates in his own name, and that I am the legal custodian ofj <br />said Seal and of the Records of said Court, and that the foregoing attestation is in due form <br />of law. <br />IN TESTIMONY WHrREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court,at <br />Grand Island, this 2nd day of April,1931. <br />Paul N.Kirk <br />(SEAL) County Judge <br />Filed for record this 2" day of April, 1931, at 3 :30 o'clock P.M. <br />Register of Deeds <br />0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0 -0--0- 0- 0- 0 -0-0- 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br />DECREE <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUNTY,NEBRASKA. <br />In the Matter of the Estate of <br />DECREE <br />Robert E.Hall,Deceased. <br />Now on this 2nd day of .'April,1931, this cause came on for hearing -on the petition of Minnie <br />J.Malone, who is the owner of the property herein after mentioned, praying for the settlement <br />i <br />of the estate of said deceased, a determination of his heirs and the right of descent of`his <br />property and the decree of kinship of said heirs at law, and it appears that from the proof on <br />i <br />file herein, that due and legal notice by publication for three successive weeks as by law Rndl <br />the order of this court required, has been given to all creditors, heirs at law, and persons <br />interested in said estate of the filing of said petition, and there being no objections made <br />thereto said cause was duly submitted to the court upon the petition and the evidence of the <br />petitioner in support thereof, and the court being further advised in the premises finds that <br />the allegations of said petition are true ;.that said Robert E.Hall died intestate while a resi <br />dent and inhabitant of Hall County, Nebraska, on the 19th day of Apri1,1910,that he died seise <br />of an estate of inheritance of real estate located in Hall County,Nebraska, as hereinafter <br />stated; that more than two years have elapsed since his death and that no application has been <br />made in the State of Nebraska for the appointment of an administrator of his estate, no petition <br />filed therefor, and that no administration has -been had of his estate. <br />THE COURT FURTHER FINDS that said deceased left surviving him as his heirs at law, the fo <br />ing named persons, to -wit: Gertrude B.Hall, his widow, and Bessie M.Hall, Harry C.Hall, Char1E <br />E.Hall, Gertrude B.Hall, and Roberta D.Hall, his children, and that all of said heirs at law <br />are now more than 21 years of age. <br />THE COURT FURTHER FINDS that the said deceased died seized of an estate in fee simple in the <br />following described real estate, situated in Hall County,Nebraska,to -wit: Lot Three (3) in <br />Block Fifteen (15) of Russell Wheeler's Addition to the City of Grand Island,Hall County, Ne- <br />braska, that upon his death said real estate did pass and descend by operation of law as fol- <br />lows: To Gertrude B.Hall, his widow, an undivided one -third interest in fee to Bessie M.Hall, <br />Harry C.Hall, Charles E.Ha11,Gertrude B.Hall, and Roberta D.Hall,his an undivide <br />two- fifteenths interest in fee. <br />THE COURT FURTHER FINDS that all funeral expenses of said deceased have been paid and that <br />debts of the deceased and of his estate if any exist,are forever barred and precluded, and t <br />the costs of these proceedings have been fully paid. <br />IT IS THEREFORE CONSIDERED,ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the said deceased died intestate more <br />two years prior to the filing of the petition in this cause, that no application for the appoint <br />ment of an administrator of his estate has been made in the State of Nebraska, and there has <br />been no administration of his estate; that he died seized in fee simple of Lot Three (3) in <br />Block Fift <br />I <br />