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93 <br />NJ.�S GALL ��JUN'l�Y <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUNTY,NEBRASRA. <br />i <br />JN THE-MATTER OF THE ESTATE ) <br />IOF WILLIAM ELLIEHAUSEN, FINAL DECREE. <br />DECEASED: <br />Upon-the 29th_day of,April,1930,this cause came on for hearing upon the final report of Emma <br />�Elliehausen,executrix of the last Will and Testament of William Elliehausen,deceased, and upon1 <br />;her petition for settlement of said estate and her discharge herein and the Court having exami�ed+ <br />the records and files and being duly advised in the premises, finds that due and .legal notice <br />has been given to all persons interested in said estate of the time and place fixed for a h <br />ing upon the said final report as heretofore ordered by the Court. <br />And no one appearing to object to said report, the Court having examined same, together with <br />the vouchers on file and the testimony offered in support thereof, and being duly advised in <br />the premises, finds that said report is true and correct in all things, and the same ought to <br />be allowed and approved as and for the final report of the said executrix. <br />The Court further finds that the said William Elliehausen departed this life on the 3rd day of <br />October, 19291 testate, and at the time of his death,the said William Elliehausen was a rest- <br />dent and inhabitant of Hall County, Nebraska. <br />The Court further finds that on the 14th day of October, 19291 Emma Elliehausen filed in this <br />Court her duly verified petition praying for the allowance and probation of an instrument pur <br />porting to be the last Will and Testament of the said William Elliehausen,deceased; that there <br />upon-the Court fixed the 6th day of November, 1929, as the day for making proof of said will a) <br />due notice of the filing of said petition and the time and place fixed for the hearing thereon <br />was given by the Court in the manner provided by law, and that on the 6th day of November,19291 <br />I <br />the date fixed for that purpose, said instrument was duly proven, allowed and admitted to probj <br />in this Court, as and for the last Will and Testament of the said William Elliehausen,deceasedll <br />and Letters Testamentary were issued to the said Emma Elliehausen, the executrix named in said) <br />Will, and she duly qualified as such. <br />The Court further finds that due and legal notice has been given to all persons of the time <br />and place fixed by the Court for the presentation of claims against said estate, and that the <br />time and place so fixed has fully expired, and that all persons having claims against said I" <br />estate, if any such there be, are forever barred and excluded from setting up or asserting <br />such claims against said estate. <br />The Court further finds that by the terms and provisions of the Last Will and Testament of the <br />said William Elliehausen, the following Special bequests were named in the following amounts: <br />To Ida Jones,stepdaughter the sum of Five Hundred,($500) Dollars. <br />To Louise Peters,niece,the sum of Five Hundred Dollars <br />To St.Paults Lutheran Church,Cirand Island,Nebraska, the sum of One Hundred ($100) Dollars. <br />and that the special bequests have been paid by the said executrix and receipts for same are <br />on file with this Court; there is nothing further due and owing the above special legatees <br />under the provisions of the said last Will and Testament of William 211 1,ehausen,deceased. <br />The Court further finds -that all the rest,residue and remainder of theA estateorealipersonal <br />or mixed, of the said William Elliehausen,deceased,passed and descended to his widow,Emma <br />Elliehausen and that said property,personal,real or mixed,has been transferred and conveyed tc <br />the said Emma Elliehausen,and receipts for the same are on file with this Court and that nothi <br />remains to be done in the premises. <br />The Court further finds that the said William Elliehausen died seized of the following des- <br />cribed real estate,to -wit: <br />to <br />