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X292 <br />LINCUM <br />!LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT, - CERTIFICATE OF PROBATE, AND FINAL DECREE <br />LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF WILLIAM ELLIEHAUSEN <br />IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN <br />I, William Elliehausen of Grand Island, in the County of Hall, State of Nebraska, being of sour, <br />mind.and memory and considering the uncertainty of this frail and transitory life, do tberefora <br />.make, ordain, publish and declare this to be my LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT. <br />'!FIRST, I order and direct that my Executrix hereinafter named, pay all my just debts and funera <br />expenses as soon after my decease as conveniently may be. <br />SECOND, After the payment of such funeral expenses and debts, I give, devise and bequeath unto' <br />my step— daughter Eda Jones of Warren, Vermont, the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, to have and to <br />hold forever. <br />THIRD, I give, devise and bequeath unto Louise Peters my niece of Bremervorde,Hanover,Germany, <br />the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, to have and to hold forever. <br />FOURTH, I give,devise and bequeath unto St.Paul's Lutheran Church at Locust & Seventh Streets <br />,in the City of Grand Island,Nebraska, the sum of One Hundred Dollars, to have and to hold for- <br />. i4 <br />ever. ! <br />FIFTH, all of the rest, residue and remainder of my property,real,personal or mixed, which I <br />now have or may hereafter acquire and remaining after the payment of my just debts and the <br />'aforementioned special_legacies,I give,devise and bequeath unto my beloved wife Emma Elliehausen <br />of Grand Island,Nebraska, to have and to hold to her and her heirs absolutely and forever. <br />;LASTLY, I make, consitute and appoint Emma Elliehausen, my wife, to be Executrix of this my f <br />last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me_ made.. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal, the 27th day of <br />June, in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred twenty — nine. <br />e <br />William Elliehausen Seal. <br />This instrument was on the day of the date thereof, signed, published and declared by the said <br />J <br />!testator William Elliehausen to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at hio <br />request have subscribed our names thereto as witnesses in his presence and in the presence of <br />each other. Mina Mae Jacobsen <br />Eda Kruse <br />A.L.Joseph <br />i <br />"State of Nebraska <br />SS. CERTIFICATE OF PROBATE OF WILL <br />Hall County <br />:At a session of the County Court held in the County Court Room in Grand Island,in said County,., <br />on the 6th day of November, A.D.,19290 <br />Present,Paul N.Kirk,County Judged <br />IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF <br />'WILLIAM ELLIEHAUSEN,DECEASED. <br />I, Paul N.Kirk, Judge of the County Court in and for said County, do hereby certify that on i <br />the 15th day of October, 1929s the instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of <br />!'William Elliehausen,deceased, was filed for probate in this Court. <br />That on the 6th day of November,1929, said instrument to which this certificate is attached <br />was duly proved,probated and allowed as the last will and testament of the real and personal <br />estate of said William Elliehausen,deoeased,and the same was ordered to be recorded in the <br />records of the Court aforesaid. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court this <br />6th day of November, 1929. <br />(SEAL) Paul N.Kirk,County;Judge. <br />s. <br />