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-s + <br />JOUR NEU <br />Lewis Jungbluth, Otto Jungbluth, Mathilda Schuster, Walter Jungbluth and Clara Jungbluth, <br />absolutely. .` , <br />IT IS THI REFORE CONSIDERED BY THE COURT, That under the terms of the Last Hill and Testament <br />of the said Marie Jungbluth,deceased, the above mentioned real estate,to -wit: <br />Lot 3, in Block 6, in Charles Wasmer's Addition to the City of Grand Island,,Nebraska <br />did pass and descend at her death to Lewis Jungbluth,Otto Jungbluth,Mathilda Schuster,Walter <br />Jungbluth and Clara Jungbluth, share and share alike, each to take an undivided one - fifth <br />(interest therein absolutely. <br />Paul A.Kirk <br />County Judge <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />CERTIFICATE <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) I, Paul N.Kirk, County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, do hereby <br />ss. <br />HALL COUNTY certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of LAST WILL AND <br />' TESTAMENT, CERTIFICATE OF PROBATE AND FINAL DECREE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARIE <br />JUNGBLUTH,DECEASED, with the original record thereof, now remaining in said Court, that the same <br />is a correct transcript thereof, and of the whole of such original record; that said Court is <br />a Court of Record having a seal, which seal is hereto attached; that said Court has no Clerk <br />authorized to :.sitn certificates in his own name, and that I am the legal custodian of said Seal <br />and of the Records of said Court, and that the foregoing attestation is in due form of law. <br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court, at <br />Grand Island, this 10th day of March, 1931- <br />Paul N.Kirk, <br />(SEAL) County Judge. <br />Filed for record this 10th day of March. 1931, at 2:15 o'clock P.M. C�f <br />x ti <br />Register of Deeds <br />0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 - 0- 0 - 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0 - 0- 0- 0- 0- 0 - 0- 0- 0- 0 - 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0 - 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0 <br />LAST t "TILL AND TESTATMEN'T, PROBATE C RTIFICATE AND FINAL DECREE. <br />LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT � <br />I, Charles L.Rickard, of the town of Alda, in the County of Ha.11,and State of Nebraska, being <br />rof sound mind, memory, c.nd understanding, do make my last will and testament in the manner and' <br />form following and hereby revoke all former wills male by me: <br />:.;First; I give,devise and bequeath to my daughter Effie E..Compton upon my death the following <br />.described real estate: The West half of the Northwest Quarter of Section Twenty -eight (25) <br />Township Eleven (11) ;Range Eleven (11),West of the 6th P.M.,Hall County, Nebraska. <br />;Second. I give,devise and bequeath to my son George F.Rickard upon my death the following des <br />!:cribed real estate: The east Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section Twenty -eight (29),Town- <br />ship Eleven (11) N.,Range Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M.,all in Hall County,Nebraska. <br />;Third; I give, devise and bequeath to my daughter Nellie R.Orndoff upon my death the follow- <br />ing described real estate: The East half of the Southwest Quarter of Section Thirty(30),Town <br />',iship Eleven (11),N.,Range Ten (10) ;Test of the 6th P.M.,Hall County,Nebraska. <br />id Fourth. I give,devise and bequeath to my daughter Elsie E.Giersdorf upon my death the followin <br />'d described real estate: The West half of the Southwest Quarter of Section Thirty(30) Township !' <br />it <br />Eleven (11) N.,Ra.nge Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M.,all in Hall County,Nebraska. <br />Fifth. I give,devise and bequeath to my son Walter D.Rickard upon my death the following des -', <br />±cribed real estate: The 'West half of the Northwest Quarter of Section Thirty -one (31),Town ;i. <br />11 snip Eleven (11) N.,Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M.,all in Hall County,Nebraska. <br />11 Sixth. I give, devise and bequeath to my son Amer C.Rickard upon my death the following des- ii <br />cribed real estate: The East half of the Northwest Quarter of Section Thirty -one (31) Townshi` <br />