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!That all of said real estate, and all of the personal property left remaining in the hands of <br />,the Executrix, do pass to the above named persons in accordance with the terms and provisions <br />of the last will of said deceased.,. <br />;IT IS THEREFORE CONSIDERED AND ADJUDGED by the court.that James Paul Moore died as above set <br />forth, a resident of Buffalo County, Nebraska. <br />That the instrument admitted to probate is -the last'will.and testament of said deceased, and <br />that his estate does pass and descend under the terms of his said will, as herein found; that <br />the said Alice O.Moore Easter, Henry Lee Moore, Ruby Edith Moore Carlson, Nelson A.Easter, <br />Clarence Moore Easter and Nettie Easter Field are the sole and only heirs at law of said de- <br />;!ceased and the only persons entitled to share in his estate; that all claims presented against <br />said estate have-been paid, and that all claims not presented are forever barred; that the in- <br />': :heritance taxes due the State of Nebraska have been paid and the receipts therefor filed herei , <br />;and that there are no other inheritance taxes due the State of Nebraska, and no estate taxes <br />;;due under the acts of Congress; That all of the costs and expenses of administration have bee <br />,paid; that the report of the executrix filed herein is true and correct, and that upon filing j <br />i <br />,.receipts for the distribution of the balance of personal property remaining in her hands, as <br />f <br />!j <br />;decreed herein, that said - Executrix be discharged from her trust without further order of the <br />!I court. <br />is <br />J.M.Easteriing <br />(SEAL) County Judge <br />j <br />CERTIFICATE OF RECORD <br />'THE STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />)see IN THE COUNTY COURT: <br />(BUFFALO COUNTY., ) <br />IN RE: ESTATE OF JAMES PAUL MOORE,DECEASED, <br />II, J.M.EASTERLING,COUNTY JUDGE, within and for the said County of Buffalo and State of Nebrask , <br />j� and keeper of the records and seal thereof, - hereby certify that I have examined the within and <br />4 foregoing copy of the record of the Last Will and Testathent ,Certificate of Probate of Will and <br />and <br />Ii <br />Final Decree in the estate of James Paul Moore,deceased, and have compared all of the foregoi <br />with the original record thereof now remaining in said court and have found the same to be a.._- <br />correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of said original record. <br />I , <br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF-, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, on this .I <br />4th day of February,1931. <br />J.M. Easterling <br />(SEAL) County Judge. , <br />Ii Filed for record this 9th day of February, 1931, at 4:30 o'clock P.Me- <br />Register o e s <br />0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- <br />li - <br />LAST WILL A! ND TESTAMENT, CERTIFICATE TIFICATE OF PROBATV AND FINAL DECREE. <br />LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT <br />of <br />MARIE JUNGBLUTH <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br />That I, Marie Jungbluth, of Grand Island,Hall County, Nebraska, being of sound mind and die- <br />I! posing memory, but not unmindful of the uncertainties of human life, do hereby make, publish <br />f' <br />and declare this,my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me made: <br />1. <br />I direct that my just debts and funeral expenses be first paid out of my estate. <br />i 11. <br />I give, devise and bequeath to my grandson, Edward Jungbluth, the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, <br />A <br />