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6 <br />WI AND(i fLffi( f���f <br />LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT, CERTIFICATE OF PROBATE- AND FINAL DECREE. <br />'I, Saburo Shindo, of Grand Island,Nebraska, being of sound mind and disposing memory, do make <br />.and publish this, my last will and testament, in the manner and form following, that is to say= <br />FIRST. <br />I, direct that my just debts, if any, and the expenses attending my burial, be first paid out <br />!of my personal estate. <br />SECOND. <br />I direct that the property settlement between myself and my former wife, Evadna Shindo, as <br />set forth in the decree of divorce in the action in the District Court of Hall County, Nebraskat, <br />wherein I was plaintiff and the said Evadna Shindo was defendant, and which property settlement <br />was duly approved by the Court, be carried out by my Executor hereinafter named. <br />THIRD. <br />:I give, devise and bequeath all the rest, residue, and remainder of the estate, both real and <br />personal, of which I shall die the owner, to my beloved children, Kenneth Shindo, Yolanda Shindo <br />and Rodney Shindo, share and share alike. <br />FOURTH. <br />I direct my Executor, hereinafter named, to dispose of my restaurant business, my interest in <br />the pool -hall business, and any other personal property owned by me other than my household <br />.,goods, and from the proceeds thereof pay my indebtedness and the expense of my burial. It is <br />,my wish and desire that the real estate owned by me in Lots Seven (7) and Eight (S) in Block <br />Sixty -five (65) of the Original Town, now City of Grand Island, Nebraska, be not sold, but the: <br />same be retained for the benefit of my children and the income therefrom used for the support <br />and education of my said children, and under no circumstances shall said real estate be sold <br />until all of my children hereinbefore mentioned have arrived at the rate of Twenty -one years. <br />FIFTH. <br />,I hereby nominate and appoint The First National Bank of Grand Island as testamentary guardian! <br />for my said children, Kenneth Shindo, Yolando Shindo, and Rodney Shindo, during their respectivle <br />minorities. <br />SIXTH. <br />I hereby nominate and appoint my fiend and adviser, Ralph R.Horth, as Executor of this will. <br />i <br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this first day of December, A.D. 1925. <br />Witnesses: <br />Mina Mae Jacobsen <br />Saburo Shindo <br />.Anna Elizabeth Koborg <br />J.S. Wakimoto <br />!We, whose names are hereunto subscribed, do hereby certify that Saburo Shindo, the testator, <br />,subscribed his name to the foregoing instrument in our presence, and in the presence of each off <br />us, and, at the same time and in our presence and hearing, declared the same to be his last wi�l <br />;hand testament, and we, at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other, h�v <br />hereunto set our hands as attesting witnesses. <br />Mina Mae Jacobsen <br />Of Grand Island,Nebr�� �ska <br />Anna Elizabeth KoborEJ <br />Of Grand island,Nebr ska <br />J.S.Wakimoto. <br />:CERTIFICATE OF PROBATE OF WILL <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA At a session of the County Court held in the County Court Room in Gran <br />HALL COUNTY ss. <br />IIsland, in amid flaunty, nn tba 92nd day of _Tsnua=&- A_D-.3 gP9_ <br />Present Paul N.Kirk <br />County Judge <br />