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27,2 <br />WILL AND DECREE: <br />WILL OF JOHN PETER. PEHR.S. <br />I, John Peter Pehrs, of Alda Township, Hall County, Nebraska, being of sound mind and disposing <br />memory, do make and publish this, my last Will and Testament. <br />First: I direct that all of my just debts, including the expenses of my last illness and burial, <br />and costs of administering my Estate, be first paid out of my personal property. <br />Second: After the payment of said debts and charges, as stated in the first clause of this WiLI, <br />`I give, devise and bequeath unto my beloved wife, Sophie Pehrs, for her use and benefit during <br />the term of her natural lifetime, all and singular of my Estate, real, personal and mixed, of <br />which I die seized and possessed, and direct that she shall have all of the rents, issues and! <br />i <br />income therefrom during her said lifetime, and that she shall pay all taxes assessed against <br />same and keep the improvements on all of the Real Estate, in a fair state of repair. My desire <br />and the intention of this 'Sill is, that my said wife shall have during her said lifetime, <br />sufficient income for her comfortable maintainence and in case said rents and income should <br />not be sufficient for that purpose, then I direct that the Court, having settlement of my <br />Estate, shall make such aaditional allowance out of my personal property as may be necessary <br />for her care and support. This not to empower her, or said Court, to encumber or dispose of <br />any of said Real Estate. <br />Third: Subject to the life Estate given to my said wife in clause two of this Will, I give, <br />devise and bequeath to my son, August Pehrs, the South -Half of the North -west Quarter of Sectijon <br />Fourteen, and the East two - thirds of the North -west quarter of the North -west quarter of Sect -i' <br />ion Twenty -four and the East two - thirds of Lot Four, in Section Twenty -four, all in Township <br />Ten, North of Range Ten, lest, in Hall County, Nebraska, and charge the same with the payment ii <br />of Seven Thousand Dollars to be made by my said son, August Pehrs, as hereinafter stated. <br />Subject to the life estate given to my said wife in Clause Two of this Will, I give, devise <br />and bequeath to my daughter, Dora Schwieger, the South -east Quarter of the South -west Quarter <br />of Section Fifteen, and the East half of the Northwest Quarter of Section Twenty -two, all in <br />Township Ten, North of Range Ten, ?hest, in Hall County, Nebraska, and charge the same with the <br />,payment of Four Thousand Dollars, to be made by my said daughter, Dora Schwieger, as herein - <br />after stated. <br />;Fourth: The said sum of Eleven Thousand Dollars charged against the land and Real Estate devil- <br />ed to my son, August Pehrs, and to my said daughter, Dora Schwieger, in Clause Three of this <br />`Will, I give and bequeath and direct that same shall be paid to the following named persons, <br />in the amounts herein stated, that is to say: <br />To my step -son, Paul Mahn, the sum of Two Thousand Dollars. <br />To my step -son, Louis Mahn, the sum of Two Thousand Dollars. <br />To my step- dau -hter, .Meta Wegner, the sum of Two Thousand Dollars. <br />To John Moll, son of my deceased step- daughter, Ida Doll, the sum of Six Hundred and Sixty -six:' <br />i and 66/100 Dollars. I' <br />To Doris Moll, daughter of my deceased step- daughter, Ida Moll, the sum of Six Hundred and <br />Sixty -six and 66/100 Dollars. <br />To Mary Moll, daughter of my deceased step - daughter, Ida Moll, the sum of Six Hundred and <br />Sixty -six and 66/100 Dollars. <br />To my daughter, Louise Gutschow, the sum of Two.Thousand Dollars. <br />To my grand- daughter, Augusta Meier, daughter of said Louise Gutschow, the sum of One Thousand'' <br />Dollars. <br />And I direct that in case of the death of any of the legatees named in this Clause, of my Vill <br />prior to my death, then his share shall not lapse, but said legacy shall be paid to his heirs <br />at -law, as provided by the Statutes of Nebraska, relative to the descent of property. <br />P Y• <br />�I hereby direct that the above stated amounts given to the various legatees in this Clause of <br />,!my Will, shall be paid to them, severally, without interest, One year after the death of my <br />wife, and seven Thousand Dollars thereof is hereby made a lien upon the land given to my said <br />1 <br />