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<br /> . � C ' "" ' �L,�{�>.i.w..�. [. _a—_....�.....1 ...._.�G.."_S.._ .c..� �..�... �_� . �.._ _ _ -. _-
<br /> C:`
<br /> . . . . ''" _ ' {' . S�� � .. .
<br />. ._s' .G , - _
<br /> . . g� i���� , , ��_��t.:;
<br /> � cov�aan�YS .< <.. :
<br /> , ' �, paymo�, gprroyver agteea to make ell aymer�on tho seC�d QeSt wtten due. Unlesa Borto�.ver and Lender egree otharwise. any `
<br /> � : �, payme�Lerttter reeeivea from Bortower u►�ar Borrower's hnnafrt wllt tre eppttad fUst to emt amourtts Bortower owes on the seaaed dabt -
<br /> .� � • � ezetusive of irtterest or prhicipal,seoond to(n��sseurod dH�bt is pa1C iri tut��pfeQ�ent ot tht�aecured Qobt oeeure to►enY ree8ort.it wEit . . . . - ��'..
<br /> not reduce or excuse airy stluiiduied peynee
<br /> st!
<br /> . �, ,.v. '.�•:
<br /> � � 2,Cdcirtm Ageinat 4Na.Bartawer wiil pay aU taxeE,assessmerte.end otAer char8es atoributabia to dte propcetv whsn due and wi0 Qetend L�He , _
<br /> ' � ' � w ttte prope a�gainst arry daims whteA wmAd impair tRa lien of ttUs Qaed ef Uu3t.tsndsr may raquire Bartower to assign anY dBAts.ctaims or , �
<br /> , Estetfses�Bortower may have a8afnst parttss wRu su00h►tabor or matetla►a to improve or mNrrtein tRe property•
<br /> . ,. ' ..' 9.htauarneo.Botroxrm vriil koep tlse OrcDertY tnsured under tertns auaptaste to LenGei at Borrowers expanse aad tor Lende�s benefrt.A!! • ` , ' •���-
<br /> ' � :� � h�eiaanee poUdes shetl tnetude a�tandard mar�g aeciause tn favor o!iendes.lenQar wt11 be named as toss DaW e ar as the insured an any sue� �• . , t
<br /> � a�e�an�d�obL If Le�ild�er��equUes mortga8e pi�uran�,�B+orro�fagreea m��enu�ab Ins gwa�ncs M►es tang es��edr resg�_eda roperty ` .
<br /> :•---—�:"f' 4.Prapmty►.Bcrcower wiil keep the property in good candidan and make a0 repairs reasonably neeessary. f "
<br /> � .._�..
<br /> - -`'r`--�°—`:- 6.6��aa,8arrowar a�ess to Pav a3 Lender's exPenses.induding reas�Gla att�¢1ts'tms.if EarroMrer breaks enY eovanarris in thia deed - :-__=_y..
<br /> ' '' ` � of Lust or tn any oDGgation seuued by ttsis deed of trust.Barrower wI0 paV tttese amouMO to Lender as provided in Covenant 9 of this deed of -�
<br />__ ` .. trust. F`'�'
<br /> g,prt�gacatt3ty hite�asls.Untesa Bortower first oDtains Lenders written consen�Borrower will not make ar permk an}►cAanggs to+u►Y Prior ; � ; _
<br /> _;_ ' sepuity i�euesis.Bwr�ower xn1{perform all oi Borrowera obligatians�mder any Drior martgaga,deed Of ttust a�othet Seeur�iV agresment, F . a -;
<br />'�,� . � tne[uding garowers covenartts m mahe paymes�when dua. � ;n',°�-�'�;'.,
<br /> ` �,.;.
<br /> � �,�' �, ; 7.A�rrt ot Rerita mFd ProAtn.Borrower assigns to Lender the rema and profite of the Draperty.Unless Bartowar and Lender have agreed . „� , .� ,c-
<br /> 2 . .; , � �-�%,� othervvcse in wrritlng. Harrower maY cni(eet end retam the re�as long as Borrowar is not in deiaulL if Barrower deisutts.Lender,LenQefs
<br /> ���� agertt,or a eourt aADobrted reaetver may take Pu�on as�d manage ihe Pmperty end coI{eet the rents.Any rems Lender coitects shaH be t;• � h �.
<br /> - � appSied t'ust to th9 costs af managin�the DmAertY. indu�ing eourt costs and aioomeys'fees,cummissions to rerrtal aamrts,and ary othe► . ��`F-:
<br /> „.',`t necessary retated a�enses.The remaming amourt of rems uvill then apAly�o paymenta on the eeaaed de6t aa praviQad in Covanant 1. ': ;�.: ,�, p,��:.
<br /> ' �` •f B.Lcas�e�•Ccn�uRS:P�1d�stt�avdo�ne�Borrower a�eas to eompry wtm ttie pravisions of any(ease H this desd of trust is on ; . -
<br /> r _ ,� ' s teasehotd.tf this deed of trust is on a unit tn a eoridominlum m a piuu�d unit dew�apmem.6arrower w�l perfarm aU of Bmtowers dWes �
<br /> f. under�a eovenanb.by�aws,or regiilations of the eandomtnIum ar ptarmed�uJt dovetaPme�t. � . � �
<br /> . 9.AuB�mfiy of L�ndu to Pattom�!m Barrower.!f ffaaower ta0s w�pettartn erN of SotroweYs duttes under this Qeed of ttuaL Lender may x �
<br /> ` perEartn ths duSes or cause them to be petfarmed.A.sssdet may Bign Hortower's name orpay etry emount H rteeessary for perfarmance.tf acN
<br /> eonsouedon an thepropertY is�seoMU�ued c►nat r.�ied an in a reasarrabte mmuiar.l.ender may do vuhatever is�etessary to pmtiact lender'6 . + �,.,��
<br /> �� seaQitY tnterest in me proPertY.Thfs ma1►inctade a�teting the construction. _ • • �•�`
<br /> ..,
<br /> _:•"•> Ler.?m�'s f�sihne to persortn w�t rtot pr��end�r finm eaerdsing e�/of its otRer�Ats undet the law ar thls deed of Uuai. _.:>:���;�r'.., .��
<br /> " ` and vmTia'Eeat�itrte�from�tfse�af�ttte�����aid in f�ull a�t��e isr�tere��in eftect an tAe et�ed debLtmts w�6a dua on demand U. �
<br /> . "� ' r:�l.:. . � ;,•,�`•`
<br /> � ,;•, t0 Qefttt�t Bnd Aa�te�atton Ii BortOVUet faiLs"x t�9 et1V Paymerrt when due o�broaks atty eovenarns uar�..r this doed of Uust or arty . ;.
<br />?:��� . ,`f<'•4j•.'�.<;f .. obligatlnn sedued by this deed of trwt cr arty p�rr:�narcgage or dead af trust, Lender may accetarate the maLuity o!tho seauad dabt and •
<br /> --. _...iri� u , .demarr�*mmedlats paymerrt and may'sw:sZce the poxrec ot sata and any mher remediea Dmmitted DtP�P�eabta law. �* " ,�"�
<br /> 1,..�,f:, �. • . .. `',:-"
<br /> x�,c if,<< �'
<br /> r � 11.k��gucat 4or Na�e c1 Qefardt.h fs hereby r�qa�tttat wpies of tha notioes of defavit an�b sale be seM m each person who!s a parN �.�f �+,,
<br /> hereu.�rihe address of eact�such parson,as es�., hsrefin. �
<br /> - . . • ��yt� �' . `�.>;''a'(� '-•r,T �
<br /> ,. � c s `, . t��es of 8ais.If th9 Lsnder fivo&es t�e pvnwax':�58(0,ihe Tnistee shad firat oeeaM in the off[ce ot tha register of deeds ot eacA coumy �,>:��t� �
<br /> e ��'_
<br /> re;n the trust property or some part ar parce?S:�rax�at is situated a natice ot d�.°a.4t containing the infartnadon requited by taw.Tha Tn,stee s •. ���
<br /> �,.� shdll�s.srba�7 copfes ot the notice of delauit to�fitxrowe�.to esch person+�+ddais a paRy 6ereto, and to othet persons as prescribed by �..
<br /> �' � apptr,��ts.law.Not tess tfian ons mo�f efter L'�e.Tr.�Tae rea��he f►otioe sY`�aury,ar two months It tha t[ust prapertV.is rtai in arry ",��?
<br /> ' . • -` tnc+vr�.cr!c�ty or vi1lage and fs use2 b�+fartning�ersp ona car=mR an by tha Wsiar,the truste9 shall giva public not3es of s2'�m the persons fr',
<br /> t . � 8nd irr 4.�a manner presaibed bY a��f�taw.Ssrsise.withcs��amanA an gorr:wes,shafl sell the proparcy at puClic aueti�.i m the fifghast �+�s ����
<br /> � _•,;. bfddar.ffr r�quhed by tha Fasm Hocrgaz�Prote�+Ac4 Trtistax�II of4er the�r�erty in two separate sates aa required by,a�5cabt8 law. L , � �
<br /> "` � �-::� Trustee may postpona sa;s of all ar am�:,..arcel c�^.h,m Rrr�,�erty by publio announcemerw'at the time and place of anY Previnu6ty scheQufed sa:a. � ��,,:':r. .��.`,;'�1`
<br /> t':� , _.. . lender or ite destgnes s�►purchasc tha Dz�n1►a2"as�s�a. , .._ .�;.n;Yti`� , ;:"''
<br /> �t� • :
<br /> Upon�1p�atpaymem af the prke bi0,Trustee s:'�QeHver to the purchaser Trusme's Aaed comreying the property.The reekials eonteTrreO�n ' , # "
<br /> �" - .,;'� Trustse's deed s-hall be prima taete evidience of the 4ruth of the statements contafiad therein.Truatee shall appfy the proo3e�s ot the saie in the �
<br />; r•; : t o t t o w i n B a r d a r (a f t o a l l e�c p e r►s e a of the�.aTa, inciudin g. but not limited to, reasonabte Truntee's teea, reasonable attomeys fees art0 °���-�-
<br /> t
<br /> c �� • reinsmtoment teea;(b)w ail su�ms sewred by this deed of trusL end(cl thv Da(anco,ft any,to the persona legatty enUtl 2 d to ro�t v e 1 L , r��
<br /> •�,,
<br /> � � 13.Foredoarte.At LenQers option,tfils deed of tniss may be torectosad in tho manner provide by appticable taw for foreCos�ne of moKgagas -3 i'`°
<br /> � on teal OraDerN• �<<,�,=
<br /> ��� � �y•1 14.trunae8an.LenCer may errter the pmDsrtll to insr�et ft li Lender ghres Borcawer notice betorehand.Tha�ottca must staTe t�e teasonahiB .� •`}' �-�
<br /> -�� . , .:�� cause fof LendePs Inspection. -� �a r-
<br /> �.'�- .. ��..:-.�':�� .�:°==_
<br /> �.;. . - _ f�Qand�na8an.BoROwe�asai�r�a w Lender tha.��oceeds of any awar0 or dalm for dama8ea eenneeted with a wndemn�crrctfier takirtg ; ----
<br /> r
<br /> • pt¢Y m mtry part o}tAe property.�uch proceeda wi 16o eppiied as p►ovidad In Covenant 1.Ttas a�merrt is subject to tha tfcu�cd`.anY Orior
<br /> � . . sacr��gteomem. . . ,����,�- ... _
<br /> R . ,.
<br /> � . , . ;�+ 18.Wetve�i.By ex�i�ft�t3 arry reme�y avalable to I.ondor,LertQet dona not give tq¢�'T�r rights to(ater use ar�y other tems8y.By not exercis.Tllg ;+ ;y�,T
<br /> � . � remedy uDon Ba^-avim�e detauh,Le $ • �
<br /> ,,: any m nde►Qoes not weiva any r1gM ta tater cot����":.'°�e event o QefauEt(t k fiapyens agaln. .��±_ , ..
<br /> � ; .. -•t' 17.Jo1rtt end Severat u�y; Coc�gero:Succ�ssars�nd Aa�9ns eart:d.Ail Qudes uncs�ttu.s deeo of vust are jaicrt and sevaral.Ar►y �!{�,j ' ��
<br /> � i ' � �� Borrower who eo-signs this deed cf�u�rst but Qaos not eo-sign tha underivins�dobt insr,�vr�f does so anty to grent and eonvey that ��t 1�+ , �` �
<br /> j �+:� ,
<br /> ;,a. ' �� x�' Bortowel'8(ntorest tn the proDany to tha TNStee unde►thn terma of thb QeeQ of Vust.In ad6:�..a:cA a Borrawer agrass thst the Lender and ,Y;:'. � .
<br /> � � • :_„�, arry mher Borrower emder tNs Qeed o4 vust may extend,mo�or make arry ather changas in aho termo of thls deed oi wst or the seaaeA �;��• . �.•
<br /> .'�� dsbt wfthout that Bo�rovePa consont and wfthout r�ing that orrowar irom thetr:rms of thla daed of vust. ;� '�` t`:
<br /> r�� • � :'�", The duHea end benotrs o!thia deed of trust shall�vr3 a.�d Oonoflt the succossoro and assigns of Lender and Ba^r�va+u �
<br /> " - ,•� "` �, n��' 18.lVcSee.Unlesa otfiarwise requited by Iaw,erry rtoUco to Bartower shatl bo 81ven by defirering ft ar by,mailing h by certHi�mail aQQtessed to �, �
<br /> ,�� , � , Borto�xvr at the property eddress ora[�v�oNor addross that Borrower has glven to lender.Borrower v�ntl ghre any notio3 tn l,�mdar Cy cert(fled
<br /> 1,m
<br /> ,�•. �•:�� ' • ma�!tv Y.snCePa adCtesa on paga 1 c�f tfi�is Qeed of tru&t,ot to arry othm addre89 whid�Lender hne deslgnatod.Atry otha�n�'tStu to LerMer sAnll r
<br /> `.`���'� �'" ' bo sem to LenQer's sddresa as sfam9�n psAe/ot this deed of trust.
<br />���f': � .• '��.r . ' . . �
<br /> �... _...'���' �.� .
<br /> ; r '� , ;�l i My notfoe shatl Le Q+aame0 u have boen eNon to E'arrawer or Lendes when giwn'vr fio mtinnor stated above. �
<br /> �`" 19.Tranatat M tlto C4cportil ar a Ba:.a�xirJ ttttatest fn tho Qortowes.It etl or any part of the property or arry icst�arest in q is sotA or tranaferted � �
<br /> �: � � �-:'�:�, whh0ut LenCe�'s prlor wtitten corma:�t tendor may domand immodiMO paymoM of ttto sacured debt Lertd�rnay atsu demand immodiatA � � �� ,..;"
<br /> .��.. „�:�;.<�;`�;.,;..
<br /> �.. ,.,,,� � t paymtmt N the Bartower is noi a n�.:xal Dosaon an0 a bonefldal intorest in tha Borrowar is satr9 or vansferred.Howovc�, lender mey not t ,% '•'
<br /> �- • {; � ,: ,j � domond peymern in ths abuve situa:i�.a�i�!it is prohibitod Cy teQorat Ga�vAS of the dato of this deeG aP tr,sst. '�+;. ,,,.
<br /> '�`' ' � 20.Reeomroyanee.When tho obligaUon seciaed by thta daed of Yruaf has boen paid and Londer has no turCser obtigari�n w make adveneea
<br /> ���` : � . .
<br /> -,�. .. '•r•� undor tho instrumerns or a�eamente seeured by this Eoed of truat, tho Truatee ehalf upon written request by�flo Lender,reconuey tRe uuat .
<br /> ;:•r•. . � oDtigaUrton so eaUsfaiedSBnrtrower shal pay arry 8aordttNon�cp�ssto.er's successor in intore�t,tho bust deed and tY.n nate or othar evidonee of ffie ,
<br /> -�w. .. � .
<br /> _- : �. Z1.Sueeeszor T�uaoeo.LenQar, at Lenders o�on,may remove Tnisteo and appoint a succosaor tn,atea hy flrst.maiJing a copy of the .
<br />'�, � substitudon o!trustee aa requUod by aDalleablo aw,and then,by filirtg ffie su6stitutlon of vuatAe fur reeord in tho oNiee of the tagister of deeds
<br /> ot eact�cowity In wfilch the trust property,or somo pare thereof,is situeted.The succassor tn�atee,wtthout canveyanee of the property,shall
<br /> '�"L . succeed to e11 t8o power.duilas,authority anA titfv of tho Trusteo named in tha da►ed of truat and of any successor trustee. , ,
<br /> pw+� • � : � . ,
<br /> ��,', .. .. ..
<br />,•�; -
<br /> �^: � . .
<br /> � Ipego 2 0l?J
<br /> '�, . .
<br /> BANREAS SYSIEMS.WC..ST.CLOUD.6tH 8810t tt-800�99�•tEetl FORM OCMtt6N8 8t1991 �
<br /> -_:L___.: --:- ._..�
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<br />