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22 <br />77672 —STaT.T 1OURNAL r-OMPANY. LINCOLN. NEB _. ._ ._. _. . _. .. __..... .. _._ ._.._�.._.. _. _._ _.__ -._. _.... ._ <br />L. B. Stiner. The court being fully advised in the premises, and in consideration of the testa- <br />_ ii <br />'mony adduced and an examination of the files and records herein, finds: ' <br />That Myron E.Ling departed this life intestate on the 6th day of December, 1929, a resident of <br />Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska; that he left surviving him as.his sole heirs at law, neat of <br />kin and the only persons interested in his estate, Ada M.Ling, his widow, and Margaret E.Ling, a <br />;daughter, both of whom are of legal age; that he left surviving him no other child or children, <br />or any child or children of any deceased child. <br />'That on the 23rd day of December, 1929s Ada M.Ling filed in this court her petition asking for <br />`the appointment of herself as administratrix; that due notice was given by publication; as re- <br />quired by law, and on the llth day.of January, 19301 this court made and entered an order <br />appointment said Ada M.Ling as the administratiix of said estate, at which time she duly qual- <br />ified as such and has been acting in that capacity since. <br />..That as shown by the report of said administratrox all of the personal property of said estate: <br />#as been reduced to cash, and there is shown on hand the sum of <br />That notice was duly given to creditors to file claims, if any, against said estate; that said <br />claims were filed, to -wit: <br />State Bank of Hastings, on notes $1050.00 <br />Rutherford Broe.for building material 2395.03 <br />C.E.Higinbotham,on note 65.00 <br />that on the 15th day of May, 19301 an order was made and entered barring all other claims not <br />filed. <br />The court further finds that there were not sufficient funds on hand to pay the claims of the <br />State Bank of Hastings and Rutherford Brothers, but that Ada M.Ling and Margaret E.Ling have <br />given their personal obligation, and said claims have been duly reoeipted for by said claim- <br />ants; that all other claims, including the expense of the last sickness and burial of said <br />deceased, and the costs of administering this estate have been fully paid, settled and satis- <br />fied; that this court on this,d.ate, after due notict and hearing, made a finding as to the val* <br />ue of the estate for inheritance tax purposes, and made and entered an order finding and de- <br />claring that no inheritance tax was due or payable. _ <br />That said deceased Myron E.Ling died seized of the following described real estate,to -wit; <br />Lot 1, Block 2, Moore's Addition to Hastings, Nebraska, which was at the time of the death of <br />said deceased occupied as a homestead and is claimed by the widow as a homestead. <br />":'Southwest Quarter of Section 24„ township 9, north,range 9, 'hest 6th P.M.,Hall County,Nebraska <br />Northeast Quarter of Section 19, township S, north, range S, Test 6th P.M.,Clay County,Nebrask4. <br />Si of Lot 10, in Palmer's Addition to Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska. <br />which under the law, descended to Ada M.Ling, the widow, and Margaret E.Ling, daughter, in <br />equal ahares, subject to the homestead right in and to Lot 1, Bloch 2, Moores Addition, which <br />should be assigned to Ada M.Ling as a homestead so long as she lives. <br />That no reason exists for the continuance of this administration proceeding, and the same <br />should be closed. <br />The court further finds that the report as filed by the administratrix, Ada M.Ling, is in all <br />reapects correct and truly reflects the amounts by her collected and disbursed as such admin -, <br />istratrix; that the same should be approved and allowed as her final report and that she shou],d <br />be discharged from said trust. <br />IT IS THEREFORE ORDEEiED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT: <br />1. That the report of the administratiix Ada M.Ling, be and the same is hereby in all things <br />approved, and receipts for the residue of said estate having been filed, ..that she should be arld <br />is hereby discharged as such administratiix and her letters of administration cancelled and <br />