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<br /> `� •. t. Paym�sts- Bortower agrees to mate all erns on the seaaed de�t whan Que. UNess 8orrower end Lendar agree otfia^N'se. anY , . �'t, . ;.,:.
<br /> � • . _ � ., pgyRl8tit8 L8lLQ8t f@C8iv0S ttOrt1 S0 ����81IA 1lf0�PMaP�•�V��� tYmClR 6�t118 69Q1f88d QBbI OCC108}6t BffY @830t1 R W71 ' _ '. . � MF`: '
<br /> , , ;��,y e:dusive of Interest cr�• arR�mU7 the seaued debt ia pad8 in t�l. 1' .'.' .. . -
<br /> nat reduee er ezd�enY BtfiBdtded Paym
<br /> T._._.........+...... -� ��=ti�, . .
<br /> `. t 2.ixeims pAe�rn�at 4in�svt.Bamow6r irAi RaY efl tamss.�arats.and oU►e►char8ea emIDutaMe w tneproDen1►whan due and wi0 dstend tlUe . .
<br /> � ` Q�ete�a wtdeh Bolrov�nt��Y �'��vo�dA itin�atr pte Gan ot thts dsed o!tvst.Lsnder may requtre Bortower to asstgn anY ri9hts•ei�me or ���� `.: , .-
<br /> , r, , have egainst partiss u�th9 suPPN Iahor ar mamsiats to Im9rove ar maTMatn tNe ProAe►t1►• , s< `
<br /> Y c
<br /> ` .� ` � a�s,u�o. BortOWO�wID RBe¢V�9 6�aDe�U'r��d undst tem�s ecceytBbiD to lendet at Bostowers expanse and tM 4ende�e benefit A11 ; . -`�:.. ",
<br /> `� ' � inwrancs O�eina sAa11 inehido a�tartdard morteagapd�9euse in favor�f Lender.Lecuter wi!!De named as toss paYee or as tlia ir�suced on eny sueh
<br /> ` `� ���ea ae�.i�"i.e���r�ssm a�se Dins�uan�ortov�va�agrees m mai�in S�ueh insur�an�tar as lo�isg�as la gnd aam�gpto0e�tv : ,. . , '`
<br /> � •f. � ..., . � _ �_`�..
<br /> ' ' 4,p�o�ty.Bnrtower w�71 keep the proPertY in 8oad condition a�make all repai�s reasonab[y naeessarll. - <. �..
<br /> -- .- 6.6�sttsas-8onawer agreas to pay aR Lendefs eYpenses.ir►et�din9 reasonabte ettome7lg'tees,iE�arrar�et bre�s anY eovenarts in thia daed _ .- —_�:`-_'-
<br /> , of tcust or in arry obGgatlan seaued�y this Qeed ot wst Borrower wID PaY these amou�to Lendar as Provtded in Covemmt 9 of tl�is daed of i�. .<:
<br /> vtts� . ` .
<br /> 8.Pifar Scaafq fs�¢erests.Untess 8onowe�eD�$oao�vuefs oShgatlons�imd��enY Ortor mortgeg daed o uustPe or�oU�isi s�eamty a9reemert4 --'�'� ��'L
<br /> . se+aaitY+�� Bortower vv�U Derfom� V .
<br /> . trtdudmg Bnrrower's covena�c m maks paYmer�when�e. •`� '-�_ � �
<br /> � 7.�y�t���f Psofi�.Borrower assigr�a to I.eader the�ents and Profits of the pmperty.Ucdess Bonowar and Lender have agreed _ :V(i:,y�
<br /> otlserwTe in wridn8.Bortawat may caIIact mrd retain tt�rams as tang as Bamwer is not in default If Borrowar detsu�.���►.�der's .`..
<br /> agent,ar a cotat aDDciMed taceive�may ffice acsscssiun and manage the propertY and caltect ths rerns.AnV rertts lereder cotiecta at�aU 6a , , ' .,
<br /> '` e P p G e d fi r s i t n t h B e a�o t m a n a g in g the Dro R�V•indutfm g m�eDD h f�OaYme�s o^•M�e s e c u r e d d e�b t�a�s 0 v i d�e d�i n S C o�ve n a rt t 1�othes `:�,�_l;<`s�:'
<br /> ':�:;��• necessary related e�enses.The remammg amow�t of rarrts w i U .. ;•.;
<br /> �� 8�E�as�tda:Candamtnhuns:Wam��d tlr�it Oavdapcnartts.Borrower a ees to eompN wRh the Pmvisions of ar+y tease if this deed of tr�st is on '. l `
<br /> f:, a,l�aasehoid.It tlds Qeed of m�ss Is on a unit in�o eondamWum ar a p�ume0 unit develoPmBnL Bonower w01 Pedmm all of Bnrrower'S duties
<br /> � • cirnt�r the onvenarns,bWaws,ar regu1aIIOns of the oorednmini�or ptanned unit devabPmerR. � :±' .. _
<br /> ��.' •. �
<br /> _' . -�:._f�; �,putttptity af Lastdu to Par7atm tm BanonraT.!i Botrower feifs Lo peAorm erry of Bortavuer's duties�der Uus d,.+ed of trust,lendss maY �•t`;<;:. .
<br /> , . �:,��, �e A a r m t h e d u H e s o r e a u s e U e e m to be P��d.Lender mall sign Bosrarecr�'s nams arpay enY amo�mt if rtsa�l►far performan���ny `:;;.�;, ::.�
<br /> :,� �n s tr u c H a n o n t t r spr o p e rt y is d'iseomtmled ar��ot csrried an in a reaso n a bs maca►er.L e n d e r m a Y d o w h a t e v e r i s�e o e s s a r Y t o pr a t e c t i�`s ; ;y,„
<br /> , �i ry i n t e s e s t i n t h e p r o D e rt Y.Th i s m a y i n d i s d e e om p t e d n 8 t t►e e a r r s tr a c ti o n. •�. �:>:,:�.;. • .
<br /> .,< • ti n n d e rs ta�ure w per(orm wHt rmt PreduQs Lender from euerci�3n8 ar►Y af its od�er B�ts un�er the law or this Qaed ot vu�.. t� �,. � .
<br /> . ,�i�' L u iy am o u rt t a p a l d b y L e n d s r t o D r a t e c t L�r"9 s e a u i N°rt��est�II be sacured by this dsed of trust.Sucb amaw�ts w�t be due on demand
<br /> ' , : ` end w�U bear irtterest from the Qate cf the OaYu+s".-M uriL'1 p�id in fiill at th9laterest rate i n e ft�c t on t he s e w r e d d e b t :� f!f,�,�.`; '
<br /> ' ' ..:c'lf;� - . ,
<br /> " ,;• ' 10.Qatsutt�m0 Acater�tan. if Bottowar fau to make anY Daymerrt when due ar breaks eny covenants undar thi3 deed of trust ar anY ��.r'k��3`,`��
<br /> flhLpation seaued by�deed ot�ust ar as►y prtor martgage or dead of VusL Leeder may aeeelerate the maturiq►of ths seauad debt ar►� � �;f; +�
<br /> . , . . - damand immediate DaY�+�ent ant!maY Invoke tt►e Oowe►af sate aad any other reme�es permittad 6Y ePDUeaDie law. : �_:��;:�:,
<br /> : �x
<br /> � t�.�q��{a�{��s o}paP�,�iL It is hereby requested tnat coDie.a of the nottces W Qef�Jt an0 sa[e be sertt to each person who is a partY ,�t'
<br /> �" tsereto,at tt�e addresa of eaeh sa�d+D��as set forth Aerelc►. . :
<br /> td
<br /> . . ,�:,�,; 72.Pw�rer o!Saie�.If the leMer inwf�ea ttra�mwer of sals.the T�ustee shatl firat reeord t�the otftee af the re�ater ot deeds of esch cauntY ' �"°;t��fi��.;.�
<br /> � wherein Ma tsuat OrcOeriY m some pact cl ms+�i thereW is siwate�a natice of QatauFt wntainhig the information requtred dy Iaw.The Trustae . ..*1 f'�
<br /> i�a11 elssn maD copies of the notlFe of Aelsidi°�a tAe Bartower,to eaeh Percon who is a GtartV hereto,and to othsr petsons as presat�ed by �, f
<br /> , ��{dea�Dte Iaw.Nat less tt�d:e asrortth aftar the Ttustee reeords the notita of Qef�r m two moenhs if tfis vust property is twt.tn any �-
<br /> ,, �rpp reted cftY or vntage ac�s i��:�sed in tasming oparaUons prtied on by ths trustor.tk��n,sese shall8ive PuDGe noUeo of sale to tho Dersons � ;� , �1:
<br /> m;rt"fn the manner prescr�6a�' �Dlicabie law.Tnistee,r�i�vtut demand on Bortower.ds�t 5A0 the propartll at Dubfic-�on to th�hi8hest , j .� ,
<br /> ' 6• 1�
<br /> c �.� . I�tder.,lf tequUed by fhe Far�!'i:s�sstead Ptotection Ac..-�r�stse shatl offer tlte propaRy+cr tv+ro separate saf3s as re�r�d by eppilCablo law. t�;
<br />, ,,. .. .: .,�'n``�'.' � :rustae may postpone sate of a1t or arry Druca!Cf the P�'r'�'W VubGc ennouncamertt et tha time and pfars of anY Ore"druasly schAdutad eal�. , a��r�.,�:. �
<br /> � ;�'�.�'�p•'' LenQer or its designee may Purchese the Prepr�.t•y at enV sate. �r y.
<br /> xa��. ';�y�� '',:�
<br /> ,r . Upon receTpt of paymern of tha pdce 6id,Trostas sha11 EeRver to the putdtas�Tnsstea's deed eonvey(ng 1hs propertY.Tha teeitiats cor�fied in ,.��r,�, , ,
<br /> Trustee•s deed sha11 be ptima tade evi�ence ot the t�uth of the staLemente coMaineA therein.Trusteo sha0 oppill tns O�a�of tha sate in ths t .. �
<br /> ' to0owing arder: (a)to a�e�e�s of tAe sate, Inciuding, 6ut not limited w, �easanahte Tn�stee's teas, reasonabie attomeys tees aM =.
<br /> �' relnstatemerrc fees:lb1 to all sums sec�ued by this 0eed of trust,and(c)the batanee,if any,to the persons tegaRy entftled to reeeive it- ..'���'
<br /> . ���
<br /> - '' ' . Y�1► r..
<br /> • � r �3,��o.At Lendefe opUon,this deed of vust may be toreciosed in the manner provtQe by appftcabte taw to�toredosure of moRgages ;` , �.-�} �
<br /> '. , an real proparty. �`` .;:���.'
<br /> 1p,6u�cn.Lander may enter tho property to InsDeet it if Lender gives Bortewer notlee betorehand.Tha notiee must stata the ramanabte Y.
<br /> ' ¢xuse far Lenders insDOCtion. ' .�
<br /> %� , �ffi Cnadaituu$an.Borrower r�signs to Lender the proeeed�ai any award or Nafm for Aamages wnneetad wItl�a eande�tsndon or ctner taking �
<br /> • at�ail or any OeR cf tho�at�+'t'-t�S��n VfO�BQ$W'I'��7°��Orovided in Covenant 1.This assipnmerA is subject tm tltn�terms of arry prFa► �
<br /> : seauitl►e�eemerrt. .
<br /> , �
<br /> �x�� 18.Waiver•Bp ezercisirtg ery�*e:na�y eva'lr,�to lender,LenQer doea not gtveu�a�ry rlghts w tate�uso�othe►g e�fil•B1l not exercisin8 ;s t��,�; �
<br /> , � ,.���''� any remedy upon Bortowerc�autL 1.end�4�as not waive amr right to Ister conslder the evetrt e detauEt it IE• ,:, ��„�� _
<br /> , 77.Jaint aM Sovoraf Lta'�:Co-rt�ara: Sueeoaaare and Asai� Bound. Atl QuUea un�er tNa daed at trust ere Ioint er.d esveral. A�►y . ..•1..�•",•'-�'.
<br /> . goRaW�w}�p�Igns tloa �i af truat but doca nat co-slgn ffie unde�{y�ng Qebt Ir�sumem(s1 �es so oM►to�ant and eomrey that �:� .:
<br /> � � Bartowera iMerest in ths p�t�to tho Trusteo unQer tho terma of thie Qeed oTbust.In�di�on,sucA a Bottower agrees that the Lender and . •
<br /> o t h er B ortower under 4r,�t�ed of trust may extend,mad'�(y or make arry other ehanges in the tacros of tNa deed of trust or the seaaed "„, � .
<br /> . •. Q�witAout that Boaowar's consent and wftt�out re(easing that Bortower fro m tfie t e r m s o f t h i s d e e d o f u u s t. • • :
<br /> � The duties 2isd�ier•efita ot this deed of vust shall binA and benefd the suca�r•ars and assigna of tender asrd Bonowe►. � � ,
<br /> " 18.No�Un(es3 othoryvir�r�ulred by taw,any notice to Bortower eha116e given by QeliwBng k ar by meiling it by certified mail 8ddteasad to ': +
<br /> � � ` � � i3nrtower at.the propertY tdtl4�s or any other address Shat Cartower haa ahren to Len3�r-Bortower will�Ve as�y nottae to LnMat by certifled •
<br /> � mait w Lendafe aQGrocs arv I�sp 1 of thTs Qosa cf trust�a�[a any other adQresa vfiich W�ar has Cesignated.Any ottusr aoUcg Lo Landet ehail
<br /> , :.f,�r �`� itm ce�t to LenQe�'s eQdross�6tatad on page 1 0}thla deed�at mrst. . � � .:,,'.
<br /> Atry notico sfiall�a AeemeA to have been�iverr to Bortowar or Lertder when given in the manner stated ebove. G f .
<br /> � t9.Trana�m af t°ro��h►or e BaneEdai L�atest tn thn Borrotie►m.If ell ar arry part of the propeny aa e►ry interest In it is soid or tranaterrBB � �'>r,�,}���;; ..
<br /> wNhout lenQars pdot wattc..�consein. LenQsr may demand immediata payment ot the seuuad debt.LanQer maY atso domond tmmediate : _,_. ,
<br /> ' � payment if tho Botrower ta�az e nad�ml�ersan and a beneflclaf interest in the Boscowar ia soid or �enstened. Mowevw.Wnder may not ,(:'• . �.,:.,:;;
<br />- . ,- Oemand p�ymont in tho abam�ia�aUoms H it is prohiDlted by tederellaw as of the Qato of thia Geed of vust. �' ��,. ,,:,_.;,�`';:`
<br /> , �•._ . .
<br /> � � 20.ReeonvoYanco.Whon thn cDGgation seeured by this deed o!Vust has been paid and Landor has no further obligeUOn•to moko advanees • •
<br /> unde►tho ln�ltuments ar agreaments soeuroA bV this Qeed o}Vust,the Truatee shaij upon written request bv the Lender,reaonvoy tho Lruat . �.t.,,, .
<br />_- property.Tho LonQar sAa11 detiver to tho Borrower,ar to Borrower's successor in irrterest,the uust deed and the aote or other evidenee of the : •;S�_• .
<br /> - � . oLtigatlon so eatisflod.Bor�ower ahaft pay any roeardation wste. •N
<br />;.:.� , �
<br /> - ' Z1.Sueeaseor T�uate�. LonQer, at Lender'a o�ion, moy romove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee by tirat, mailing a copy of th9 ,
<br /> ' sutstitutton o}trusteo es requireA by appllcabte aw,and thon,bY tiling the substiwtion of trustee tor reeord in the office of the regtstar of Qeeda . •
<br /> ' ` � suecaed o ell�tho powe�tduUes author ry end title of tho Tru�s�tee�am e�n t°i,eTes e oi uu�� na d of eny�suecos�sar uustea of the proAerty,shall :
<br />_ � . . t , .
<br /> �.; � fpago?ol?1 . '.
<br /> ' . . pAHxEit95Y9TFM9.WG.�.��.�16630/�t-806897•�UiORMOCRMT6NE8/1991
<br /> ' 7 . . .
<br />- -.i� - -. . - .
<br /> . -
<br /> _ . � MY �.,���.--_�:-�t'---�^��^_� . . . -- .5l°:1� - .. --
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<br />