<br />I L Lrl N FD
<br />UMF t I I f f, t
<br />giving attention to his live stock interests and which prevents him from giving his business
<br />i
<br />the attention,he otherwise would in marketing his live stock and in re- stocking his ranche$.
<br />He has no son to help him,now,nor in the future.He has four competent and splendid daughters,,nd
<br />it is their desire,and his hope,and my own as well,to give them college educations,which willj
<br />.
<br />be very expensive,under his present business condition;and in his present outlook for the j!
<br />future. All my other children have homes,while he has nong,and'I have decided to give him �.
<br />fifteen thousand dollars additional out of my estate,with which to provide himself a home or to
<br />eduoate his daughters.If he uses the $15,000 for a home,I beg him to let this amount be the
<br />is
<br />maximum price which he invests in a home,so as not to overburden his good wife and daughters
<br />by the care and attention which a larger home would require.I advise him not to move away f'
<br />from grand Island unless his business absolutely demands it.I,therefore,give and bequeath to
<br />my said son,Theodore Reimers,the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars,to be paid to him out of my
<br />personal estate.My love for all my children is the same,and I trust and pray that this special
<br />bequest in favor of their brother Theodore,under the circumstances,will be approved by them,
<br />and each of them,for I feel that Theodore needs this extra help,and it makes me very happy
<br />to be able to extend it to him.My son Theodore knows nothing Of the execution of this codicil:.
<br />SECOND
<br />As modified by this codicil and by my prior codicil bearing date the 11th day of January,'!!
<br />1924,I hereby republish my said last will and testament bearing date July 19,1915.
<br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand this 12th day of January,A.D.,1924.
<br />Witness:
<br />William Suhr John Reimers
<br />R.R.Horth
<br />We,whose names are hereunto subscribed,do hereby certify that John Reimers,the testator,
<br />subscribed his name to the foregoing instrument in our presence,and in the presence of each
<br />of us,and,at the same time,and in our presence and hearing,declared the same to be his second'
<br />codicil to his last will and testament bearing date July 19,1915,and to be his last will and
<br />testament,and we,at his request,and in his presence and in the presence of each other ,have
<br />hereunto subscribed our names as attesting witnesses,
<br />William Suhr
<br />Of Grand Island,Nebraska,
<br />R.R.Horth
<br />Of Grand Islamd:,Nebraska.
<br />State of Nebraska,
<br />Hall County, ) At a session of the County Court held in the County Court Room in GrarA,
<br />feland,in said County,on the 20 day of June A.D.,1925.
<br />Present J.H.Mullin,County Judge.
<br />In the Matter of the Estate
<br />of
<br />John Reimers,deceased.
<br />I,J.H.Mullin,Judge of the County Court in and for said County,do hereby certify that on thie
<br />25th day of May 19251the instrument purporting to be the last will and testament with codicii,o
<br />thereto of John Reimers,deeeased,was filed forprobate in this Court. That on the 20th day of�
<br />June 19251said instrument to which this certificate is attached was duly proved,probated and;!
<br />i
<br />allowed as the last will and testament of the real and personal estate of said John Reimers,`'
<br />deceased,and the same was ordered to be recorded in the records of the Court aforesaid. j
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court,
<br />