<br />!f Therefore,prompted by a sense of justice and carrying out a wish expressed by my beloved
<br />6 wife,that her home should some day. belong to her only daughter j give,devise and bequeath
<br />to my beloved daughter,Alma Reimers Wietzer,Lots Numbered Seven (7) and Eight (8),in Block
<br />Numbered One Hundred and Six (106),in Railroad Addition to the City of Grand Island,in Hall
<br />if
<br />County,Nebraska,together with the tenements,hereditaments and appurtenances to the same be-
<br />longing;also,my automobile and all furniture,fixtures andbelongings contained in and about sa4d
<br />premises,excepting only,my personal wearing apparel,watch,oanes and jewelry,to have and to
<br />hold the same forever. I trust my dear sons and their good wives will agree with my views
<br />in this matter,respect my wishes and at all times promote absolute harmony in the family.
<br />THIRD
<br />I give and bequeath to my beloved son,Theodore Reimers,ay watch and chain,and to my beloved
<br />sons,Osear Reimers and Terry Reimers,I give and bequeath all the rest of my jewelr$,canes ands
<br />'! personal ornaments,and I give and bequeath to my sons,Theodore,Reimers,Osear Reimers and Terry!
<br />" Reimers,ay personal wearing apparel to be used or disposed of as they shall mutually agree uppn.
<br />FOURTH
<br />i
<br />I give,devise._.and bequeath all the rest,residue and remainder of my estate of whatsoever
<br />1'
<br />nature and wheresoever situated and whether now held by me or hereafter acquired,to my beloved
<br />sons,Theodore Reimers,Osoar Reimers.TerryReimers,and my beloved daughter,Alma Reimers Wietzer,#
<br />share and share alike;provided,however,that should any of my said children die before the timo
<br />of my death,leaving issue him,her to them sure iving,then and in any such a vent,I give,devise
<br />and bequeath to my oldest son,Theodore Reimers,as trustee,or if he be dead,to my then oldest
<br />living son,as trustee,and to their successor or successors in trust,the share or shares of my
<br />estate which would have passed to any such deceased ehildor children of mine,had he,she or thoy
<br />been living at the time of my death,to have and to hold the same in trust upon the uses and
<br />trusts and for the purposes following :To.manage,control,invest and re- invest the same,includi4
<br />all accumulations thereto,for the use and benefit of the living issue if any such deceased
<br />child or children of mine until the issue of any such deceased child or children of mine shall
<br />arrive at the age of twenty one years,when my said trustee,or his successor in trust,shall pay
<br />over and deliver to such grandchild the share of my estate,together with the 41ceumulations
<br />thereto,to which he or she is then entitled,and for the purpose of determining the amount to
<br />which any grandchild of mine is entitled,when he or she arrives at the age of twenty one yearn,
<br />where any such deceased child of mine leaves more than one living issue,my said trustee,or hio
<br />successor in trust,and my said grand child so arriving at the age of twenty one years,shall
<br />appraise at its fair market value that portion of my estate which would have passed to its j
<br />parent had he or she been living at the time of my death,together with the accumulations ther
<br />end divide such appraised value into as many parts as the children of any such deooseed child
<br />of mine shall number,and in the event my said trustee,or his successor in trust,and any gr
<br />child of mine arriving at the age of twenty one years,shall not agree in the appraisement of
<br />that part of my estate estate,together with theaccumulations thereto ,then the County Judge
<br />of Hall County,Nebraska,shall select a third person to act with my said trustee,or his suceesorl
<br />intrust,and any such grandchild of mine arriving at the age of twenty one years,to act as an
<br />appraisor with them,and the decision of any two of these three as to the appraised value of
<br />thatportion of my said estate,together with the accumulations thereto,shall be final and '
<br />conclusive in determining the amount to which any such grandchild of mine arriving at the age!'
<br />of twenty one years is entitled.Out of the share going to any grandchild of mine,when she or I
<br />he arrives at the age of twenty one years,my said trustee,or his suooessor in trust,shall
<br />retain the sum of one per cent of the value of the principal estate going to such grandchild
<br />