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<br /> ` prindpal amaunt ot tRe tndebiedness seaued by this Qesd ot Ttust.not inchcding sums advanosd to pr�the ee o eESd oi �
<br /> 4�. ,`�.;'4,:. T�usL exoeeA tAQ ortginai prtrtdpal amcunt ste�d Aecein.ar 8 5 00.QO .wt�ever ts�ater. '' �
<br />- y r 1�. '�3QO�rGtf����OIIa. :
<br /> ' ' t�' (a)B o r e�w a�Q 3 a 4�3 o 4 a a s c�.E x o e�l o a o i t t�N m�t cr p a y m ent or moQtficaton of amorUraUon ot ttse sums seare�by UJs
<br /> , ° � . � Qead ot Tnisi granied by lender b any euaoassar tn Ir�rest a Sortawer shall na4 aFarat�to releas�.tn asry manner.M e U a O�t- �`'•`
<br /> . ., ' � �;,:' ry oi tAe crtglnel Bomnvet 8ad Borrawers suaessars(n int�res4 Leridsr etiatl rtat be requiceQ to aommenos prooeadir�gs
<br /> , `..: ,. �` aga6tst su�suaessor or retuse t��nd tit�to tot paymsnt ct otPtetwtsa mad'iry amo��on oi tlte smns seaired Oy th�s
<br /> . '>�: ' oaed at Trust by�eason oi amr aamands made dy Na arlg1na16artawer and Bar�owefs sucoessors tn imeresi
<br /> �:�.� _ jp)Londefa Ao�re.WiYhout eftect�sg tt��aEtlity of arry oUter person tia6la tar the DaYment oi eny obpgatfon hereIn m$n- ,
<br /> - ` ticrted.and witRoui a�ecNn�the Uan as d�erge ot ihis Qesd ot Tnist uAon eny PorHos►of the FropBRS►act Oien ot that�etatata �
<br /> . - � `': reteased as seasdty tor tNde�Adi amount oi au unDad oDiigauons.lender rr�y.fram time to tlme ana�vflhcut rtotjce(iy reteasa �`:.,:
<br /> . ..� ":_` any pe�son so IiaDte.p�e�ctend the maturiry ar etter arry ot the terms ai any such obllgaUans.tii�9rant otlter ired�igences.(iv?
<br /> ,._ :;` ' ,.:.:s<., ;
<br /> ;•.:_.��:`, re(�ase ar reconvey.or cause co Ce retaased ar�aeamreYeO at arry tlme at I.endefs opttan any paroel.portlan or ail ot tha •,. .�
<br /> -�-_-�-�--�'"-'- hsrotn mentioned.or(vA make com�ar 'w,- _�-
<br /> r r �, t ., PmDaAI►.(Y)mke ar reteaso st►y�fter or aQ�itonel securitY�*�Y� �
<br /> otAer alrangamertls�vith dabticrs In�eta�on tltereta.
<br /> (c)Fprbearxnae�g Len�er Mat a Waflref.My farbearenoe bY f.ender in execGsing a�l rfgM or rerttedy hereunQsr.or oth- _
<br /> en+ri�effaNed 6y eAAlicahie tav�.shaA rtoi 6e a watvar cE or preduda fha exerc3se of eny sucA dght or rerrtedy.Y1�s prowre- --
<br /> • . . ment af insusance or the paymeat oi faxes or ottser I�ns cr char�es by lender shaU not Ce a watver or Lenders�lght m aooeFec- ••y��t.
<br /> . , ate ifie rnaGtttty ot tAe iMetiLa�ness&ecuted by t�is Qead oi Yntsi
<br /> (dj S�eostwra e�d Asrstgns Baua�dolw4 an�l�2var�f LIa�iRiy:C�p�e�.Tha cavenarrts snd sgceame�hereU�oor� �
<br /> : tainsd st�af!birt�and the�i�►ta hereundar d►atl Inura Ga.Ns�espst�hra suc�ts ettd asstgrts ot i.ertQet aad T�r.M . F�
<br /> . . i`'��,. oavananis and agreements o!Tnsstar shail be jatrrt amf sevarai.7t��pUons artd headtn8s ai the panagrepAs af�Qesd ot -
<br /> . ".' Trust are for wmrenisrta onty and are not to be used to tMerpret or dafine the pravisicns hereot ,,...''��:
<br /> �;.:..-�;;�.'�.'�.. (e}Request for[Zottces.The parties hereby req►cest that a oopy oT atry natice of defau►t Rereunder and a aopy of ar►y noflce ` �
<br /> 01 sate hsreunder be maaited ta each part�►to tNs Qeed ot Tn�st at fhe address set fortb abave in the rtmnner prasai6ed by �_:: �.
<br /> , � ": eypit�pi�a(aw 6aoePt far aay ather noUoe reqa�+ed unQer epyQcable tavu to tre given in anaiher mannet.anY�otloe pmvfded far
<br /> �� �:;� � ;.�',,�.�.; in t�,s Qee�oi Tnist shaU�e given by maiMg safi nottoe Dy oectiRed maA adQressed to tne dJier paRies.at�e atldress se3 '• °.
<br />� ;�`:};,'i,:�:,:,:r. taM abova My notbce proY�ed fer in lhis Oeed ot Tiust sRail be efte�ctiva upon maiting In the manner designated herefi.if .
<br /> ,���� _ . �, Tnistor is mora than ane person,natlw ss�6o tlts address set forth abave shaD 6a notice to aD such persans. r -
<br /> :_,:;:�'�i�.:; �,;`�.=._�, (�tr�spsictioee.Lendar may matce or eausa m bs mada reasanaDte entrEss�on and(nspseHons o4 the PrnpeRy.psovtded , .
<br />-�,. •- U e a t L e r�Q e r s h a U g l v e T i u s t a r n o S o a p r t o r L o a n y sud►t n s p e Wan s D s d l y t n 9 wasonabte cau�o fhsrebt retated tn LenQefs i�er-
<br />''���',�..,�� �.��:y' est in th9 Property. � • .
<br /> - '4 .'`,j`;�� (9)��Yanea.Upon payment at at!sums sea�red by this E�eed oi Tnist.Lender shall reQuest Trustee to reoomrey ttse
<br />� � i `��� �xi�;�,� Praperty and shall surtender this Oeed oi Trust and att noLes eYMendng ind$btadne3s ser.ured by this Qeed at Trust to
<br /> � . .. ? Tn�stea.Tnistee shall recamrey tne Prapetty.wfftwut wananry and vrithout charge to the persan ar persons IegaUSt�tes �-�
<br />- �;�, thereflu.TrusWr shaU RaY a0 oosts o4 reooNaticn.tt airy. �"?_
<br /> _ ;:.,.�:.,,�.,:. �`'�"
<br /> ' ��.', ,; •:..::� (h)Personaf Pro�eRY:Seceui4Y ASrea�nt�aQd�onal seaniry tor ttte paymertt of the Note.Tn�tot Aereby�ants ��..::
<br />• . ,,•� Lender undet tha NeDtaska Untfortn Commerri8l Cads a sean[tS/tMerest in�fi�hctiues.equipmer�and oiher pets�nal pmperty ,.
<br />` � •`• �'�,`; ased tn oonnac8on vrc'th�e real estats or imprava�nts tocate�thereon.and nct othervvtse dedaled or QeameO to ba a paR af ��.` .
<br /> • � ...`,� the reai esfate seamed hereby.This instrume�rtt str�lT be construed as a S$aaity Agr+eement under saId Cada.artd the Le�er ��-
<br /> ,,, •' ` shaU have aD the dghts and remedles of a see�sd�rtyr under said Code in ed�tlon to the�t�b art0 remed�a��mQer �..
<br />.:,�,�'s;�. `'.;`: ..�; ' ; and accanfed the lerMer putsuant to thfs Reed af Fc�ps�evided that Lande�s�and remedles under U�ts paragrapD shafl _:
<br />. ,-• Oe cumutattva with,and In no way a limitadon on,U�ar's dgMs and rem$d!��urder any other ser�rt�y agreemeni stgned by ��;;{•
<br /> >r;-r:r� :.�:;.'::, °.:, Bortau�rorTivator. �--
<br />• ,�.,,,.
<br /> " . •,:.�,. (i}�and IEncumbrancee.Tnrstor hereby wartants art��ants tt�t tt�era 1s no detauft under tha prav(stor�s af any ��'•`-�-
<br /> ";,, ,,. :•.�..�
<br /> k••�:: :.•_:.., :.:':,'�' mort�deed of husi.less9 or pu[rd�ase cnntrect desc�Ibirtg.�!a�2�tY Dar��flsg ProP�n7f.Ot otAer oatitr&ct�instrumertt ar F..�-
<br /> �'�::,r ag�eertr,ent constit�ting a lien or enaanbrance against aH or asy p�ot the�s�ty(coltacHvety.'Uer�.e�t�ln8 as of th9 � �.-
<br /> - Qate of thls Deed of T�ust end that amr and ail�xlstln8 Uens cemain unmodtfl�a�ePt es�lsdoseA t°L.ec�t in:Tnu��s wrii�
<br />_ ...�.t �. �. � ���..� ten msdosure o!Itena and encumbrances providad tor herein.Tnutor shset mmely pertortn all oi Tn�mc'a'o�ttgatfons. �
<br /> � .�._•�,� caven�ts,cepres�+�tlor�s and wamanflea under acry and all e�stlng and tuture Llens.ahafl prompUyr fonx�f to Lender cop3es �.�'-°��
<br /> �.. .. ����+���� of all natioes o!Qatauit sent in oonner�ion witP�any and a11 existlng or future Uens,and shalt nat withaut Lendefs prlor wrfGen �;'�":.
<br />. ��. �.:. :' �,:�, ocnssM(n any manner madit�the provfsb��ot or aftaw arry futu�a advanoes under any axJsting ar fWure Qens. � c= :,:.�'
<br /> r: •,' �AppQcatian at Paymor�.Untess othetwlse requtred�y t�-�.,sums patd ta LenQer hereunder.!nc[udfig wilhout Itmflatlon
<br /> . .s Raymenb oi prfictpal and irrterest.insurance prviceeds.conQena�atton prooeeds end renb and pro'f�s.shalf De appflad by
<br /> �. .,,'� . ��� • - �.ender to the amuants due and owtng trom T�r�4 Bomawer tn such o�+der as L.enQer fn ib sale d�SaaS��n Qeems deslr- k3iit�_-=
<br /> ,.� : � _�,.�..
<br /> • �:�� ; ��}�►arabliity.lt arry provlston of Nils Oeod oi Trust ca�r�aApllc�s7a i�nr or ts dedared invait0 or otAenM`e unen- ,� �.
<br /> .. :. . br�ta'�¢uch ooMTfct or tm�a00iry sewlJ not afiect the othev��c�ato�s aT thts Oeed of Tnis!or the Nnis whtrh ran�e�� G _
<br /> _ • : '.�_�;r����;;; efl'e��i�ut the oonflicUng provistan,�;rr,i ta this end�g+r�fa-c��!this Oeed oi Tmst and the Noie are dedared fn b�o�+.y
<br /> . eraDie. �
<br /> . �,•'. •
<br />- ., . . (�Temts.The terma'Trus�r and'Bortower:tc�i meJude tsoth singutar and ptural.and vfien the Tnistar and Bmrawer are ,-
<br /> ••�� the same persan(s),those terms as used in this Oe�Y ot Trust st�atl be tnterchartgeab fe. '�
<br /> ,,ti (m)Gavoming L.a�r�.This Oeed at Trust shal!t�:�v�med dy the laws aT the State oi IVe6raska.
<br />_. . . ..- :f����_ -r
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<br /> �t�f t'r�s0ot has exacufed thts Oeed a9ltusi as of the date tivNf�n a9uvo.
<br />_ �;��,�.:�" � . ,:�.,
<br /> :.a"r r . .:,.
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<br />_ � . . h�'o��.e� .�.�',c.��.,�, . . .
<br />-__�>;=-�,:.:� �Harold G. Ahrens) Trumar acu3�r : .
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