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<br /> . ���-- � � DEED OF'Pl��JST WfTH FU'fU�/�1//4PlCE� . -
<br /> _� ;�: . - . . _ � ��.. .
<br /> ���; ;�
<br /> :, r . <<'� : -. ;.
<br /> . ,� THES OEED aF TRUST.Ls made as ot the 6th day ot M8V .t9 97 .by attd emartg� '
<br /> F ::
<br /> �. <<- �.
<br /> ` '`"•� thaTncstar,� Harold �hr,ens an� TM;� a en*a��_ h�lshand artd wife • p� _ -•
<br /> � ,.; a.
<br /> , �
<br /> ,�{:: ,f���� vinase mai�ing address is 211 E. lSth St.. 6rand Isl and NE 6880I (herein Tn�sto�',whether u�e ar mflre). \o ` . �; _ , , _
<br /> {y�:°` . s maTnutea c;•�� �^;^*��ank a NQl�raslca Coraoration �' -
<br /> ��,•� � "��
<br /> �,��<` ` ' �� `
<br /> �+,���,f� .:rs ,�.;�. -
<br /> tYnose maII'mg ad�ess is�.Q.-$OlL1rsOZ, I`ra n T cl and I�i..E 68R02-�� � (�ere�n�r�ustea�.and ;�; •�� :
<br /> ,�,'�� +� :;� • . _
<br /> `t:"r't`�ff;• _ th�6@118ftCiary.cs• n..:..�.. Rank a 11e4�r.n�G� l`.�rnnrat;nit f .
<br />_��`'�rl_"jC7/f—_ . �7 � -,�" —
<br /> �!�r, . � � I� r.ra�d TET�v��l AI� ��tn�-�Kn� ere�n�en�e �
<br /> �
<br /> • ��hnse ma�'mg address is p_O_ Rex 1507.�-_■- --- - -- � r7• `s!�. .»
<br /> �4�'���` � �;�����: �OR VALUABLE CONSIDERATfON,Inc[udUrg l�e�det's eur.�an of�edit iQentifiea hereln toHatrOl d G Ahren� anQ �`� `�`�
<br /> � ���; ' `-
<br /> t�;• L`,jGS� e�+�'anc� huahand an t fw � _ t�_;
<br /> r :, ,1{���. ft:�tn`F�t+ovrer.'whether one or mote)and fhe trust Rerein cneated.the reoefpt - ` °
<br /> . �,��`'��� a!whtch is heceby aclmovAedger�Ttustcr h�}-iYrevoc�bly�eants.hansfeis.oomreys and asslgns ta Tmstee. IN TRUST.WfTH „ � ',��'
<br /> � •-'�: ;`.. .;'t.''.;: Pt�WER OF 861LE.fot ft�e benertt �rd��rpstf�y a�llettQar.um�and subject to tlie tem�s and aondrtfons E�ereinaRer s�et fortA.tha ceal � : `�-�` ��
<br /> ` � , > �;,�rl�� ��rty desatbed as foMws: ��+.. �,�.,
<br /> 1r Lo� Nine (9), Bloclt Fau�. Q:�}}.. M�rris 2nd Additi�rr to the City of Grand island, Hall
<br /> '' �� " `�'���' Ca�unty Nebraska. '��
<br /> 3.•-`�=.
<br />�.;, 'rll,.�' :.����:'��1 s � � Fh+PR�r
<br />.= r.��f���"31^;�:a':�•�,�E�tj,� , . - �". 'Y;1'°�'it'.
<br />���tf!p� ,`;�.h.'�SjG��fl.1� _ . ,,�� .'
<br /> r.��fv'�,�,.�c.?S,�F�•� rf,, . ,
<br /> :°.�'!'.'t,+;� •yr,.:::�r',�;, 1`c Togei4�er vuith aD bulldin�.UnNcauemer�ts.YixWres.streets,aiteys,passagaways.e�r�ts.d �. and �utenano�s -`�--.`.���
<br /> ��., : Sh P�� � ,rr.; �
<br /> �. '`�� ,�ss� �. loi�ted thereon or in ar►yw(se peet�'rriing there2�,and the r�rFS.issues and prot�ts.reverssans and�emainders thereot,a�t0 surJ�p� �`` �,�,,R.
<br /> x ;-�.,;���3,�L. �: sarta!properly U�st is atrached W the improvefir�t3 s�as tcr wnstltute a fuch�re�in�uding,but not timiffid to.heatfig and caoling equt�- `"� �;. ,�_
<br /> . � �%�{� ; mB�fi and together wlth the homastead ar m�i.u=�rests.if any.which interests are hereby released and wahre6;a11 of which.indud� ' ,� . .-_....
<br /> .. c: 'i•;: . � --
<br /> �,,t inp�epiaoemenb and addi�ans thereto.is her�+ttectarad W be e part ot the ceal estate secured by the I�en of thts D�of Tnist artd i: :�" �,� ,�,�_�„r
<br /> . .7:- • a fl o f t he f o r e g o i�g b e i n g r e f e r r e d t o h e�e fi a s�h o`P r o pe r t y'. , ^_ _-�:,_
<br /> �� This Oeed oi Ttust shall secure(aj the payrt►ent ot the prfcc�lpal sum and i�e�st evida��ed dy a promissary note or cred'd agre� i •�.� t,�r,�:�
<br /> ; ` = �,. m�tdated �aP 6, 14cf7 .IYdVU198Rt81U�I�IQ8LQ0� I1PCQf11F1PT 15� 20(13 . r� -
<br /> I f � �
<br /> ; F `��:,�,��' fi tlte origtna!pdnctpal amount ot$ 3_�36_76 .sr�d any and e(1 modfiptlons.extensIons and�enev� � F; - ._
<br /> � r���.� _ 1.i''` �---
<br /> )�h���1,s ,- ���.�:• tdieieoi ar i4ssreta end arry and ail future advanoes an0 readvanoes to Borro��(or arry oi ihem(f moce tl�an one)hereunder pinssr�,t � �'���'-..
<br /> ��,Y yY 2���f r }4:�>`f. Eo asa cr i�a.promissory rtotes or aedit agreements(herein calteA'Notey:(b)the payma�t.of oiher sums aCvanced by Len�r L� �'/f:_ �
<br /> t� psol�Lhe security oi the Note;(c)the performanoe ot all sovenants a�d a�merrts oi Y�sr set t o M here i r r.an d(�a i l prese M art d ��
<br /> ` ttrtwe inQabtedaes�and obitgattons ot Boma�l�(or any oi them ii moce than ane)to Lender whether dUect.indUect,aDsotute or oontlM � ,�,_, y-, "
<br /> � � � .i��� � �"� gant and wtiethet arisU B D y�ote,guaran ry.o�flraR or othervvlse.The Note.ffiis Deed oi Tnsst and amr and ai!other documerns tt►�t . .
<br /> ;, Q �;,__ .' "
<br /> •�, ;.�. ,. ,t,,, ., sscure the IYote ar ctherwke executed in connaction therewith,inctuding wtthout IimitaUon guarantees,security agreements and ,„ __ _s_;,
<br /> _ ��..;
<br /> :,,:a• asstc�rner�ts of leares and rents,sha(I be ceferred b herein as the'Loan(nstruments. "''
<br /> .; `f, ,,��,,;
<br /> a : .{+;' . Tn�storcavenanb end agrees wlth LenQer es foitaws: �N��4�; :y, ;
<br /> , ,k=, t. Payrtrent o4 tndebte6ness.AU lndebtedness secured hereby shall be pafid wt►en dua. '���, , , F,;� .
<br /> � ��' r�A ��, "� . 2. Tittes Trusmr is the awner oi the Property,has fhe dgt►t and authodty to convey the Property,errd v�arranb that the lien� t`� ' 't$ "
<br /> � �-�'�f��u� ed hereby Is a flrst and pdcr fien an the Property,exoept tor liens end enaimbrances set foM by Tnis4or in writing and deilvened�u � "'�-
<br /> ..� •,`_�;':�'1`A�,, . .'".` ,, .',,�t,,'f
<br /> �, �.' .;;��-.� L e n d e r b e f o r e e x e c u H o n o f t h l s O e e d o i T n i s t,a n d t h e e x e c u d o n a n d d e t i v e ry o f t h i s D e e d o t T r u s t d o e s n o t v i o�a t e a n y c o n tr a c t c r '��kf'i�;'�.� '�i'. �
<br /> �•. }• "� �herob➢gaUonbvfifchTrustortssubjed. ;,jb:., . .�; _
<br /> • 3.Tmcea,Qssessmenb.To pay Defore definquency ail taues.spedal assessmenfs and aQ other ct�arges agalnst the Proaerty. •.,?�^�:.� �: .•, •
<br /> ;. �,..:•�.,E;� .••� " raworhereaf0erlevted. . .'.�... �:
<br /> �� � .,i ,,tr�L•.l>
<br /> `�� ``•�,"'%�".��1'���� , . 4.InsurancQ.To keep the Property insured against damage by ftre,hazaads induded within t�e tam'extenGed coverage',and � � ... �
<br /> � �,'i��f;�;'!F i5t°% . � . .
<br /> .,�,��,, f�,1 . such other hazard3 es Lendet may require.tn afr.ounts and with compa�i�acceptabte to Lender,r,arr.�rg Lender as an addiUon2t �� ;• �,,zt#,
<br /> c,�., � >� ,•r. � . ,'�•rE(,.
<br /> ;;,{y:s:,: a�amed insured.v�itts tass payable to the LervJ�-r.In case oi loss under sucli policies,the Lender Is autf�-.sized to adjust.ooited ans , . : �,�,
<br /> s+:. ��. �' oompromise.a11 daims thereund�er end sha11 t.a.ie�he optian a!apptying atl or part a!fhe insuranoe p�rneQs(�to asiy inCebteQness �. s. . ' ..;''��4a�
<br /> �.-`�� • secured hereby and in such ortl�r as Lender may determirta;(I)to the Trustor ba be usEd for tfte c�sair ar r.�toraUan of ti�Property or �'+;`u;:�:' :���"'
<br /> ...: ;.. r,��;,;�. .� , ,.,.;; .
<br /> _.. �iii)tor eny oihar pu�pose or ot,�+�r*saUstactary Ua Lendet withaut eftect(ng tha iten of this Ceed o4 Trr�for the fuil amount seau� �;;��.,, .
<br /> - hereEy befor8 sudt��ttent evet taak p(aoe.Arr�appllcatlons o1 proceeds tr�indebtedness shall rte4 e�cd ar postpone the due Qats ��!'�}•,;. , .ti��'�•:
<br /> 7.rlr.. . . . i,•,�;:•
<br /> - oi arry paymertfa�sdra ihe Hote,or cure arry d�lt thereunder or hereur,�r. ' ' ,`;.. .
<br /> ��z . . 5_C�crow U�n vmtteen damand by ler,dar,7rustor shatl pay to Lender,in such manner as Lender r:say designate,sufBcier.t ;..:�
<br /> �'� sums tn enabte LeaCer to pay u+s4 tt:ey become due ono or more of the tottowing:(i)ail taxes.assessmer�and ather rfiarges agalnst ;,;:, .�
<br />;�.. � the Property, (ii)the premiums an fi�a property Insurance required hereunder.and(iii)the premiums on any meRgage inswgnce .. ;
<br /> requtred by Lender. ,
<br /> _ ' • - 6.E�nintonaneo, �i�and Comptianee witb I.at�. Trustor shatl keep the Property in goo0 condition and repair.shall '- •
<br /> ��� pramp8y repaU.or rep(aoe any improvameM�vhich may he damaged or destrayed;shafi not oommit or pennit any waste or Qetedora� • �
<br /> ,i; Unn of the Proparty;shaU nat remove.demoHsh or substenUally alter any of the improvements on the Propertyr shatl not comm�,su(fer
<br /> =`:;r'�i�;.,� or pertnft any act tn be done in or upon the Property in viofa�on oi any law,ordinanoe.or regulation;and sha11 pay and promptty dis- .
<br /> `':7���=-• • charge at Tnistofs oost and expense all Ilens,encumbranoes and charges levied,im�osed or acxessed against the PropeAy or arry � � �
<br /> �.��.,; . , .
<br /> , ..n�. partthereot .
<br /> c>k1!'- _._ _ �__ T.Earine�Domal�.Lender is hereby assigned al!wmpensation,awards,damages an0 otAer payments or retiet(hereinaRer
<br /> :�fS;.y Nscw�admo�e,sa�m+s� � `F �L�� •
<br /> ' � OS961ffGQtOBTitlCU1LO00T1181atlSD1l�fRtlOt¢Of1.lA�tMmtaL1 . ..V�• . . .
<br /> \`s� ..
<br />- �'jjl�,� • . . -�' .
<br /> , 'j-u -- .ri'
<br /> . - • ' _ _ ' .. . .. ,. ._ _'_'- �._'__'"._... .... ..� � .. . _ ..._ .. ._ . .... ' ...�..... .... . � . . -� . . _.. . . � . . _ . . ..
<br />