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<br /> P:',�,,. .,
<br /> 'r�t - . �� - {! �` 1�. ` (.r .. . �� , - f ` • -
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<br /> . w.r �_._. -- - f-
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<br /> _ . 1., _ . ���,yyygJ .. , ',. �.< _ .,y .. .. --
<br /> . .� �.[..J.J-`w•,..w..�..-/�m.-.�`^`» ..�.._.�__-.�,14 - ,' ^`i. . •.
<br /> � ��a ������
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<br /> .�,: : • < ; � '� ;
<br /> ` �, �: 16.Borrocver s CupS'•Horn''�+er shall be gi�en one conform�xl caPS of the:\ote and of thisSa;urty�InsTrument. �., '',
<br /> i T,Transter o!the Pmpert}�or o BeneTicial Interest in Borrusr•er.[f ati or any patt of the Propetty.or an} ; � �.
<br /> ' �'�? � ...
<br /> � � ` '., �,�, ►rit�rwst in it is suld or trsnstrrrrd(or if a brnrficial interest in Aorroner is sold or transterced and Iiarro�er►s nc�t e , . ..
<br /> rrt
<br /> _. _ _ ��;��,�►pr�n)«ithout i.ender'�:ptior�►ritten�onsent,I:ender may�,at iu uption,revuire immrdiate pa}mrnt in fuil of
<br /> - , ''`° a!1 sums sr:ured b� this Se�;urit} Insuument. Hoti�e�er, this option shnii not br rxercised bj lxttder�i r�rscisr �s _ ___
<br /> -.,.�-`'�',.�-=:' pnntibited by federal tari as ot the date og this Sesurity Instrument. . . -_-
<br /> -`°.�;�;'` U Lendrr eserc�ses this option,l.ender shall give Barras�er notice of a�-rlerstion.The aotia shal!pra��dr a period f:`.,
<br />" . "� tis'" : o€nat less than 30 da}s Yrom the date the notice is deliveced or ma'sled c�ithin nhich Barronet must pa}•all sums secured
<br /> ` f`� ' b,}thisSecurity Instrumen�If Borrocver fails to paq these sums prior to the exp�tation of this period.I.endec map im•okr �. ,�o .<
<br /> . � b`` ; ��}semediesperm�ttedbpthisSecuritylnstrument�vithoutfurthernoticeordeaaandonBorrosrer. - .
<br /> tiv . .
<br /> - � � l8.BorroRer s Itight to Reinstate.$Borro�ver meets certain conditions.Botro�er shall have the right to ha�e _�
<br /> .. : , �" ' �{o��t oq this Sevoritg Instsumeat disconsiaued at any time prior to the earlier of:(a)5 da�s(or s�ch other.period .
<br /> �, as applicable la�may specify for reinstatemeat)6etore sale af the Pcopertp pursuaat to aap�o�er of sale contained in �-��
<br /> � ' IIhis Security Instrumen�ar (b) enu5 of a judgment enforcing this �ecuntq Instrumen�'Those conditioas are that K - � --T�
<br /> � 8arro�er: (a� PaYs Lender all sums wfiich then cr•ovld be due under this Security It�struraent aud the Note as if no e _. , __� `
<br /> .^�. s all ea incurred in ' .._„'-
<br /> acceletation had occumed;(bl eures any default o4 eny other covenants or agceements;(c)paY P��
<br />. . ';'`�°� . enforcing this SecuritY tnscr�ment,includ�ng,but not limited to.reasonabie attorne3rs fees;and(d)takes such actios�as G ,. ',_ °-
<br /> ' � � L e n d e r ma p reasonabl y require to assure that the lien of this SecuritY InsErumen�Let►der�s rights in the Property and ` ..o..°.;; - •
<br /> ' '� • � Borrorter's o6li�atian w paY the sums secu t e d by t h is S e c u ri t y I n s t r a m e a t s h a U c a n ti n u e u n c h a a g e d.U p anreinstatemeat . r_•.,.
<br /> ,<.. , ;�,y��,on�,tWs Security Instrument and the obligitiofls�ured herehp shall remain fully eifective as if no acceleratictn s �P r�,.
<br /> � had o,;curred.Howevec,tius right to reinstate s h a l l not app ly in t l ie case o f a c c e t e r a t i o n u n d e r p a r a g c a ph 17• r ;_,`, ,�-."`,
<br /> :�� ::f. 19.Sale ot�Tote;(,'6ange of Loan Servicer.The hote or a partial interest�n the�;ote(tagethetwith thisSecw-ity t�f:
<br /> ,: . Instrument)rsiay be sold one or mare times ivithout prior notice to Borron e�'•�����t i n�ha���� ^ ,:
<br /> ' -J-�•.'•�`:;�,,:� �ICAOt4A eS t�'Loan Servicer)that coliects montWY PeYments due under the, �,.�
<br /> �`� ��- �. also may be one or more c h a n g e s o f t h e L o a n S e rv i c e r u n r e l a t e d to a sale of the:tIote.If there is a change of the Loan _'.:.�,�;
<br /> �, p h 14 above and a l ica b le la�v.
<br /> •. �,. •-: Servicer.Bottower�vill�e given cvritten notice of the change in acxordance�vith ardgrap, PP .~r
<br /> ••' •.;�� The notice wil]state the aasr►e and address of the neN Loan Servicer and the address to wiuch payments should be made. 4' `` `��:
<br /> ' "' � The natice�vill alsa contasn anY other information required by appiicable lac+. _.�:��:
<br /> .... ..�;...-•._.,., :; 1 storage,ar celease of " `Y�• �- - -
<br /> =.:W` --' 2p. Hazardous Substances.Borrower sha11 not cause or permrt the P�sence.�se,disp°sa.
<br /> any Haaardous Substances an or in the Prn�erty.Borrower shaU nat do,nor aliow anpone etse to do,anydung affecting - � _
<br /> • ,��• • t}�e prapertp that is in violation of anq Env�ronmental l.aw•The Preceding tcro sentences shall not apply to the presence. { ' � t , : , _
<br /> ' �;-.,,��' use, or storage on the Properts of small quantities of Hazardous Subs�ces that are genecallB recognized tu be �. � ; -
<br /> '�`�� � aPP�pna��normal resident�al uses aad ta mainteuance of the Propertp• ,�:�. • A r
<br /> � '' ;y;...��"�;�,.� Botrower shall pmmptly give I.ender written notice of any investigatio;�`..eisn,demand.laRS�.'t.or other action by .�• � �:.
<br /> � or vate a involvin the Propertc �:anY Hazardous Substance or � �,��',C fi�
<br /> . " �'!���3���F� any gavernmentel or regulatary ageacY Pn P rtY $ overnmental or � }���..': .:. �
<br /> Y
<br /> r�. 'y�ips,`; Env�ronmental Law of which Borrower bas actual knowledge.If Borrower iearas.�x+s��f:i�ed bY anY g , <•., �.`
<br /> - ��'•-=.'•� --�` � regulatory authority, that any removal or other remediahoa of anp Haaardous �u�nce affeccing the Propettp is � ,ti ,�
<br /> -.. �,i: ---- ; �r'�.,. ,.
<br /> .. 'sk�: neceaar9.$orrawer shall promptl�r t�ke all necessarY rem�dial actions in accordance witH Environmental Law. :;r<:�u:.: ..���_
<br /> ; ;� .. 7A, Hazardous Substances are those substattces de�ned as tosic or hazardous substances ;�,—... r��"
<br /> As used�n this patagraph ��` .
<br /> ,r ,by Enviro�ental La�v and the foltowiag substance�gasoline,kerosene,a�fl�able ar tosic pemoleum pmducts. ' /�,4�_ ����
<br /> ''%,. toaic pesticides and hesbicides, volatile solvents, materials wntaining �L•�stos or 4ormaldshpde, and sadioactive ,::
<br /> r. � h 20,"Environmental l.aro"means federat laws and lawa of the jusisdichon where the ;���::�'-`
<br /> matenais.eLs nsed in this paragrap ` ��'',.,��_
<br /> J J� ,
<br /> . '� • Properry is Iocated t�at celate to health.safety or environmental protection. f �%��,.-
<br /> _. r'.� ti
<br /> ' ; :.��;: , NON-iJl�'IFOR3,f�OVENAIv'TS.Bonuwer and Lender furcher cove�n�aad ag�as follows: , i r .-; �'�.�=�
<br />'�`;:;;��,:;':�. '• ' 21. Acceleration- Remedie� �� ��1 give aotice to �m�m�er p�not to accetea�tioa lolluwiag . <<��.
<br /> �� ,����r Borro�ez s�reach oi any ca�-e�¢s e.z a�..°a?ent�n this Secaritr Lusa�umeas.��ut not Qrior to�cceleration _ �
<br /> �'"�s�t''`�i�;�� ondes Q��tapb 17 anless a¢ptcc�kL�law psovides otheresis°.�.The aa�tiee shaf�s�ify:(a)the deiault;(b)the ,�
<br /> ; {�,�;�;,.;, �r, � �- -
<br /> - , � � actioa sc�ssed to eore the defanYt; (c)a date. not te�t�s��3D�°aSs Prorn t�e da�te the aotice is givea to - F`Y'.
<br /> •° � �,e _��<< .` . -
<br /> Borrower, 6y whsc�t t�e defanit must be cured;aad(��r�l�a.�Eait� ta cnre ttte default oa ot 6efore t�e date •
<br /> •� �' � specified i�n the m.ats�may result ia accelerativn of the sL�as s�c¢r�by this Secosity lastrument and sale of �,�. ;_
<br /> ;�� the PrapeaaF•'�e ixca�ce shall lurt6es inform Honower oY the ri�t to reinstate after acceIeration and tha :..„y a�_
<br /> � s e r t t he aon-esistenc.�of a defa�lt or sny other defense ot Bonower to � � _,,,,�,,.��;�.:.:
<br /> '� right to tt�i�g a►can�at action to as Leades:at its -
<br /> c . �� ' � accelera�:��a IInd sale.U the defanit is not cured oa or�ora the date speeitied in the notice. �_�� ,
<br /> { �3,• •'�`�;.4„� ,- nption, c^.,.�y r unse immediate paymeat in full ot aDD sc�ms secured by this Sect�rity Iastrnment w�thont :t .-,
<br /> , 'Y��- �'� further demau�aa� may invoke the power of sale aad a�y other remedies permitted by applicable 2aw. ':.��� ,
<br /> �:.:• � � .'+r';%:. ; Lender shall be ena�ttL'�d to collect all eapenses incurred in pursuia�t,he remedies psovided in this paragaph
<br /> � . . , ;;�,�:;,` 21.incloding.but�m7limited to,reasonable attorneys tees and cast�of title evidence. ;•1
<br /> . '�`�'?.T: .�. If tlt�po�ves of sale is invoked.Ttostee shall record e notice aS cf:c4ault ineach county in whicb any part of S ,
<br /> � ,�;?�'� �, the Pra�c¢s¢Y is locate d an d s ha l l m a i l c o p i e s o i s u c h n o t i c e i n t h� m a c�n e r}�Fe s c ribed by a p plica6le taw to ����.. .
<br /> - . � ' Borrocv¢a and to the other persofls prescribed by applicable la�v. 1iftes t�e4im�e reqoired by applicable law. , �r�t�.•,;„��
<br /> _ t�
<br /> _. ,�`�•' �
<br /> . �:�;�: . Trnstee s�l give pal�Qic notice ot sate to the Qersoas and ia the m�rt:aer ptescriEa�6y epplicable law.Trostee.
<br /> .;�: w;thoua deasa�s��en�arro�ve*.shall sell the Property at public acca-uca�to the bighest badder at the time and
<br /> - � ;r� .. ' place and unde��lke aerma designated in the notice oi sate in oae eir more parcels and in any order Trustee �
<br />