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40,2 <br />71-11 A-11D DEVIES LE <br />74AR1 -STATE JOURNAL M <br />COPANY, LINCOLN NEB. <br />1 <br />!' invest the principal and add the income tbereto,until my said grand - daughter reaches the <br />I' age of twenty -one years,at which time said principal sum and all a ooumulatidns therson,shall <br />be paid to her.But in case of her death,before she reaches the age of twenty -one years, <br />(Without leaving issue) then the said sun,in this item devised,shall be equally divided be. <br />1i tween and paid to the other five legatees hersinabove uamed,or to their legal case <br />i; <br />my said grand- daughter should die,before reaching the age of twenty -one years,leaving issue,( en <br />the said sum,in this item devised and bequesthed,shall be paid to such issue,as by right of rp. <br />j' presentation,at the date when my said grand- daughter would have been twenty -one years old, <br />had she lived. I expressly provide,that in no case shall any of said a state,in this clause <br />mentioned,be paid or descend to the father of said Gertrude Fay harsh. <br />Third: In case of the death Lof any of the above named legatees and devisee,leaving'tasue or de <br />oendents,before my death,the,n his said share shi11 not lapse,but shall be paid,under the abov <br />direotions,to such issue or desoendents,by right of representation.But in case of the death o <br />any of same,aefore my deathswithout^i slue or desoendente,surviving,then the $bare herein give <br />to such deoAkeed legatee and devisee,shall be paid,in equal shares to the surviving persons <br />named in the Second Clause of this will.This not to be oonstued to,in any way,modify the ex- <br />press oonditions: set forth in sub- division (F) of ,Clause, Ssoond,of this will. <br />Fourth : -I name,nominato and appoint my said son Edwin C.Burger,exeoutor of this will. <br />In testimony whereof I have hereunto signed my name to this instrument,consisting of two page <br />typewritten matter (including this page,) on this 4N day of September,A.D.1915. <br />Wltness,R.R.Horth. <br />0has.G.Ryan <br />Rosa A.Burger <br />We,whose names are hereunto subsoribed,hereby oertify °that the teetatrix,Rosa A.Burger,signed <br />her name to the foregoing instrument in our presenos,sAU in the prese4oe of both of us and at <br />the same time,in our presence and hearing,deolared the same to be her'�last will and testament; <br />i, and we,at her request,and in her presenoe,and in the presence of each other have hereunto <br />signed our names as attesting witnesses this 40 day of September,1915• <br />R.R.Horth,of Grand Island,Nebraska. <br />Ohas.G.Ryan,of Grand Island,Nobraska. <br />CODICIL. <br />I,Rosa A.Burger,of Doniphan,Hall County,Nebraska do hereby declare this present writing <br />to be a Codicil to my last Will and Testament bearing date of Sept kth 19150 <br />Whereas by my said Will I gave unto my daughter Mabel Pentico of Linooln,Nebraska one sixth <br />share of my estate,now I do hereby give and bequeath tmfo my said daughter the further sum of <br />One thousand daollars,($1000.),in addition to the said one sixth share. <br />I do hereby ratify and confirm my said Will in every *that respect. <br />In witness whereof I,the said Rosa A.Burger have to this my codicil set my hand and seal this <br /> of Oot.1924. <br />Rosa A.Burger <br />This Codicil was on the day of the date thereof signed by the said Rosa A,Burger in the pre- <br />senoe of us who at her request have subscribed our names hereto as witnesses in her presence <br />and in the presence of each other. <br />Nellie Adams <br />0.9.0arlson <br />OERTIFIOATE OF PROBATE OF SPILL <br />State of Nebraska, ) <br />)86. <br />Hall County. ) <br />' At a session of the County Court held in the Col <br />, <br />