John Spiehs,
<br />Henry Spiehs,
<br />Julius Spiehs,;:
<br />Heinrich Spiehs,
<br />Johanna Shulligan,
<br />Catharina Wiggers,and
<br />Dora Willman
<br />3 �_l
<br />in like parts,according to the last will of said deceased,which will was admitted to probate
<br />in this court,on the 30th day of July,1907,and is in words and figures,with certificate of
<br />probate,a's follows,to -wit:
<br />"I,Peter August Spiehs make this my last will,hereby revoking all former wills.
<br />I appoint my daughter;Dora,executor,of this will and direct that she be permitted to
<br />!i
<br />act without giving bonds.
<br />j All the personal property of which I shall die possessed I give to my wife for her use
<br />and benefit forever.
<br />I give,devise,and bequeath all real estate of which I shall die seized,to my wife for and
<br />during.her natural life,and at her death,to go as I hereinafter direct.
<br />Upon the death of my wife,I direct that my executrix shall sell all property,real estate
<br />and personal property of whatsoever kind,upon such terms and conditions as she may consider
<br />best,and shall divide the proceeds from such sale as follows,to -wit:
<br />After the payment of all debts and expense of administration of my estate,said executrix
<br />shall reveive twenty dollars as fees in full for administering upon my estate;she shall then
<br />pay my son,Heinrich,now 25 years of age,the sum of Six hundred dollars,and she shall pay to
<br />my son,Julius,the sum of Six hundred dollars,which legacies I make a charge upon my real
<br />estate.The balance of the proceeds in the hands of my executrix shall be divided into seven
<br />parts,and one part shall go to each of my children and their heirs,namely,John,Catharina,
<br />Johanna,Dora,Henry,Heinrich and Julius.
<br />I direct that a tombstone costing no less than fifty dollars shall be considered a charge
<br />against my estate and shall be erected after my wife's death,and shall be paid for by my
<br />executor,the same as all other bills.
<br />Signed at Grand Island this 10th day of December,A.D.,1906.
<br />Peter August Spiehs.
<br />The foregoing was at the date thereof,signed,sealed,published and declared by the said
<br />Peter August Spiehs and and for his last will,in our presence,who in his presence and at
<br />his request,and in the presence of each other,have signed our names as witnesses hereto.
<br />Arthur C.Mayer.
<br />Charles H.Willman."
<br />State of Nebraska }
<br />SS.
<br />Hall-County )
<br />On this of July,1907,the annexed last will and testament of
<br />Peter August Spiehs was duly proved before me.J.H.Mullin,County Judge of Hall County,accord-
<br />ing to law,as the last will and testament of the real and personal estate of said deceased,
<br />and the same wasadmitted to probate and duly recorded in this office.
<br />In testimony whereof,I have hereunto set my hand and official seal, the day and year
<br />above written.
<br />J.H.Mullin,County- Judge."
<br />IT IS THEREFORE,ORDERED,ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the final report of the executrix be, i
<br />and the same is hereby approved and allowed,and that j
<br />The South Half of the Northeast Quarter (Sj NEJ) of Section Twenty-Five (25),Township
<br />