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<br />That due notice to creditors has been given.
<br />That all claims allowed against said estate have been fully paid and satisfied;and
<br />That said estate is fully solvent.
<br />That by the terms of the last will and testament of said Edwin A.- Searson,deceased $50.00 i
<br />cash was bequeathed to his daughter,Marguerite Dallas Lavender;$50.00 in cash was bequeathed
<br />his daughter,Irene Edwina Searson;all the rest,residue and remainder of his property,real,and
<br />personal,was bequeathed end devised to his wife,Lola D.Searson.
<br />Aside from the sum of $115.29 in cash,the only other, asset in the Estate of Edwin A.Searsol
<br />deceased,is an undivided } interest in the Southwest Quarter of Section 22,Township 11,Range
<br />10,Hall County,Nebraska,which property, was taken by,and is now held it the name of,C#ar3me
<br />!" D.Searson,fam himself,his brother,Albert D.Searson,his brother;James W.Searson,and his
<br />brother,Edwin A.Searson,now deceased,under and in accordance with the t erms.of the will of
<br />ii
<br />their mother,Jennie Searson,duly admitted to probate in Hall County,Nebraska.
<br />That'after completing the record of this cause there will be due this Court for costs of
<br />r administration & the sum of $100.00,as attorney fees,and that after paying said cost the exe-
<br />cutrix will have no funds.
<br />k;
<br />THAT the said final administration account is settled,allowed and approved as filed.
<br />THAT the executrix pay the said costs herein taxed at $ and the attorney's fees in the
<br />of $100.00.
<br />THAT the executrix pay the following named persons the amounts set opposite their respecti,
<br />names as their respective distributive shares of the cash belonging to said estate;
<br />Marguerite Dallas Lavender $50.00
<br />Irene Edwina Searson
<br />$50.00
<br />That Lola D.Searson be and she hereby is decreed the owner in fee of an undivided j intere
<br />in the Southwest Quarter of Section 22 Township I1,Range 10,Hall County,Nebraska,and thar she
<br />be and hereby is decreed owner' of all the rest and residue of the assets of the estate of
<br />Edwin A.Searson,deceased.
<br />i
<br />THAT the executrix deliver over the personal property belonging to said estate to the said
<br />heirs,to be owned by them in the undivided proportions which each has heretofore been found
<br />entitled to,as their distributive share of the personal property belonging to said estate.
<br />THAT upon the payment of the said costs of administration,and = the payment of the money and
<br />delivery of the personal property as aforesaid,and upon the return of the proper vouchers and
<br />s
<br />report of her doings under this decree,and upon the approval of the same by this Court,the
<br />executrix be discharged.
<br />Bryce Crawford
<br />County Judge.
<br />Douglas County
<br />Bryce Crawford,Judge
<br />W.S.McEachron,Clerk
<br />Oma:na , Neb.
<br />F
<br />ss.
<br />' County of Douglas
<br />I,Bryce Crawford,County Judge of Douglas County,Nebraska,do hereby
<br />certify that I have compared the foregoing copy ofiWill Final Decree in the matter of the
<br />Estate of Edwin A.Searson,Deceased,with the original record thereof,now remaining in said co
<br />that the same is a correct transcript thereof,and of the whole of said original record,that
<br />I have the legal custody and control of said original reeord;that said Court is a court of
<br />record,has a seal,and that said seal is hereto affixed;and that the foregoing attestation is
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