AM 4 EA11 UTUH-1917
<br />3031
<br />$18,969.95,that he has expended in cash in the payment of bills filed against said estate
<br />and the expenses and costs incident to the closing of said estate the sum of $1201.51.
<br />That he has paid to Francis C.Stewart the sum of $4000.00 in settlement of-the bequest
<br />to the said Francis C.Stewart under the last Will and Testemertt of said deceased and that
<br />he has paid to Gertrude O'Brien the sum of $400.00 in settlement of the bequest to her under
<br />the said last Will and Testament.
<br />That after the payment of such bills,expenses and bequests the residue of said personal
<br />property has been paid,as by the terms of said last Will and Testament provided to Mary
<br />Langin,John Langin,Catherine O'Brien,Julia Farrell and Agnes Finney,each an undivided one -
<br />fifth thereof and each taking the sum of $2,673.69. The Court finds that the above and fore-
<br />going disbursements account for all of the cash coming into the hands of said Executor aid
<br />that he has accounted for and paid out all of said sums.
<br />It is,therefore,ordered that the payments of said Executor as hereinbefore set out be
<br />approved and that the receipts therefore be filed in this Court.
<br />The Court finds that the said Christopher Langin departed this life at his home in Grand
<br />Island,Hall County,Nebraska,on the 27" day of Apri1,1921,1eaving a last Will and Testament
<br />which was admitted to probate on the 29" day of May,1921.
<br />The Court finds that the said Christopher Langin died seized as the owner in fee simple
<br />of the following described real estate,to -wit:
<br />The test One -half of Lot One (1) in Block Eighty -five (85) of the Original town,now City
<br />of Grand Island,Hall County,hebraska,and
<br />Lots 39,40,60 and 61 in Redman's Subdivision,an addition to the City of Omaha,Douglas
<br />County,Nebraska.
<br />!' That by the provisions of the last Will and Testament of the said Christopher Langin,
<br />deceased,the said West one =half of Lot 1 in Block 85 in the original town,now City of Grand
<br />Island,Nebraska,was devised to his sister,Mary Langin,for and during the term of her nat-
<br />Ural life,the remainder thereof,on the death of the said Mary Langin,to pass to his nephew,
<br />Francis C.Stewart,in fee simple.
<br />n
<br />That by the provisions of the said last Will and Testament of the said Christopher Langin,
<br />deceased ,the said L (Its 39,40,60 and 61 in Redman's Subdivision,an addition to the City of
<br />Omaha,Douglas County,Nebraska,did pass and descend in fee simple to the neices of said Christ
<br />opher Langin,Lulu Finney and Mary Finney,each taking an undivided onedhalf interest therein
<br />and both as tenants in common.
<br />The Court finds that an appratembnt of said estate has been made as by the Laws of the
<br />State of Nebraska required,that a report has been made by said Appraiser finding that the
<br />Inheritance of the said Francis C.Stewart was subject to a tax in the sum of $109.99 and
<br />that said tax has been paid.
<br />It is,therefore,00nsidered by the Court that under the terms and provisions of the last
<br />Will and Testament of the said Christopher Langin,deceased,all of the above mentioned real
<br />estate did pass and descend at his death in the manner following:
<br />The West One -half of Lot One-(1) in Block Eighty -five (85) in the original town,now City
<br />of Grand Island,Nebraska,
<br />to Mary Langin for and during the term of her natural life and the remainder thereof to
<br />Francis 0. Stewart in f ee simple.
<br />Lots 39,40,60 and 61 in Redman's Subdivision,an Addition to the City of Omaha,Douglas
<br />County,Nebraska,
<br />to Lulu Finney and Mary Finney as tenants in common,each taking an undivided one -half in-
<br />