<br />V11-11 AVOW D2VM22 M2VVM___,D
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<br />to,said cause was duly submitted to the Court,upon the petition and the evidence produced by I he
<br />petitioner in support thereof,and the Court being fully advised in the premises finds that th
<br />said Augusta H.Aplettstoeser,died intestate in Grand Island,Hall County,in the State of Nebra ka,
<br />and that at the time of her death the said Augusta H.Splettstoeser was a resident and inhabitin.t
<br />of the City of Grand Island and State of Nebraska;that the said Augusta H.Splettstoeser died
<br />seized of an estate of inheritance in real estate,located in Hall County,Nebraska,consisting
<br />of the ownership in fee simple of an undivided one -third interest in and to all of Lot Seven
<br />i
<br />(7) in Block Six (6) in Wiebe's Addition to the City of Grand Island,Nebraska;that more than I
<br />two years have elapsed since the death of the said Augusta H.Splettstoeser,and that no applic�
<br />tion has ever-. been made in the State of Nebraska for the appointment of an administrator of
<br />her estate.,nor has administration mpon the Estate of the said Augusta H.Splettstoeser,deceasec.,
<br />ever been had in the State of Nebraska;that the petitioner herein is now the owner of said j
<br />premises and is a competent and proper person to institute and prosecute this proceeding. ti
<br />The Court further finds that the said Augusta H.Splettstoeser left surviving her,Anna Dine'
<br />a Daugnter,of Omaha,Nebraska;Louise Falkinburg,a daughter,of Lexington,Nebraska;and Emil
<br />S lettstoeser a son of S okane ,'ashin ton, all of legal age, that upon the death of the said j
<br />i
<br />Augusta H.Splettstoeser,under the laws of the State of Nebra.ska,then in force,the real estate
<br />.;iereinbefore described passed and descended as follows: An undivided one -third interest to
<br />Anna Dine,and an undivided one -third interest to Louise Falkinburg,and an undivided one - third
<br />interest to Emil Splettstoeser.
<br />The court further finds that the said Augusta H.Splettstoeser deceased,left a personal est to
<br />sufficient to pay her funeral expenses and debts,and that such funeral expenses and debts hav
<br />been fully paid;that if any debts existed against the Estate of the said Augusta H.Splettstoe er,
<br />1
<br />deceased,such debts are long since barred by the Statute of Limitations and are now forever
<br />I
<br />barred and precluded,and the Court further finds that the costs of this proceeding have been
<br />paid in full.
<br />is IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the Court that the said Augusta H.Splettst�eser
<br />died intestate at Grand Island,State of Nebraska;that she died on the 15th day. of Apri1,1925,!
<br />1
<br />andthat at the time of her death she was a resident and inhabitant of Grand Island and State i
<br />of Nebraska;that more than two years have elapsed since the death of the said Augusta H.
<br />i
<br />Splettstoeser; that no administration has ever been had or applied for upon the Estate of the
<br />said Augusta H.Splettstoeser,deceased,in the State of Nebraska;that the said Augusta H.Splett-
<br />stoeser died seized as the owner in fee simple of an estate of inheritance of an undivided onj-
<br />if
<br />third interest in Lot Seven (7) in Block Six (6) in Wiebe's Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska;that she left surviving her Anna Dine,a daughter;Louise Falkinburg,a daughter;and Emil
<br />Splettstoeser,a, son,all of legal age,as her heirs -at -law and her only heirs -at- law;that under the
<br />laws of descent of the State of Nebraska in force at the time of the death of the said August"
<br />H.Splettstoeser,the real estate herein described,passed and descended,upon the death of the s�l d
<br />Augusta H.Splettstoeser,as follows: An undivided one -third interest therein to Anna Dine;an
<br />undivided one -third interest therein to Louise Falkinburg;an undivided one -third interest the�ein
<br />,i
<br />to Emil Splettstoeser,and to their respective heirs and assigns forever,knd that the same is
<br />hereby awarded,and all debts of said deceased,and all debts against the estate of said deceas4d,
<br />if any such existed,are forever barred and precluded,and further administration of the Estatel'iof
<br />the said Augusta H.Splettstoeser,deceased,is hereby dispensed with,and said Estate is forever;
<br />J.H.Mullin
<br />County Judge.
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