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<br />1.
<br />That the said John L.Klein,died intestate on the 8th day of April,A.D.,1927,a resident
<br />of and domiciled in Hall County, Nebraska; that the real estate of which he died seized and
<br />_329
<br />possessed and heretofore described,is worth less than $2000.00 and is wholly exempt from
<br />execution,attaohment or other mesne process,and not liable for the payment of the debts of
<br />the d ecedent,and that the regular administration of his estate is hereby dispensed With and
<br />all claims of every kind and nature against said estate are forever barred.
<br />11.
<br />That the heirs at law and next of kin of said John L.Klein,deoeased,are as follows: Mary
<br />Klein,of Doniphan,Nebraska,widow,John G.Klein,of Doniphan,Nebraska,aged twenty - seven years,
<br />Clarence E.Klein,of Goodland,Kansas,aged twenty -four years,William A.K1ein,of Doniphan4ebra
<br />aged nineteen years,Orville M.Klein,of Goodland,Kansas,aged seventeen years,Raymond L.Klein,
<br />of Doniphan,Nebraska,aged six years,sons,and Mrs.Marie G.Sproul,of Norton,Kansas,aged twenty-
<br />two years,a daughter,who succeeded to the estate of which the decedent died seized and poss-
<br />essed,to -wit:
<br />Commencing at the Southwest corner of Section four (4),in Township nine (9),North of Range
<br />nine (9),West of the 6th P.M.,in Hall County,Nebraska,running thence East twelve (12) rods;
<br />thence North eighteen (19) rods;thence West twelve (12);rods;thence South eighteen (18) rods
<br />to the place of beginning;
<br />that the same is hereby assigned to said heirs at law as follows: to Mary Klein,widow,the use
<br />income and occupancy thereof during her natural life as a homestead,and an undivided one - third)
<br />in fee,and to John G.K1ein2Clarenee E.K1ein,William A.Klein,Orville M.K1ein,Raymond L.Klein,
<br />and Mws., arie G.Sproul,to each an undivided one -ninth in fee,subject to the homestead rights
<br />amd life estate of said Mary Klein,wif® of said John L.Klein,deceased.
<br />State of Nebraska,
<br />so.
<br />Hall County.
<br />J.H.Mullin
<br />(SEAL) County Judge.
<br />I,Agnes,.,Matthews,Clerk of the County Court of Hall County,Nebraska,
<br />do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true,eomplete and compared copy of the
<br />decree of heirship made and entered in and by the County Court of Hall County,Nebraska,in the
<br />matter of the estate of John L.Klein,also known as J.L.Kline,deceased,on the 28t# day of June,
<br />A.D.,1927,as the same appears on file and of record in said county court.
<br />WITNESS my hand and the seal of said county court at Grand Island,Nebraska,this 28 day of
<br />June ,A.D.,1927.
<br />(SEAL) Agnes Matthews
<br />Clerk of the County Court
<br />of Hall County,Nebraska.
<br />Filed for record this 28 day of June 1927,at 2 :40 o'clock P.M.
<br />Register of ee s
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