<br />UffPA
<br />The undivided one half of the northwest quarter of section thirty two,town nine,north,range
<br />ten West of the sixth principal meridian;in Hall aounty,Nebraska;and
<br />The north half of lot 14,in Palmer's Addition to the city of Hastings,in Adams County,Nebras
<br />and that and that no personal property remains in the hands of said executor,all having bee
<br />delivered by him and paid over by him to the widow,Ella L.Miller,the person entitled thereto
<br />under and by the terms of said will;.
<br />ll.The Court further finds that the mortgage for one thousand dollars which said will directed
<br />should be paid from the personal property of said estate,was fully paid and ditcharged befor e
<br />the death of the said Aaron Miller,and that,by the terms of said will,the said Ella L.Miller,
<br />widow,is entitled to all of the personal property of said estate,and that the same should
<br />accordingly be assigned to her. I
<br />12.The Court further finds that by the -terms of said will the said Ella L.Miller,widow,is
<br />entitled to all of the said real estate,to wit:
<br />The southwest quarter of section twenty nine,town nine,range ten,in Hall County,Nebraska;
<br />The undivided one half of the northwest quarter of section thirty two,town nine,range ten,
<br />in Hall county,Nebraska;and
<br />The north half of lot 14,in Palmer's Addition to the city of Hastings,in Adams County,Ne
<br />for and during her natural life.
<br />13. The Court further finds that by the terms of said will the said four c4ildren,Bgnton Lj
<br />Miller,Charles X.Miller,Arthur H.Miller and Mabel B.Rainforth are each entitled to the sum of
<br />four hundred dollars;that said sums are due and payable upon the death of the said Ella L.
<br />Lska,.
<br />Miller,widow;and that payment of all of said respective sums is a charge upon the west half of the
<br />said southwest quarter of section twenty nine,town nine,range ten,in Hall County,Nebraska,subeet,
<br />however,to the life estate of the said Ella L.-Miller in said premises
<br />14.The Court further finds that by the terms of said will the said Rolland Britt,grandson,
<br />is entitled to such a sum of money as would,with simple interest thereon fromthe date of its
<br />payment to his guardian,amount to two thousand dollars on the date on which said Rolland Briti
<br />will become twenty one years of age,to wit,the fourth day of May,nineteen hundred and thirty
<br />two ;that said sum is due and payable upon the death of said Ella L.Miller,widow;and that the
<br />payment of this legacy is a charge upon all of the real estate owned by the said Aaron Miller,
<br />deoeased,at the time of his death,the share in such real estate,of each of said children,being
<br />charged with the payment of one fourth of this legacy.
<br />15.The Court further finds that,subject to the life estate therein of la LMiller b the
<br />,, . � . Y
<br />terms of said will the said Benton L.Miller,son,is entitled,in fee,to
<br />The west half of the southwest quarter of section twenty nine,town nine,range ten,in Hall
<br />?! oounty,Nebraska,
<br />r:
<br />subjeet,however,to the payment of the said four bequests of four hundred dollars ech made by
<br />0
<br />the terms of said will to the said four children respectively,and which bequests iiere,by the
<br />terms of said will,made a charge upon said premises;
<br />and the said Charles X.Miller,son,is entitled,in fee,to
<br />The east half of the southwest quarter of section twenty nine,town nine,range ten,in Hall
<br />county,Nebraska;
<br />and the said Arthur H.Miller,son,is entitled,in fee,to
<br />i
<br />The undivided half of the east half of the northwest quarter of section thirty two,town nine,
<br />. range ten,in Hall oounty,Nebraska;
<br />and the said Mabel B.Rainforth,daughter,is entitled,in fee,to
<br />The undivided half of the west half of the northwest quarter of section thirty two,town nine,
<br />