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County Court Room in Hastings,on this 16th day of November,A.D.1926. <br />Present,Joseph M.Turbyfill,County Judge. <br />IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE <br />OF AARON MILLER,DEOEASED. <br />3 24�- <br />I,Joseph M.Turbyfill,Oounty Judge,in and for said County,do hereby certify that on this <br />16th day of November,A.D.1926,the instrument purporting to be the last will and testament <br />of the said Aaron Miller,deceased,which was filed in this Court on the 20th day of October, <br />A.D.1926,and being the instrument to which this is annexed,was duly proved,approved,probated <br />and allowed as the last will and testament of the said Aaron Miller,deceased,in and for the <br />state of Nebraska ;and it was ordered to be recorded in the records of the County Court afore <br />In 'Witness Whereof ,I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of said County Court ,at <br />Hastings,this 16th day of November,A.D.1926. <br />(SEAL) <br />Joseph M.Turbyfill <br />County Judge. <br />5.That on the 16th day of November,1926,said Charles X.Miller duly qualified as such <br />executor by taking and filing oath and filing bond as directed by the Court,and then became, <br />has been ever since and is now the duly appointed,qualified and acting executor of said will. <br />6.That on the 16th day of November,1926,an order was duly entered by the Court fixing <br />the 16th day of December,1926,and the 16th day of Maroh,1927',at 10 ofolook A.M. ,at the <br />County Court Room in said oounty,as the time and place for hearing,adjustment and allowance <br />of claims against said estate,and that all claims not filed on or beforeMaroh 16th,1927, <br />should be forever barred,and directing that notice thereof be given by publication in <br />the Hastings Daily Tribune for four successive weeks prior to December 16th,1926;that there- <br />upon such notice to creditors was duly given and published as required by law and in oom- <br />pliance with the order of this Court. <br />7.The Court further finds that the time for filing claims has lmng since expired and that <br />all claims filed and allowed against said estate,and the costs of administration,have been <br />fully paid;and <br />IT IS HEREBY ORDERED ANDADJUDGED that all claims not filed against said estate are forever <br />barred. <br />8.That said Charles E.Miller,executor,submitted his account and no one appearing to object <br />thereto or contest the same,the Court finds that said account is just and true and should be <br />and is hereby allowed and approved and ordered recorded as his final aoco unt. <br />9.The Court further finds.that said Aaron Miller,deceased,left surviving him as his only <br />heirs at law,devisees and legatees under the will and only persons interested in said estate, <br />the following named persons ,to wit: <br />Ella L. Hiller,widow,Hastings,Nebraska; <br />Mabel B. Rainforth ,daughter,Doniphan,Nebraska; <br />Charles X.Miller,son,Doniphan,Nebraska; <br />Arthur H.Miller,son,Doniphan,Nebraska; <br />Benton L. Miller ,son,Hastings,Nebraska;and <br />Rolland Britt ,Grandson,Hastings,Nebraska; <br />that said grandson was the sole issue of a deceased daughter of said Aaron Miller,deceased; <br />that said Aaron Miller left no other child or children,nor the issue of any deceased child <br />him surviving except said one grandson;that all of the above named heirs are of legal age <br />and past their majority,except the said grandson Rolland Britt. <br />10. The Court further finds that the said Aaron Miller died seized in fee of the follow- <br />ing described real estate,to wit; <br />The southwest quarter of section twenty nine,town nine,north,range ten west of the sixth <br />principal maeridian; <br />